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Everything posted by ilogikal1

  1. We all miss DBlock..!! Pictures or it didn't happen!
  2. With the Vyair and Daqua ones, you just unscrew the top, make a mess emptying all the old resin out and then make more of a mess filling it up with new resin and screw the top back on. With the Aqua Gleam one, you throw it all away and buy a new one.
  3. Not always. Usually, but not always.
  4. Just a little teaser for what's coming. On a side note, I think it may be about time to get the wheels refurbished. Oh yeah, here's some more shiny paint too. A proper post will follow. Eventually.
  5. Just a word of warning many of those expandable hoses don't like anything more than light tap pressure, so just be aware of that when using it for the first time with anything. You might want to double check the specs before attaching the DI filter.
  6. Which is why it's good practice to check with your insurer before adding (or even buying) any modifications. What if your insurers turn around and say "yes we can cover that, but it's going to cost you another billionty quid" but you've just spent every last penny you have on the wheels? Okay you can switch back but that leaves you with new wheels you can't afford to use. Check first, avoid all these issues entirely.
  7. Not yet, mate, no. Waxes have been applied but I'm waiting for a couple of Nanolex products to cure "out of the elements" fully before rolling the car out for the photos. I also had a few bits to finish off, which I've been working my way through but the football has taken it's toll on my productivity. I'll post the write up by the weekend at the very latest. I'll warn you now, there's a lot to get through.
  8. I would agree, sealant on white. The Werkstat Acrylic system works very well on white as does AM Details AM Seal as demonstrated here.
  9. Were you using the Farleca mitt or a different one?
  10. Just a word of warning to anyone reading, if you've considered applying Nanolex Urban using a foam applicator... ... don't.
  11. It's a polymer based coating, so it's similar to Autoglym Lifeshine. Is it any good? I couldn't tell you, but I'd imagine it'll depend on the application like most coatings. It's been around for at 7-8 years (if not more) and very few people have even heard of it, which speaks volumes to me.
  12. You will be glad to hear, tomorrow is LSP day. I can't seem to close the poll, so feel free to vote still but as you're a week late to the party then your opinion doesn't matter... Or perhaps a helpful mod would be so kind and complete the closing ceremony for me, please? In the mean time, some of the LSP's to be used are;
  13. Did I not tell you, I'm testing a new brand of procrastination. I'll do a proper write up later...
  14. Okay then good people of the Z forum, Waxybox have thrown a bit of a curve ball at me by sending me a pot of "#17 mk2", a slightly revised formula of the standard #17 tweaked for the initial feedback. Me being me means I just have to test these two side-by-side, which means they will either take up 2 of the 6 spaces or #17 will be ruled out of the voting if I can make space on another panel for these two. Either way, I should be getting round the LSP stage(s) this weekend, so still time to make/change your votes people (I know, it's all terribly exciting isn't it?!).
  15. I've got one sitting in the garage, next to the Z. Mine had a Prodrive exhaust on too, right up until Scoobynet gave me a different one at least.
  16. That's like 15mpg, how hard are you driving the thing? Assuming he fills it to the top every time.
  17. It's simpler than that even; "oooh shiny thing...."
  18. It'll just be to reel new customers in, primarily. There's probably a stipulation about not being able to withdraw the £20 and it has to be re-bet or some such too.
  19. Always happy to spend other people's money.
  20. Slightly ahead of you there, Stu. I've been using it on door sills on a couple of cars, including my own today, and it'll be going on my wing mirrors when it's time for LSP's.
  21. I must admit before I started using it, I was expecting it to be too aggressive and leave massive amounts of marring, being rubber and all. Then When I was using it, I half expected it not to pick much up due to the lack of resistance from it on the surface. It actually managed to surprise me on both counts. I can't even offer an opinion on your sanity though, I lost mine looooooooong before I discovered clay.
  22. So does it have the Ilogikal approval? It does now.
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