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Everything posted by Keyser

  1. Good evening one and all pull up you chairs and read on in disbelief as once again I take you on a journey down that O so familiar road. I have a terminal case of Zeditis (for which alas there is no cure) Once again it has made me take leave of my senses and it is now Official I am now the owner of yet another 350z! The story starts a 8 months ago by another member can be seen here http://www.350z-uk.c...updated-010912/ Through no fault of his own family and personal circumstances have meant Jon is unable to finish the project at the moment, he then somehow managed to subliminally send me a message to which I promptly used the more traditional PM system to reply to and arrangements were made. Nice to meet you today Jon hope things are on the up mate Back to the story - So the ZedShed crew were poised for another road trip and after pumping a marathon 12 hours into a trip to the Grasshopper on Saturday, I overslept I eventually dragged myself out of bed and picked up Tonto from his place and with the trailer hooked up away we went. We arrived around lunch time and loaded up the latest addition to the family a 2002 JDM. The biggest mistake I made was getting one in Sunset 'cause Buster has one that colour!!!! So the 3 hour journey back saw him in the passenger seat casting his beady eye over the new beauty on the trailer saying "can I have the bumper?" "can I have the bumper?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" "Can I?" I lasted about 5 miles - Yes you can "SWAP" the bumpers - "Can we do it today?" "Can we do it today?" "Can we do it today?" "Can we do it today?" Sorry Bob I used a small amount of poetic licence (very small amount!!) Anyway we eventually got back to the ZedShed - some pics 25 minutes after landing - 1 Hour 30 mins after touchdown 2 hours That should keep him off her for a bit Tucked up behind the gates in case he comes back later. The Project - A few people have already asked "what are you going to do with this one?" Well the truth is I don't know, possibilities are 1. Mrs Keyser's new car (more on this below) 2. Finish the build MOT her and sell her on via the forum at cost price (just to save another Zed) 3. Finish the build and spray her Blue , sell her on via the forum to really annoy Buster 4. Finish the build and spray her Yellow, sell her on via the forum to really annoy Mrs Buster 5. Get a few of us together and make a track whore out of her 6. Any other suggestions taken under consideration. There is a possibility that rather than taking the better half's Zed off the road and doing all the things we have planned for her, we could restore this one, paint it the colour of choice and then the good lady wife can take possession and I could then roll her current Zed in for the restoration treatment, it's all to be decided and not much will really happen until the Mini build is finished. So that's goodnight from me and goodnight from him..................................
  2. You didnt get any wires the wrong way round on the coil packs did you? As in crossed over? I think the "fuel line" you took off (if it goes to a small grey thing with other pipes on it) is the vacum release for the fuel vapour trap. The one on the front sounds like the cam breather make sure they are both back on - leaving them of will probaly make the car idle really fast. Pics would be good.
  3. OK OK I'll come clean I may have mislead you all slightly However what Papa pointed out is spot on Bob raped this one before it was off the trailer!! In fact he has a list of things he wants to pillage from it - (swap would be the polite way of putting it) However in his normal "I Want it now" way he couldn't wait to swap the rear bumper as apparently he likes the JDM shape more - I just happened to take some well timed pics as he did the swap. He also didn't have a number plate the correct size so we had to improvise for his drive home! (a new number plate is on ordered) So Here is some pics of Bob's new arse
  4. Buster found these rear lights from somewhere Not my taste I must say but he is weird and apparently likes them? Anyway he soon took them out Got the Ginger Ninja over to the ZedShed and into his Zed OMG Bob what have you done??????
  5. Buster had some last year O I'm in trouble now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. When ever it's ready keep an eye on here. I would caution that I only have one air fed mask - Bob has managed about 15 minutes with the fly mask on while I'm spraying clear coat then you start to smell it but clear coat is bad for hanging in the air basecoat is is much cleaner when sprayed (well it is for me anyway) But welcome to come along and see how not to do it
  7. ç§ã¯ã‚ãªãŸãŒæ€ã£ã¦ã„ãŸ
  8. WOW Dave, I'm gonna have to pull out all the stops to win my readers back now! Great Build Thread though
  9. No......... I wanted it Green but it's not mine so it will be Nissan Sunset
  10. Where where where??? Get them sorted in no time. Well maybe not
  11. Hi as I'm getting grief for not doing the Mini from a wife - Not my wife but a wife (you know who you are Mrs Buster) Thought I'd better show you lot I'd done a few bits. First job was the whole in the floor from cutting the old seat mount out Passenger seat in and sorted ZedShed in a mess ZedShed sorted Finish this vent that had been plated Need to put this tube in (cut from the other shell) All cleaned up Tube welded in Clean up the welds underneath Wire wheel to remove all the crud All done (Where did that green come from ) All the plates and bare metal got a coat of Zinc rust primer Then the whole underside got a coat Leave that to dry now Stay tuned for the next exciting episode ......................
  12. Which one?? The one that never got out the garage or the one that had no engine????
  13. I like them Fancy a part x on some 18" rota drifts in gunmetal? cash your way of course. Where are you based?
  14. Thats you told Chris Yup Plenty of time to do the Mini (if I stop playing with mine and going to meets)
  15. I didn't need to ask as its not hard to find pictures of your engine bay all over the site don't tempt me with that engine, you should have bought it I'm in enough trouble with the boss already Thanks again mate
  16. Keyser, how much boost is your v2 producing (without) nitrous sir? 8 to 9 psi mate 4000 miles since new built engine went in all been fun so far.
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