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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. R6 Siege - Game of the year! 5 Of us have been storming through multiplayer this weekend. Can finally play ranked now. Epic game!
  2. If anyone says insurance, can we ban them please?
  3. Was about to say the same thing about the pillar pod
  4. No idea Hopefully someone can help you on that front. Stick with UK/USA juices. For that tank/mod you want either 50vg/50pg or 70vg/30vg (it's the ratio of mixture) Best bet for juices if find a vape shop local to you and go in and ask. All hipster owned, so friendly enough
  5. Amazon - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kanger-SUBOX-Mini-Starter-EDITION-Black/dp/B00ZS4YINIGet the battery below too. And you can get tobacco flavour juice. It's what I started on. Perfect for a 20 day smoker. Sleek design too.
  6. Stance can take many forms, and a @*!# tone of tone hours planning.
  7. I think I should be a talent agency spotting Dans potential
  8. Article number two is up Can you really have more fun in an MX-5 than a Ferrari? Are we right on the money, or do we not know what we're talking about? Let's hear your views! http://www.teamtarmac.com/slow-is-the-new-fast/ Again, a big thank you to Ekona for supplying the content
  9. There are plugins for IP board to support if know one wants to add the code
  10. This is going to sound daft, and with good reason why I'm no the PM But here me out. If I was PM and there was this decision about bombing etc. Why tell everyone? Keep it hush, or just keep it between the leaders who are bombing them. It's not like the Syrians/Isis are going to look up at the sky and be like ' Hang on a minute ere boys, we've been done, those brits have ****ing joined in now - Bit rude not asking first if you ask me' Also, it's not like we have a massive 'Great Britain vinyl on our jets or a giant voice over going - Great Britain has joined the game. We're already bombing Iraq, just take a detour over Syria : Keeps it hush hush, solves Isis getting wind and bombing us and also gets everyone to shut up on my news feed thinking they're the ministry of defense So yeah. There's that solution.
  11. Can I just point out that no one has said it's impossible? And multiple times I've said I'd love to go the NA route. I'm also sure know one is criticising your knowledge. As most people know on this forum I like to be different, and i'm a full supporter of a NA build. All we were saying was your cost factor was off, hence why so little people have done it in the UK. Most people on this website wont want to pay £1500+ for the PPE headers, to then pay a garage to take there engine out and fit them for X amount. Hence why I chose Stillen headers, they reviewed good gains, not as much as PPE but the difference wasn't ground breaking I.e. wasn't worth £1k for me as I wasn't chasing numbers. If I was spending thousands on my internals then of course I'd pay the price of PPE as I'd want every upgrade I could to get the most BHP. Again - NO ONE IS SAYING IT'S IMPOSSIBLE
  12. I'm all for NA - I'd love bigger cams, uprated internals etc. I'd rather have a 340bhp NA than Supercharger, purely to be different, I've driven Mouthwashes SC and I loved it, power delivery was insane. I'd just like to be different with a lumpy loud revvy NA build. But it's not as simple as being stated over and over again as well as it's NOT CHEAP. You're looking at £4k+ in parts. Not even including labour. I looked at PPE headers, I did my research, as I had to put a new engine in my car, so headers were first on my list. Yes they're great, but it's like all other breather mods - It doesn't come with a guarantee BHP increase. I.e. Headers don't = +20BHP. It's always all going to be down to the state of the engine. If I put my car on a dyno Result = 250bhp Remap it with headers on Result = 290 BHP But then put another car on and do the same process Start result = 270bhp Result = 295bhp It's not all black and white, it's not just a case of bolt on mods and get X increase in BHP. People have achieved 300 with just Decats/Plenum/Zorst. But that's because there engine hadn't lost so many ponies over the years. TL:DR - You can get 340bhp NA - But it's still going to cost min £4k.
  13. FWIW - Steve ran a TB - Full throttle, was nice, other than that, made his car run like @*!#.
  14. Is rainbow 6 really that good? Have been seriously tempted as loved the previous ones. Fallout 4 is taking up all my time though! It's a new type of game, fully destructible maps etc, siege/fortify buildings, attack defend. Not your typical run and spray COD game. Only downside to it compared to it's previous vegas games are, less guns and no 3rd person cover system.
  15. I wonder how much long tubes, cams, head porting and ITBs cost including fitting? £3/4K+ Compared to about, £4-6k to install a Vortech kit on a revup for about 440hp? Yup, and not even sure if my estimate would inc fitting to be fair. I'm not against NA tuning, I'd love to do that to mine. Just didn't like the fact that someone thought you could throw £1500 at a car and get 340bhp
  16. I wonder how much long tubes, cams, head porting and ITBs cost including fitting? £3/4K+
  17. Your maths is right, i.e. 340bhp is achievable with internal parts changed. Your pricing is completly off.
  18. Played Fallout 4 for an hour, cba to run a hundred miles to the 2nd quest. So bought it on the Xbox one for the GF to play instead All about Rainbow 6 Siege right now! Epic game.
  19. Well if it's the car I'm thinking of (or a likely scenario) Dan (Ekona) did, ended up buying a solid car Torqen (octet) didn't, ended up buying a car that blew up.
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