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Everything posted by d95gas

  1. Hi Chris, Just sent money over for 1 x Badge..... Included delivery address with payment Thanks
  2. Parked outside the Spar shop, you were just walking to it as I was (Suited) getting out of a white Mondeo...... I waited at the door to have a sneaky listen ...... sounded nice...... even more so as I have not had mine for a couple of weeks.
  3. The D1 throttle controller can be hard wired in. If I remember rightly its only using the OBD socket for Live and Earth. Just find a decent live and earth elsewhere, hard wire in and free up the socket...... Remember you will need a "Switched Live" as you want the controller to go off when you turn power off. Just about to do this to mine so I can use the Bluetooth reader in the socket all the time.
  4. To be honest I think I only did one each side as the poppers were brand new, and was unsure what others had done. I do have some tap washer so might add a few of those each side in the morning and see how it goes. Thanks Guys
  5. Try Si from Hide n Seat, a member on here, top notch work and sure he would be able to help you out.
  6. My boot release is driving me nuts...... Always have to press the button twice. Here is what I have done so fa New Heavy Duty Gas Struts New Nissan Poppers Removed Wiper Motor Removed Boot Weight Dropped the Catch Further Down I have the Stroesk spoiler on. I have even tried doing the penny mod on the new poppers....... And still I cannot do a one handed release, have to press the button twice and lift the boot off the latch, which is a right royal pain when you are carrying stuff. Anyone had similar problem and sorted it ? Cheers
  7. Put me down for a tenner....... Total shame to see a job like that, and for that cost...... what a shame
  8. Whereabouts you located bud? maybe one of the more experienced in dealing with airlocks on the Zed might be able to help; Zed Shed - Horsham - Sly - Etc ...... Assuming you are southern based. Might just better off taking the hit on cost to have it done by one of the pro's rather than keep getting yourself frustrated by the problems....... at least you might save your sanity I know when I was into MR2's, they were exactly the same - bloody nightmare getting airlocks out, had to resort to all sorts of ticks to sort it.
  9. d95gas

