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Everything posted by Peter10

  1. There aren't any water cannons on Mainland UK (sadly) Pete Trust me, there are . Also, as someone who has been there this weekend, trust me it isn't as easy as people on TV say it is to deal with... Then again, I could quite easily reply to most comments with, if you can think of a plan B that you know would work no matter what, then apply to become the new Commissioner, as no one can think of such a plan.
  2. If I was to spend that sort of cash on doing up a car, I would have put in lightweight seats, carbon fibre boot, stripped out all unnecessary electronics etc.
  3. Cool. Like I said I only play acoustic stuff these days, my old Strat has sat in a case for a few years now (sad I know... ). I play my baritone a fair bit. Insanely hard to get a hold of in the UK for some odd reason though.
  4. So true. I accidentally pushed the button the other day and my friend literally peed herself as it can be quite "dramatic" if you wasn't expecting it .
  5. There's too much emphasis on practicality these days and not on having fun in a car . I've had mine 6 months now so naturally my mpg is about 17... Hmm wait a second... sorry every time I try to drive economically I drive everywhere at 4000rpm ready to boot it when the law allows it .
  6. Whilst shred guitar isn't my thing that's pretty damn impressive. What tuning do you have that 8 (or was it 9) string at?
  7. Hands on the ground feet on the seat and army roll out. What could be cooler when you arrive at the office..... Where I work I'd get breath tested every time I got out the car .
  8. Looks great . Look for a new aerial, depending on your local area you can get some super stubby ones which work fine or if like where I live you can get a 6-8" which does the job .
  9. I looked at the Exige before the 350z. Apart from it being a lot more to insure for me, it didn't have a practical thing about it. Whilst I don't have a wife and 3 kids, I don't think I could even get a guitar in the thing .
  10. Definitely a buyers market, so if there is anything you are unsure of or don't like, walk away there's a fair amount out there .
  11. Looked like good fun. Some cracking cars there too.
  12. Bit late to the party I know... But that sticker would have been a million times better if it was spelt right Maybe it should've said, "Considerably higher than the driver's IQ" Unless it's something glaring, that is the right spelling (I'm pretty sure anyway...) I think it is the Americans who don't use the "ae" spelling, we do .
  13. +1 On getting it out of Nissan, heard some horror stories on this forum. Good luck!
  14. Peter10

    350z HR Wanted

    May be a former club member as it has a Tommy K badge. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p
  15. Ditto lol. Shame it's the last episode of the series though. Probably one of the most popular shows on the BBC yet they budget them for about 6 episodes, whilst crap shows like Doctors is on and as far as I'm aware, no one watches that load of *bleep*.
  16. Seems a fair price for a 2006 car. Looks completely standard to me also. Very clean looking car .
  17. Lol. We all just hate you right now .
  18. Those look awesome. I wanted red on my midnight blue car as the orangey colour isn't too great. Blue/red go well together and then I can get a red Tommy K badge for the back . I may have to look into doing this too now I've seen someone else do it... Is that the same red that Brembo use for their red callipers? How long did your painter take to get them back to you (powder coated?).
  19. Very nice indeed! If I didn't get midnight blue I would have got azure (they don't do it on HR cars though ). And I agree, look for a stubby aerial. I didn't think it would make much of a difference until I got mine (and it is still longer than most people have on theirs). I think the long aerial looks worse on the roadster though. Try to find how good your radio reception is though where you live. I got one of those 3" ones and got NO reception at all.
  20. It holds tuning really well. I only play it every now and then and rarely have to play around with it to get it back in tune. Never been much of a fan of Taylor guitars until I found this 12 string. I'm looking to sell one of my 6 strings but can't decided which .
  21. I've been pretty lucky over the few years that I have been driving. I remember I got caught by 3 cameras in one journey when I was running late for a wedding and fortunately not one must have been active... My main issue with cameras is that they don't really prevent speeding, they just displace it. How often do you see someone doing 40mph, slow down to 30mph as they go through the speed camera and then speed up to 40mph again afterwards? The camera prevented speeding for all of 50 yards. I think cameras are a good thing if used properly. However I'm more for people standing behind the guns. I know police officers who take a speed gun out, pull drivers, start writing them a ticket, then after gauging their attitude towards what they have done either continue to issue the ticket or rip it up and let them off with a stern warning, machines don't have discretion and I think this method is a lot more effective. If you get a bit of an ear bashing and that "fear" of being prosecuted and then let off, you may think twice next time. I hope they do follow through with the idea of raising the limit on a motorway to 80mph though. I have never driven in Germany and whilst I know only sections of the Autobahn is unrestricted, does anyone know what their accident statistics are like? I wonder how many of their accidents are foreigners having a bit of fun rather than locals.
  22. Nice. Now we need a night-time picture .
  23. How far are you willing to travel. Maybe someone will spot one for sale and let you know .
  24. I have a Taylor 12 string I have way to many guitars at the moment... need to thin them out a bit... Top left - right: Taylor GA8-12, Jimmy Moon 000-3 Custom, Stonebridge GS22-CM, Yamaha NTX Bottom - K Yairi Baritone (BEADF# I was on the hunt for a baritone for ages, they are really rare in the UK and except for buying a custom made one (which I could never justify for a baritone) I was giving up, then the K Yairi popped up on eBay and I bought it there and then .
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