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Everything posted by scobie140

  1. I'll need a new front plate for my mot so will need to remove the plinth and check the paint under its ok to do this, looks much better
  2. By same pipe I ment that all the 95 ron is the same and the premiums stuff is the same not just one petrol and one diesel
  3. You could possibly get away with it since the plenum is low pressure but I wouldn't recommend it, plus if the stainless expands quicker than the bolts then could end up cracking the plenum or stretching the bolts. But lots of different factors are involved so countless things could happen.
  4. Same loading pipeline fills up all the different branded tankers, just bp/shell put clever marketing on it then charge you extra. would hardly be worth a refinery having multiple set ups for all the different companies it supplies when its all basically the same. Just make it to the top spec then it covers all the lesser ones, much simpler and needs less storage tanks and plant etc
  5. Might not solve the issue as the profile is lower than it should be to keep it to original circumference spec, 275/35/19 should be fitted like buster said.
  6. Got the rear wiper and motor with all fittings £20 posted
  7. Love the blackened lights, wish I had the balls the bake mine and do it
  8. ep3 type r to 350z, I do miss the type r from time to time though
  9. Already dropped him a PM a few days back but no reply, don't think he's on very often so will just have to wait till he pops on next. In no rush so can wait
  10. Yeh the fine pitch caught me out when I first got the car and was servicing it, damaged a few threads on the strut bar bolt but luckily one of the turners at work had a thread file the right pitch so tidied up nicely, I'm in no rush so will wait till you get back and double check my sizes before I hassle a turner to make these up, measure twice cut once.... no wait it was do it nice or do it twice haha. Have a good holiday
  11. Ohh FFS! just dawned on me I've been over thinking all this spacer business, they can only be one damn size... the same as the bloody spacer! are they just spacer bushes? or do they have a sealing face top and bottom?
  12. cheers for the response guys. the bolts and washers aren't an issue to get hold of just need to know what ones and how long really, can get these from work pretty easy. its the nylon spacers which has been the ballache for me. I can get them made no problem at work if they don't have to be rubber. I just don't have drawing for sizes or if there should be any spigots for o-ring etc. If you don't mind wasso could you tell me or PM if you don't want it public the dimensions etc of your nylon spacers. then I can just add the difference of your custom spacer and the skunk one to the length. In hind sight I should have just bought one of yours but thought I could save a few quid and just get a fitting kit from skunk, should have known that nothings ever that easy
  13. Never thought about that! I was going to go for a wasso one but got this at a much better price and thought getting a kit would be simples. The skunk kit is thicker, 5/8 if i remember correctly so would need bigger spacers and longer bolts but wouldn't take much to calculate the difference in sizes. I'll drop him a PM later
  14. Managed to get hold of a skunk2 plenum spacer, however it came with basically no fitting kit. 2 knackered rubber spacers and a few odds and sods bolts. Thought this would be no problem I thought, just get in touch with skunk and purchase a new fitting kit, But no! Their customer service is crap! sent stacks of emails to them asking about buying a kit from them or if they can give me details of the suppliers of the kits(mainly rubber spacers I need) and even asked for a parts list so I could try to source the bit myself but only got a no we don't sell the fitting kit and never ever got a reply when asking about suppliers, part number or parts list. Anyway rant over. Can anyone point me in the direction of a fitting kit for these? even just the rubber spacers and a list of what bolts is needed as I can source the bolts from work no problem. worst case would be if anyone had a techy drawing of the rubber spacers then I could get new ones machined from metal or plastic and modified so they seal top and bottom. A bit of a long shot but any helps appreciated
  15. Last day on the bay, still under £2 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281152047236?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  16. seen these on ebay a few times, the passenger side one's always seem to be about £80 but the drivers side are only about £40. But driver side is no use if you have a DE engine. Not sure if any traders on here sell them though
  17. from my understanding as long as there warm they should be fine, they are just less restrictive cats not de cats
  18. If this is still needing numbers after 8th of Nov i'll stick my name down. But have got a wedding and a stag do in Newcastle to pay for in the next few month so can't commit till then
  19. If mpg was an issue i'd own a diesel, but got to admit I save a fortune over the winter on petrol(never mind ware and tare) when I'm running my banger
  20. I'd be up for DE but would have to wait till after the wedding in Nov so will need to wait and see when/if this all comes about
  21. think I had first dips but missed out due to being at a training course and not being able to reply
  22. Nice! there's a grey/ silver one around this way, sounds awesome
  23. X reg 1.25 for fiesta £400 with a years Mot haha. last winters scrapper 1.2 w reg punto failed its Mot with 21 outright failures plus 10 more advisories so just binned it and got another banger. pays for its self after 5 or 6 tanks of petrol when the zeds not being used due to salt/ice/snow on the roads, plus if it gets wrecked in a snowy/icy accident I'm not fussed.
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