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Everything posted by Andy_Muxlow

  1. Hello and welcome along buddy. Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  2. This is a 'mod' that I get round to doing on all my cars. Where did you source the fob from and what was the cost? Got it off eBay wasn't very expensive at all then cost my £9 to get the blade cut. Sellers name is written across the picture Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Hi Bob, How easy was this to complete please? As just bought the stuff of eBay gum... Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  3. Sounds like a great show, I may have to make the trip next year! Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  4. Hello and welcome along buddy. Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  5. It was used on 1 of the wheeler dealers programs, and the results seem to be good. I can't remember what car it was, but it seemed to work. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  6. Well it was in the mirror! Come on guys a news paper like that never lets the truth get in the way of a story 😂😂 Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  7. Are these an eBay find ? Thanks, Olly Hi Olly, Yes I got them off eBay buddy they were about £3 I think. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  8. Hello and welcome along. Lovely looking motor you have there. Good luck with your mods 😎 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  9. Hello and along 😎 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  10. Great pictures buddy thanks for sharing them. 😎 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  11. Hi and welcome along. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  12. Again thanks Amy this was a good show. Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  13. Lovely looking car buddy. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  14. Hi and welcome aboard buddy. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  15. Hello and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car 🙂 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  16. Looks superb buddy. I may have to do this one as well in the future. Sent from my iPad using a hammer and chisel...
  17. Nice what's next? 😉 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  18. Get your ticket if you haven't as no gate tickets buddy. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  19. Hello and welcome along 😎 Good luck tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  20. £225 is an absolute steal for these. I'd just buy them at that price to sell them on closer to Winter. Bradders, hold onto that price, You've got the cheapest set for Sale at the moment. Update your thread title with the price, so google searches will show up. I know Grundy but I haven't got the money really and I know bradders wants rid of them I didn't expect him to say yes and it's a free bump for him as well 😜😉 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  21. Ok bradders cheeky offer £100 and I will collect them 😉 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  22. Yeah but you have to stick it out in season 3 bit dull and long. Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  23. I watched these when looking for my zed and found them interesting and helpful in fact I have watched the buying guide more than once 😀 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
  24. Hello and along 🙂 Sent from my iPhone using hammer and chisel!
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