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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. But again, everything they are saying is excluding Jap imports, so still unsure.
  2. I'm just going by the American's - so could be wrong, just internet knowledge. They say nismo = 6 speed not auto. And apparently Base model steering wheel
  3. It works so well I didn't even notice Also, surely he'd of taking a picture of the plaque saying what number it was..
  4. An original Nismo one of only 1700 or so made, worth every penny. Being an auto or import is completely irrelevant because of the above. Being modified hurts a collectors car. Needs putting right. Also, limited edition doesn't make a collector. I might be wrong but I don't see this in the same league as a TME Evo, 22B, RS500, etc... It's not modified.... Also - Americans seem to think it's not a Nismo due to it being an Auto...
  5. Yup, only worth that price if you pretty much barn it for the next 10-20years.
  6. It's gooooooooooooooorgeous. Need a new rear bumper too Just no one selling them
  7. That rear bumper I want to call Bullshit, but didn't realise there were imports for 07... The Nismo badges on the bumpers make me think it's not. Might be only genuine nismo v3 kit in the uk....
  8. Good selection this week. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  9. He added the OP ones fine no ... he didn't - i did Oh *Whipped!**
  10. <3 my projector. Then it broke the other day Wont pick up any of the display ports (HDMI/VGA/DVI etc) Only problem is if it's a small/medium sized room, it chucks out a @*!# load of heat!
  11. Again you've missed the point. Both ilogikal AND ebiz both said both parts of the seats heat up. Then you asked again saying ALL you wanted to know was if both parts heated up. Thus all of ilogikals replys.
  12. As some of you know I'm the progress on publishing some articles on my website. We I've had two articles written up. And I need some photo's to fit the scene. (Just going to copy and paste my FB Status) Photographers and photo whores I need your help smile emoticon, I've got an article being published this weekend, need a couple of photo's to upload with it. Main rule is you/the owner needs to be happy and okay with it being published on a public website. They also need to be large high quality photo's - No mobile uploads I'm afraid. I'm after some specific shots... - a vintage shot (Something oh a historical/iconic car pre 1999) I'm thinking along the lines of someone walking away from an old chevy on route 66 or a 240z shot under the Santa Pod sign - Need OEM pictures of VXR220, 911 and a 350z - A Classic Max Power looking Car - 240z - A Clean Stanced Car (Speed Hunters style) Again all these pictures really do need to be high quality, 'Artsy' and water mark free. We will be adding our own watermark, however all photo owners will be given credit. If you think you have something to submit drop it in the comments below or send me a PM and I'll give you my email address smile emoticon Thanks Guys.
  13. Speak to Djtimo on this forum dude - He's going to be a legend in the film making industry soon. He runs TC Media - His gadgets for films are incredible - Using roller blades + this gimble
  14. Grundy

    Flame Kits

    Just seen that post on facebook, looks like a troll winding people up. I.e. he's got boost. Fake flames aren't cool
  15. Grundy

    Flame Kits

    Hasn't changed, will still just be burning unburnt flames via a spark plug/similar method. Bumper will melt, will look like a tool, pointless mod.
  16. Dates for Japfest will be released soon, so that will give you an idea if it clashes with your May dates or not
  17. http://www.teamtarmac.com/events-main/uks-biggest-car-shows-of-2016/ There's a of the major shows that would apply to this forum - I'm still scouting for more as there are plenty more out there.
  18. Arm wrestling with Chas and Dave? UFC with Matt and Jeff Hardy (or have I missed the point) Also my thread has spiraled I feel somewhat responsible and will tidy it up. You didn't need too But thanks. Got Mouthwash on Lockdown!
  19. Snow wolf is here and it's awesome, the quality of the build, the feel is excellent. Currently googling the best Coil builds to take this over 100watts. Atm it burns at 60/70 watts. I have 24Gauge wire. If anyone has any tips on building coils, let me know
  20. Dying light, wait a long time for that to be published, the idea was perfect, but in the end it was a flop for me. First few hours are fun, but then you just realise you spend the entire time running from one side of the map to the other :/ Same, I've only played an hour of Fallout, but I'm the opposite, I have to wait for the mrs as she wants to play
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