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Everything posted by chirag1988

  1. What! Wait! How did I miss this?? What happened to the 350 mate? Which 370 did you get? Did I miss a thread on this?
  2. Back from 6 days of alcoholism and ready to hit the gym back again! Going to do a few weeks using Fat Grips to see if I notice a difference in my workouts
  3. What do you even get from fighting at a gym? (even if you lose) XP. The lifeblood of any decent RPG. Nice... reason being is that the highest level ones I have at the moment seem terrible compared to what I've been seeing at gyms. my highest are: CP 630 Pidgeot CP 425 Hypno CP 390 Fearow CP 358 Golbat CP 345 Golbat CP 319 Pidgeotto CP 292 Jynx Whereas at the gyms, I've been seeing have CP 1200+ on them usually! Surely I stand no chance? Yeah don't bother if you haven't got stronger pokemon - you'll end up having to use revive to bring them back and the top up again with potions. You'll have to train them and power them up before trying to battle gyms. People who own the gyms near me are very high level!!
  4. I went down the high street to get an ice cream on my lunch, had 6 of my pokemon faint whilst trying to battle at a gym, and then caught another 3 on the way there
  5. Can only think it would be you, going down Barkingside High Street at 6.35pm today. You're the only one I know who lives in the area with an azure 350z
  6. Well the time is almost here for my stag and I'm not quite as ripped as I would have liked, but then again i'm not doing this for a competition this time, and managed to maintain decent size at the same time too. Let's see how I am when I return...IF i return
  7. Nice! Managed to get myself a Magikarp, Eevee, Venonat, Caterpie too this evening! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Are you finding them pop up quite frequently? I'm not having as many encounters as I'd like. Magikarp - were you near water then?
  8. Glad I'm not the only one enjoying it! I caught a drowzee at work today
  9. Lovely wheels and interesting colour - GLWTS
  10. This was from Chris at Tarmac Sportz a couple of years ago - needed a fair bit of prep to fit properly
  11. That's not the V2 wing... This is
  12. Is that what you're playing then Chirag?! ...or more likely a suggestion for Fodder. Well I'm checking it out on my phone real-life pokemon, gotta be curious?!
  13. Did you click on the link? I thought the same too until I read the story
  14. I'd also be interested to see if they have sealed them properly. Let us know if you notice any misting or foggy headlights... Looks good though! But I agree on the indicator part
  15. That's bloody brilliant! :lol:
  16. Looks like Mines style lip - I've got it on mine
  17. They work fine here mate - anyone else having difficulty seeing it?
  18. chirag1988

    Nismo V2

    I had mine from tarmac couple of years ago but he's stopped doing them now I think. Needed a fair bit of work to get right but came out looking like OEM once finished
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