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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Another piece of spin is that we've got numbers for the best discount! Everyone loves a discount!
  2. Buggrit. I somehow missed this. Was looking at basic but stage 1 at same price....
  3. I was planning on a self fit, then obviously tuned at (most likely) Abbey. It would be interesting to see if there is flexibility there, but I assume every car is individual and requires it's own work (unless there is common facilities setup time). And... 'I am Spartacus' although I don't have a dimpled chin.
  4. it's the way forward until you pass the point of no return Be prepared for a large punishment of mandatory DIY house repair and grovelling though..
  5. Good thread that. I like that there is discussion and alternative builds. I've also budgeted for suspension/brakes/clutch and forward maintenance - not just sc. I've got my car into a reasonable position to start buying power related parts as the last in the upgrade sequence with only pre-emptive maintenance, a few poly bushes and a 400+BHP and 40%+ torque handling clutch/fly as remaining supporting components. ...Although my paintwork has seen better days. Ugh.. and bits of a body kit maybe.. Spending doesn't stop. How will I drip feed or hide all this from the wife? I used to skydive for fun. This is far more dangerous and costly
  6. Buggrit. Go on then, count me in. I will be in touch for the ton of other stuff to go with it in due course Are you going to PM me with monetary requirements etc? I am in a position to splurge electronic cash if needed.. gulp...
  7. Oooh mummy. This is properly making me think about stopping procrastinating and putting my money where my mouth is. Trousers not talk.. Maybe.. Stupid-charger as the wife puts it. Carpe diem or watch the boat sail away...
  8. How much?! What's on that list? Nothing too special - I like the sound of 400 BHP - just including some already bought and paid for upgraded parts on the list in my figure - brakes, suspension which come first in the sequence, then clutch and exhaust fettling on top of the actual install so, yeah £13k is not just for an SC but my big picture estimate. I prefer to scare myself as to the actual cost I based it in UK sourced parts too. I agree an sc install will be less than £13 grand - sorry for bombing on your thread Mike
  9. Still pondering mine - slightly put off by the £13 grand price estimate with supporting mods that my spreadsheet is telling me Good luck
  10. FWIW in my car most of the annoying rattling comes from the rear strut brace plastics. For entirely unrelated reasons, I have bungie cords around both ends on my brace at the moment - random cabin squeaks and rattles have virtually disappeared.. Application of double-sided sponge tape might be the way forward as the (many) clips seem to get loose after too many plastic pulls.
  11. I love this thread - we have experimental method, result, discussion, conclusion with control and comparative cases, variables normalised by parallel testing, peer review and publication in a forum (proxy journal). Very scientific Pat on the back Dr ilogikal1 !
  12. Brakes and suspension for me, so I suppose the number one combination mod is dynamics. I have yellowstuff and EBC BSD blades (with mandatory HEL braided lines and Motul 660). Excellent they are - really strong and progressive. I love Eibach ARBs - a good 20% improvement to corner flatness, but they did exacerbated NVH with my previously stock JDM suspension. Got tedious after a year of everyday. So, remedy was MeisterR Zeta S coilovers to soften it just a touch (adjustably), which I fitted recently. The combination is well worth it IMHO (should hope so too for the - in the scheme if things - reasonable money). Lovely ride now. Loads of other mods - but the above are my fave. Still pondering a stupid-charger (as the wife puts it) though....
  13. It's weird - there are us on here, friendly bunch... but there seems to be a whole world of other zeds out there.. who are they?
  14. On the subject of thunderstorms which carry foreign bodies ....hornets... uh-oh these storms originated in France ...up-currents and down draughts, raining frogs and ...hornets..? just sayin'
  15. ^^ BM We have all the best insects here in the South.. But certainly not looking forward to coming across an Asian hornet..
  16. I saw a hornet engaged in a battle with a dragon fly once. Wish I had a picture of it - like something prehistoric ! Dragonfly lost BTW.
  17. Love thunderstorms... hate hail
  18. We live next to the woods, and regularly get wasps building nests in the house or shed walls or in the ground... particularly creepy hearing the munching of floorboards at night time... Mostly they are OK and we live and let live (wasps are good for the environment really - it's usually only when they become unemployed washed up alcoholics at the end of the year that they start trouble). However, last year I made a kennel for one of our dogs and sadly had to clear a nest out of the ground. One sting later... My hand does not normally look like that
  19. If it's not broken-broken, this is the definitive guide on slightly-broken window motor repair. I fixed my intermittent motor (clean the crusty commutator / brushes) two or three years ago and it's been fine since http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/29731-how-to-fix-your-electric-windows-pdf/
  20. I've got a silver JDM 350 and I wave my arms like an excited puffin at other zeds. In my area, it works on GM 350s but doesn't work on white 370s or mistaken black Porche panameras though
  21. This is a good read.... http://www.cracked.com/article_15816_the-5-most-horrifying-bugs-in-world.html
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