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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Cheers for the comments guys Think this will be my one and only article I write, I struggled coming up with ideas to liven it up on the website. @Graham - Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere @Stu, knock something up and just send it over
  2. Article #3 is live - http://www.teamtarmac.com/media/the-daily-driver-struggles/ First glimpse found here, as it's not been released on facebook yet. This weeks topic is - The Daily Driver Struggles. I'm hoping this will make a lot of sense to people who drive their car to work/shows/track/across country Let me know what you guys think.
  3. I'm not saying that's not a good idea. But if you don't ask you don't get. Maybe there was someone on here that doesn't want to publicly say he lost his license. So he's PM'd with a lawyer he's used who got his sentence down from X to Y etc. The amount of @*!# that gets asked on this forum, especially regarding law, I don't see the problem
  4. So would googling What fuel do I use, What do these wheels look like on my car What do my seats weigh, How much is my car worth, What tyres should I get, Where is the best insurance, Where can I buy a zed for £2 and a snickers bar. etc Easier to post here in hopes someone will answer as opposed to going off a post on a random site from over 5 years ago.
  5. More about reduced sentence. As you see in the papers, plenty of people do these kinds of speeds and still retain there license. commit the crime .. do the time? he's going to do the time. But he wants someone to represent him to try and reduce the sentence. And why shouldn't he? If I lost my license for a year I'd be ****ed. Maybe a reduction to 6 months might help.
  6. More about reduced sentence. As you see in the papers, plenty of people do these kinds of speeds and still retain there license.
  7. Don't worry, when my arches come I can't wait for bigger rubber What arches mate?? I keep looking at the carbon doluck ones... JDM flares I think, as If I got the Star dust ones I'd need new wider wheels. With these I can lose the camber, raise it a little and get bigger tyres.
  8. Don't worry, when my arches come I can't wait for bigger rubber
  9. I like this guy, he's fun
  10. What a load of utter tosh. Whilst it is completely irresponsible and i have no sympathy, being alive and driving at speed has absolutely no relation. Linking back to my Autobahn reference.
  11. Would that include a Jack Royal wheel or you looking for something specific like Nardi, Momo etc? More fussy about the style of the image as opposed to the brand of wheel. Chuck one up dude.
  12. Incorrect, unless I speed down the wrong roads. Sure yours didnt have rustling bushes and arable land either side?! But you get my point, comparing this to Autobahns is chalk and cheese. But a tyre blow out at 130 on the Autobahn is going to have the same effect as it would down a duel carriage way. Not having a pop, just debating. But I don't get why if I say I did 150 down the Autobahn, no one would bat an eye lid and say I'm lucky to be alive. But If I did it down a duel carriage way, exact same weather circumstances etc. I'd be executed.
  13. It's all in a cutting. Fences up top and armco on h/shoulder & central. Fields bordering it are arable land too. The only way to get down there is from the road ... If someone wants to play peekaboo with cars atleast at 129mph it will be certain rather than possible vegetative state. Sorry pal I don't agree, the point is that at that speed from nearly half a kilometer away you are caught at 129mph, if you missed the copper, you miss everything else. If an animal runs out in front of you and you flip into a ditch and kill yourself think of what impact that has on your friends and family. What if a fault comes of your car, tyre blow out, there are so many things that at that speed end catastrophically. Too many times you hear stories of people who think that all is safe so they want to speed, too many times its associated with people being killed. I'm not going to preach but I really hope whatever gets thrown at you in the coming months you do actually reflect on this rather than aim for the shortest ban possible and then jump back in and hammer it up an A road again. I saw the copper, plain as day when he hopped out from the trees. Popped my anchors on but ..... and here we are. I'm a little confused though, you have had high powered rwd & fwd cars... have you never booted it? Have you always kept to speed limits? That kind of comment wont help you in any situation I have a kitchen knife, I don't behead people. Make sure the Lawyer does the talking
  14. It's all in a cutting. Fences up top and armco on h/shoulder & central. Fields bordering it are arable land too. The only way to get down there is from the road ... If someone wants to play peekaboo with cars atleast at 129mph it will be certain rather than possible vegetative state. Sorry pal I don't agree, the point is that at that speed from nearly half a kilometer away you are caught at 129mph, if you missed the copper, you miss everything else. If an animal runs out in front of you and you flip into a ditch and kill yourself think of what impact that has on your friends and family. What if a fault comes of your car, tyre blow out, there are so many things that at that speed end catastrophically. Too many times you hear stories of people who think that all is safe so they want to speed, too many times its associated with people being killed. I'm not going to preach but I really hope whatever gets thrown at you in the coming months you do actually reflect on this rather than aim for the shortest ban possible and then jump back in and hammer it up an A road again. Playing Devils advocate here, as already mentioned. Autobahn. People travelling at much higher speeds than this. Yet they don't get the problems listed above every day of the week etc. Drivers driving at those speeds know the risks, know there boundaries (most of them do) and know what they are doing. - I for one am much more focused at higher speeds than pootling around at 10/30mph. Just saying
  15. That time of week again. Looking for two types of Artsy photo's. #1 - An interior shot of the Dash/Steering wheel. Needs to have dash lights on, after market wheel and in the evening. #2 - I need an image which contains a speed bump, or the incline of a multistory car park. So you car with either of those in it, to basically show the struggle of being low. Quite a specific request I know. If not I'll be going out tonight to take some
  16. Say you're a single mum with no job, I'm sure they'll let you off and probably give you some money
  17. If it's a ban, then fight it. So many people get let off the ban it's ridiculous. Will probably cost you a fair bit. But so many stories of mothers pleading - How will I get my kids to school, or claiming they can't get to work etc. Clearly are loop holes for it. Just I imagine it's pricey. **edit** I should of put everyone that got let off the ban I hate There shouldn't be a way out of the ban.
  18. Grundy


    Least you're not afraid to tell people they're Rota's unlike people who put Volks stickers on them Think it's a subtle addition to match the paint work
  19. Grundy


    Maybe post them up, as not all wheels fit straight away I cant do that, I want to keep it a secret and a surprise! I will have my checks done prior to purchase but looks all good so far! HEHE Okay, but not meaning to sound harsh, but you started a thread about 'how to achieve stance' - Right there rings alarm bells to me if you have to ask that question I did all the research I thought I needed before buying my wheels, and they still didn't fit. Just trying to save you some hassle. P.s. - The wheels you're choosing. They've been done before, you won't be the first - And if they haven't and you are, then that's because they look @*!#
  20. Grundy


    Maybe post them up, as not all wheels fit straight away
  21. All I'd say is, from most people at my work who look down on me for my big device, they all have the pen devices, or cheap ones from petrol station. People with these either still smoke and vape, occasionally smoke or give up and go back smoking. It's why I jumped into the deep end. Did the trick the moment I bought it. Just trying to find you a link to a sleeker style one. But for someone who wants to generally stop smoking (Not gradually stop) and for someone who smokes 20 a day, I suggest a mod like this, with sub ohm vaping. Just IMPO. In case you didn't know, ohms are used to define the coils that heat up the fluid. So highter the ohms 1.5+ = less vape, and I'm guessing less hit (unless you go a crazy high nicotine mg) I vape at sub ohm, and started there, which is 0.5. A colleague got this, and is very happy. It's really tidy, small, sleek too. http://www.jacvapour.com/series-b-tilt-device-only
  22. Left4Dead 1 or 2, Magika, Diablo, Killing floor 1 or 2. Warhammer end of times, dying light.
  23. I'll come pay a visit Can work on some media footage
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