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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. You know what a blat is, you do it all the time with that right foot of yours! The Wales meet was great - we met up at about 9am and finished about 5pm! Awesome day. And as we are all Attention Seeking Whores, it was great to stop whole villages in their tracks as 13 Z's rumbled by (all paying attention to 30mph limit - but the most fun is getting from 0-30, right? ). The only downside was the group of kids that witnessed the group photo because they preferred Val's car... does that make him the biggest ASW of all? If we can get five hours out of the day that would be good - light conditions will prevent anything more...
  2. You want to try being an Englishman working in Scotland - blatant racial harrassment every day! I didn't know how to wear a sassanach, or how to catch a wild haggis, before I lived there!
  3. like custard? Anything like this: I loved my kuro zed for the car it was. I love my UY zed for the car it is and the attention grabs. It goes without saying that I am a attention seeking whore. Hell, with a UY zed, i'm a fully paid up member Sarnie, are you parked outside a school? Weren't you warned about that kind of thing?
  4. Well... if you think your career is more important than touching up photos for me...
  5. Yeah, blat and cruise sounds great! We have to make it down to the coast, surely! I think we'd need to start earliesh because of the crap amount of daylight hours we don't get...
  6. Sweet... my Toyos arrive today so I'll be ready to try them out on the bends! It's been fun driving the Z with bald rear Bridgestones! Sideways when accelerating in 3rd!
  7. What about on a Kuro? Can you spin your magic again?
  8. Where is H5, not seen him on here for a while...
  9. Sarnie used the word "amalgamation" without passing out - good skills!
  10. If you go wider at the back but keep the front the same won't you have to recalibrate the speedo, ESP, etc?
  11. ..and did you see Road Wars last night? The cops have those tracker/finder units so they can find stolen cars quickly... they just drive along doing their normal stuff (hassling innocents, shouting at grannies...) and if the unit detects an activated tracker they go and investigate!! Awesome!
  12. I've done a lot of long distance trips in my first year, clocking up 18k (6k more than planned!). Like Digsy, any excuse will do for a spin. I'm hoping the long journeys are kinder to the engine than short hops, and next year I plan to buy / borrow a little runabout to keep the mileage down. I plan to have done 24k by end of next year - that only leaves me 6, including one planned trip to Nurburgring + possibly joining Val + crew in Europe... I'll never make it... On the long journeys I still love the fact you can do 80 @ ~3K RPM in 6th. LOL
  13. BTW, I was thinking of you the other day, Ming... The Traffic Taliban (TT) were out in force in Staines the other day but this time for a, hopefully, better reason celebre than speeding... they had a mobile unit parked up using plate recognition, two bikes + vectra, with a sign saying they weren't checking speed... even though the cynics amongst would be wondering why they were hiding round a bend where the speed limit changes from 40 to 30 on a dual carriageway Anyhoo, I hope they are catching the uninsured, untaxed, un-MOTd and generally unwashed rather than the more honest guvs amongst us. I think the TT like their new funky gadgets and hopefully it means they clean up the roads! Cheers to that!
  14. Och ya big jessies! It was a lovely night! Separated the men from the boys (Rob!)
  15. Yo - just got back from oop north - forgot all about this... anyone still going? I'm game... the Z isn't pretty at the moment but I'm still up for it!
  16. Oh, ho ho ho, velly funny. Will post pictures this afternoon, if you like what you see, then let me know, I can do cash, cheque or Paypal, if your off to the meet then I can do a hand over, + as your in Staines I could drop it of on my way back from work Post picture of what? You in a leotard? Pop by in Staines - I'm on hols till early Dec
  17. You're feeling brave today, Steve. Wait until Ming the Stevie-castrator sees that post...... LOL - exactly. A balanced individual like Mingr is just what we need on the front line of today's police force!
  18. I think think of some better ones for you Ming... M1 NGR R4 NTER C4 AZY IN5 ANE LMAO
  19. What's the latest me old mucka? I have money here with a picture of you on it... oh no, that's the queen, easy mistaka ta maka... When do you want this money?
  20. Can't do the 3rd, can do the 10th: Andy - 3rd or 10th Lugger Hanel - 10th Captint Stevie350z - 10th Pingu2 - 3rd or 10th mugwump sl114 (Louis) - 10th
  21. I wonder how long it took to prise the fear-stricken passengers out of the car after that.
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