    Dash cams

    I run the MiVue 538 Deluxe, which i picked up from Halfrauds for around £90. Excellent camera, embedded GPS, Embedded G Forces, excellent picture and has built in static camera warning which they update on a regular basis on the MiVue site. Have it in the works car and its just a case of stick it on the screen, plug it in and forget about it. Nice piece of kit.
  10. Dropped you a PM, cannot promise anything but he may be able to help
  11. Really appreciate the quality replies guys, some fantastic information and ammunition I shall be speaking to BG today and get them to come back. I want them to test the expansion vessel whilst I am there, the wife wont understand and therefore wont challenge what the guys says. I will post back once I have spoken to them thanks again
  12. Something like that really has to be left to the experts. If I were you I would be driving it carefully down to Jez, or Recovery cover might help to be on the safe side.
  13. Thanks gsexr, good information there, all starting to make sense. As far as I am aware the pressure vessel was not tested, but I need to speak to the first BG engineer tomorrow as he seemed to have more about him than the second guy, who was a waste of space really. I am located in Darlington. Had a look on "yellow pages" and there is a local guy who has had a boat load of excellent reviews from locals, so will probably give him a call tomorrow as well, just hit at the wrong time as I am working away in Inverness this week.
  14. Bloody hate heating systems I just cannot get my head around the fact that we go to bed at 10pm, we get up a 5am and pressure is down to about 0.5 bar. Yet I can pressurise the system to approx 1bar, leave it all day long with no heating on, and it never budges. The other thing that has now made me think BG guy just wasnt interested...... Friday afternoon ..... Wanted to be down the boozer. Bear in mind I am not a heating engineer, so dont really know how a Combi works. But I said to him that we both got up Friday at 5am, house was freezing, error code flashing. Wife got in the shower, had hot water of course, but no heat in the rads. when I checked the boiler lights, the water light was on, the rad light was off. His response was still insistent on a leak, he never bothered to say "Thats how Combi's work", they can pump both rads and water at the same time!!!!!!! Convinces me he dont want to do the job. I think I need to kill the BG contract off, and get an independent in, someone who take pride in their work and getting to the bottom of the problem. Apologies to any BG guys out there, I know its like all trades, you always get a few bad one's amongst the bunch.
  15. Hi 350Butcher, Thanks for the information. The daft thing it never goes down to 0Bar. we have the green triangle, I always pressurise to the top of the triangle. in the morning its about half way down but flashing E119. Checked the pipe as did BG but nothing coming out of there. When we have the heating on, I am fairly sure it just sits at the top of the triangle and pretty stable. We have not had the heating on all morning and the needle has not budged from where we set it...... thats the bit I cannot understand, why the heck does it only do it overnight....... drives me mad!!!!!
  16. Before I go an pull the house to pieces on the say so of British Gas AGAIN!!!!. Hoping we have a Heating Engineer amongst the breathern. Have a Baxi Combi boiler which is approx 5yrs old. Serviced every year by British Gas (BG) under our Homecare contract. About a 1 week ago, we started losing pressure of around 1/2 - 1Bar overnight, meaning we get up in the morning to no heating until we pressurise again. 2Months ago we had a new bathroom put in upstairs, and new setup in the vanity room downstairs, including new double rads. The guy who did it, is a mate and very very cautious about checking his work for leaks over a a period of a few days..... all was good. Back to today, and losing pressure. Called out BG 2 days ago, Engineer 1 looks over the boiler and reports all good, does some checks (We dont know what) and says keep an eye on it. Day 2 wake up, no pressure. So again called out BG and another engineer attends, with me in attendance he gives the boiler a "Visual" and reports OK, during the discussion I mention the new rads, he immediately jumps in and says "Guaranteed thats where your leak is". Now if the leak was upstairs, we would of noticed it with ceiling marks, etc in the kitchen (Bathroom directly above). So I proceed to rip up the carpet and floorboards in front of him, in the Vanity room..... Sticks his head down along with torch, and reports with horror on his face........ NO LEAKS. He then states it must be somewhere else downstairs and BG wont proceed until we cut up Floorboards in hall, enough for them to get into the 4ft crawlspace (Cellar). Which I am reluctant to do at this stage. So the questions are: Why does it only lose pressure overnight (all heating is off), when we can have the heating off all days (longer period) and never lose a bit of pressure? We have tried leaving the heating on all night, and still lose pressure by the morning. Yet heating on all day, and again no pressure loss? Checks we have done: Made sure there are no leaks around the boiler itself Checked and kept an eye on the rads for leaks Checked the Condensation pipe from the boiler for excess water coming out. It totally weird, and I dont want to start ripping floorboards up unless it "Last chance saloon". Any advice from the experts would be appreciated...... Even better if we had any living local to Darlington. Thanks
  17. NDS II is a nice application, plenty of options and plenty to play with. Even has some of the more professional features. I have ran it on my 2005 DE with an ebay reader and it works spot on. Dam site easier to do some of the "learn" procedures rather than that pedal dance. Nice forum and the guy who does the app responds very quickly to emails. Definitely worth a punt, even if you only use it now and again
  18. Yep you could be correct there .... Close inspection looks like it is still on..... I ASSUMED Mark had taken it off and that was just paper to protect the area....
  19. How easy is it to take this bit off? I fancy doing mine but was afraid it would turn into one of them nightmare jobs.
  20. He means "Gods Country" North ..... Not "No Man's Land"
  21. Definitely needs to go, this lot have taken the "P" long enough, just totally hacked off by the fact that a working guy gets hammered for tax, if anyone who is required to do a return, sends it in late, they get hammered....... Yet the likes of Cameron can do it, albeit his parents, but he bloody knew what was going on. Double standards all the time ...... And then when we start asking questions, thinks he can hide behind "its a private matter" Grrrrrrrr rant over.
  22. Smartphone App available for both IOS and Android, does a decent job and to be honest was not that far off compared to one we borrow of H&SE
  23. Just love a black roof lining, I did a similar thing with my MR2 Turbo, totally transformed the interior, excellent job you did there. What material did you use for it? (being a lazy sod and not reading all 8 pages)
  24. You have some awesome perfect road surfaces over there to run along I am frequently over to Scatsta working and always think how great it would be to bring the Zed and have a run along them silky smooth roads. Welcome.
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