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Everything posted by Commander

  1. That is not what your first post says?!
  2. hah, tme is still going up in value? That's what they were saying when I had my evo about 5 years ago... What are they going for now?
  3. "The weather's getting worse so I'll swap an AWD car for FWD one".. lol, really? It's also not clear if this thread is about you or your mate?
  4. I'm not convinced that fuel prices have anything to do with 350z prices tbh. If you're after a car that's going to appreciate over time, the Z isn't it imho.
  5. Yeah, mine always has - even on euro road trips and at the bst / gmt transition- but today something's gone wrong :-/
  6. I noticed the time on the clock is wrong today, it's about 1hr 20 wrong all of a sudden. Any ideas about the cause and solution please? Cheers
  7. Miltek Cat Back + CNT HFCs. Sounds good crawling around town and at full chat, but doesn't upset the neighbours. Excellent build quality and dead easy to fit. Passes MOT every time too.
  8. Couldn't disagree more. The Hakka is designed to intimidate the opposition - who wants to stand around being intimidated? Best thing any team can do is turn their backs to it (I think England did that once actually, and copped a lot of flack for it?). If you do have to stand around while they do their willy waggling, you might as well have the fans cheering you on with your own songs...
  9. Stay away from Yellowstuff - I can make them go off on the road in my Z (admittedly, at full chat on a euro road trip b-road blast) - I can't see them being any good at all on track.
  10. For the most part, you can blame the government. If OpenReach was still tax payer owned, the tax payer would pay to dig up the roads, install new ducts, upgrade to newer technology and so on. Unfortunately it's not government owned, it's a company that has to make a profit, and ploughing hundreds of millions of pounds in to upgraded infrastructure for areas lowly populated doesn't make sense because they'd never see any ROI. New builds are another story; I 'think' it boils down to House Builders not engaging early enough, though I'm not 100% on that.
  11. Z4MC has the same engine as the e46 m3 - 3.2L straight six. No experience driving one but they make the Z look roomy on the inside. Similar performance to an e46 m3 on track, but obviously less room for carrying tools / spare parts.
  12. Yeah, that was me... Looked like you were about to come over and say hello but a martial said something to you instead.
  13. Yeah, that was me... Looked like you were about to come over and say hello but a martial said something to you instead.
  14. Yeah, that was me... Looked like you were about to come over and say hello but a martial said something to you instead.
  15. Nearly didn't make this! Took the car out for a test during the week, and again on Thursday night - all good. Come Friday morning it had bust a coil pack and was running like a dog! :-/ One small mission through rush hour traffic to ECP later and I had the spare part, got it fitted and headed down at warp factor ten. Arrived late but they were good enough to let me out just in time for the final sighting laps. Never been to Thruxton before, or anywhere else like it really - brilliantly scary and technical track! Village to Church definitely wins for scariest corner. Who was the guy in the Silver Z? I think it was charged and had the rear spoiler lip removed.
  16. Commander

    RIP 911

    If it brings with it 911 turbo reliability, this can't be a bad thing for them... Porsche NA engines may be good when they work, but when the NA engines in the 996, 997 & Cayman are all pretty poor in terms of reliability and catastrophic / expensive-to-fix failures... If all 911s become as reliable as the 996/997 turbos, Porsche's second-hand values will remain pretty high and that can only be a good thing for owners.
  17. Just get a Milltek - beautiful sound and well made.
  18. Does it start while you've still got the battery leads connected to the other car?
  19. I know it's sold, but do these things help with noise reduction much?
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