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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. How about turquoise? It will go nicely with some of the Soul Function braces I do likey!! The wife however doesn't like it - Then again I wanted gold/bronze TE37s n she said they're ugly.... SACRILEGE. Whatever you decide, slap Torqen logos on it all and pass it off to the tax man as a show car/marketting I would love to see how it turns out, going to be one hell of a thread. The most I can afford right now is 2 cans of plastidip to make the MK2 wheels all black hahahaha
  2. This isn't even funny. I have just got my MK2 Nismo in white like that, and now you start a build with goodies I can't afford..... If you don't post pics I will be seriously unhappy! Deffo go for a mad colour for the BBK - Like lime green!!
  3. Jelly of the steering wheel - did Jack do it? Might get one for my Nismo in the future
  4. I saw your 16 plate Nismo, sadly I was out in the GT86 sad cause I thought I was the only Nismo near Ringwood
  5. To be honest, these are the best circumstances to lose a trader. I'm sure we're all happy for you. Good luck with future work and I'll still send any and all work your way for detailing
  6. Sorry guys, its now been sold. Bloody eBay. Mods please lock/delete thread etc.
  7. Tempted, will let the other half know
  8. Can I be rude and ask if the car was brand new? The reason I ask is because I got my car brand new 2 weeks ago, dealer asked if I wanted carpets in mine - for £65. I said no thanks. They offered to fill my car, and I pay them back - again, no thanks! So they should have offered them to you, speaking from my experience. Got to collecting the car, nothing was overly wrong apart from my passenger window needing resetting, 1 minute job thanks to the forum They gave me the car with so little fuel the DTE said 0 and was flashing hahaha Other than that it was all good, and have put near 500 miles on her in about 10 days
  9. My bad, didn't see the date, just got sent it by family saying " bloody 350z's "... obvi taking the **** but yeah. can remove it if you want mods
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-39733851 Article says it all, Stupid behaviour, but still a sad outcome. Hopefully won't tar us all with the same brush.
  11. You seen the price tags though? The price of my car...
  12. NRE are like the kings of big power. They make 1k+ bhp monsters with only like 8 psi or something stupid. Seen a guy whos daily RX7 has an NRE in it
  13. So I'd murder my entire family and a kitten for this.... http://www.carbuzz.com/news/2017/4/26/Koenigsegg-Is-Hiring-And-These-Are-The-Open-Positions-7738918/ If only I had some form of mechanical skills hahahaha
  14. Chris@Tarmac would know, call him or drop him a line
  15. Chris@DedicationBlog might want these after his recent drift day, try contacting him?
  16. I know this is just a bit silly now, but is it really an issue with the MK2 Recaro's ? Some people say that OEM seats are just for show and don't actually support harnesses despite having the holes cut? Also they recline which is meant to be a no no?? I just want all my ducks in a row before committing to having one made up/buying one with all the harness accessories etc
  17. Yeah, I will deffo not be going 6 point then, 4 point should be ample for "daily" use - I don't track my car Thanks Matt, seen a few on there, but they're all in the US I want a tried a tested product that I can order and it arrives, bolt it in one afternoon and then enjoy Having said that, I found a thread on here with a guy whos mate made him one, so I have contacted them to see what they can do
  18. Mikevv

    Harness bar

    Really like the look of this Does he make them for a 370z? Also is it 100% reversible? I don't want to have to cut my car apart to fit it
  19. Okay well its good to find out now that it must be done up, deffo want to keep the stock belts if I can then No pics for you buddy I'm assuming a 4 point is fine, or do I need a 6 point? Many people are saying avoid a 5 point because of degloving - Thanks google
  20. Awesome. That's what I thought, however the Mrs doesn't like the idea cause of her personal airbags... she's worried it will hurt. Surely you can set them a bit loose like a normal seat belt, cause the 1mm gap between the harness and your body will be taken up in the event of a crash anyways?
  21. Yeah I meant harnesses, just over thinking I guess So I just get a harness bar in the back and it's all good? Never done this before so I want to make sure I get it all right before I buy stuff :S Can it be done without cutting into stuff? just a case of bolt in and bolt out? I'm trying to watch this but the camera work is so bad I can barely tell whats happening without sound ( at work with no speakers )
  22. Hi guys, I was wondering if there was a way to get a harness styled seatbelt into a MK2 nismo? The seats have the cut outs and I think they look friggen awesome, might even stop me slouching in my seat too! The only down side is most harnesses ( obviously ) require mounting at the bottom through the side of the seat, my question is as follows Is there a way to avoid this without buying new seats? I don't really fancy that idea, and I don't want to cut up the interior to make them fit either. I think I know the answer already but just throwing it out there cause I really want harnesses hehehe but I can't/dont want to cut up the interior for it!
  23. Hello one and all, welcome to seen through glaaaaaaaaaaass.... Sorry had to. Welcome
  24. Mikevv

    Dedication Blog 350z

    I watched it last night and laughed the moment he mentioned the @*!# handbrake. Its a joke even for holding a car on a hill, can't imagine what it's like for drifting. Feel bad for the guy, first time out and bins it twice, but he seemed happy n thats why he bought it Tarmac and other traders might get more business
  25. Gonna chime in my 2p. I don't give a damn who I buy it from, so long as its the same product, in good nick. Oponeo/black circles etc are all fine, tyres are all around 6 months old but not driven on so who cares? I got a full set of MPSS for my 350z for like £560 fitted. Bargain! On a side note, the Nismo is now £260 per rear tyre on blackcircles, and £210 from Oponeo! Pays to shop around clearly, as thats £100 saved just for the rears!
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