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Everything posted by Mikevv

  1. I thought we'd all agreed that they create more damage than they fix? Cue the detailers of the forum!
  2. Can I get a cheeky bump? If anyone is interested please come forward, I can only say no to an offer Just want to free up some cash for another project/hobby
  3. Does this mean you'll starting and stopping insurance all the time? Road tax isn't that much anyways, so I couldn't be bothered I daily drive all my cars, it won't rust in the time I have it/come to sell it so who cares. My 350z saw rain, snow, ice, thunderstorms - you name it, it had it. Only rust was on rock chips here n there before I touched them up - not bad for a 10 year old car with near 60k on the clock!
  4. How generous of you, I will collect them whenever suits you
  5. Bloody bargain if you ask me. GLWTS - should've been gone by now!
  6. wow what weird timing, we both were typing about the same tablet hahaha battery was crap.. and thats offensive to crap!
  7. I had a Galaxy TabPRO 10.1" Tablet - worst £230 ever spent, Was all great when I first got it, and I got it but then the reviews started to make sense. Battery life was terrible. and I don't mean like " oh it only lasts 6 hours " I mean it would go down roughly 2% a minute watching youtube videos if not more. Took forever to charge back after that too!! Now, I'm a Samsung fan, both mine and the lounge TV's were Samsung's flagships - all our phones are Samsung flagships of the time we got them. Started with my S3, then me and dad got S5's, brother got an S6, then me and dad upgraded to an S7 Edge and I gave my S5 to the GF over a year ago which is now starting to show its 3 year age. So she gets my S7 edge for free, while I got a nice new shiny S8+ last month. Somewhere along the line my mum got an S5 too, so yeah we like. Easy to use, reliable, and interchangeable. S3 - S8 hasn't changed much in terms of operating systems so you can use any and all I'd google it thoroughly, and definitely read reviews. Don't be like me and say " well you're special, ofc the battery drains with use..." cause it really did... badly.
  8. Have an idea for my Nismo... or your 6 http://66.media.tumblr.com/007168c486c96f0a50ea2e616368b2fe/tumblr_oblmo8cJED1ug9hqfo1_1280.jpg
  9. I'm 22 and I just walked into GAME and bought both of these, in person, with a straight face - For my GF I should add, but I test fit them on me... https://www.merchoid.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Pokemon-All-Over-printed-fighting-Pokemon-Leggings.jpg https://www.merchoid.com/product/pokemon-pokeball-sublimated-t-shirt/?aelia_cs_currency=GBP&attribute_pa_size=XL&gclid=CjwKEAjwpJ_JBRC3tYai4Ky09zQSJAC5r7ruK-MAvWQ1VGkv6-k4Cv0SLH5RYJrOVldPIaGubpAgiRoC0Abw_wcB#
  10. If I got this as a xmas gift I'd be the happiest 22 year old - But for £250-£300?!?! They can keep it. Rather buy real car parts, for my real car
  11. So, as my personal life is going well, I thought I'd treat myself to a third car. I should be saving for a house, but this thing costs as much as a small flat near me so why not. Also, who would say no to a GT3 RS ??? https://tinyurl.com/ha8fpwg
  12. ...Don't know what you're on about.... was always there...... * frantically opens up youtube to get the link*
  13. Look at around 1:08, 1:20 1:30 and 3:17... Not really a fan, but then they look dirty. I couldn't stomach any more so I clicked it off but yeah. P.S. I don't follow this guy, think he's a bit annoying - Watched his E92 video and couldn't stand it.
  14. Unfortunately circumstances have changed, and I can no longer swap these for car parts Have a little one joining my family/army of minions ( not a child, but will be my "baby" )
  15. Okay well after a LONG wait... Nissan finally got back to me... £137 for an oil change. May as well get them to do it. Get the stamp etc. What a fuss. Also I wish I had bananas for hands, comes in useful for other things
  16. I typically flash my lights, people get the hint n either flash back....OR flash me out of rage... both I take as a "hello fellow owner of the same car"
  17. Like these? Yeah, a mix of the two would be sweet! Like the specs of the 350 on the front and 370 on the back? I'm no designer... but that supra one has my ideas It's just to keep it classy and not too " cheesy/childish " Then sponsors can go on the sleeves? Like Tarmac, Adrian etc? cause lets be real, they're family
  18. This is a silly question, but what will they be made out of? (not that anyone cares) I can only wear 100% cotton, and has it be nice and soft... irritating when buying stuff online cause I can't feel/see the material as well as I'd like. 100% cotton seems to be consistently nice and soft, albeit at a higher price I really like the funny ones like " oh look a GTR... " OR " hey girl, wanna see my stubby" hahaha I don't think giant pictures like the scissor doors work, but the outline like the logo is good for T shirts. Can someone make a shirt with the 350 front end and rear end next to eachother, so like a design drawing? then on the back do the same but for the 370z? Heres my idea stolen from someones work https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/34/e4/9c/34e49c1ae165e786582e80556498d6eb.jpg
  19. Nissan say it doesn't need a run in, first oil change is at 10k miles or annually - However I don't believe in this. I find it a LONG time to potentially have metal fragments circulating. So I think I will just change it myself, how can they check if its Mobil 1 or Castrol for example - I will use Mobil 1 as they use those and Tarmac stock it If its a Ferrari or a 370z... metal is still metal. BMW require it, and that's on their new gen M3/M4 so they aren't exactly exotic like the screaming S65 was... I think it's a good sign that it should be done. Nissan didn't tell me not to rev it above a certain point, said go out and enjoy. I refused to rev it over 4k before I hit 500 miles and constantly varied the load... again Nissan don't say to do this, its old mechanical myths etc... but it can't do any more harm than hammering the @*!# out of it from the word GO!
  20. Hi guys, I took my car to Nissan the other day and asked if their service pack covers the run in service. The guy looked at me like " WTF is a run in service" so I had to explain. Not a good start. Needless to say, their 3 services for £345 doesn't cover it and I will have to pay for it myself. Now I don't see why I should pay Nissan around £300 for one oil change that is just for peace of mind, I wanted to do it myself - They charge £17 a litre for oil! Will it void my warranty if I do this myself? How can they tell, apart from if I use a non Nissan oil filter? I think I know the answer, but then again I would've thought a service department would know what a run in service is...
  21. B U M P - AND PRICE REDUCTION! Will do a bigger discount if you take both! This will be funding my race harnesses so come on guys - we need car parts
  22. They both look lovely. Whoever gets them is gonna get a good deal
  23. Yeah but those are real Recaros. The Nismos are just the backs, and don't come with heated seats unfortunately
  24. Seriously? Now mentioning MK1 wheels. I prefer them too, but the MK2 are growing on me, still want a MK1 spoiler hahaha
  25. I second this, with a payment of £10 a week yeah? Or a organ donation service? Don't see why I should have two of everything - Weight reduction bro!
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