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Everything posted by ShortPaul

  1. This looks like a lot more than 40k worth
  2. Ok but look at it! Ugly is what springs to mind
  3. Personally i would rather have my Nismo all day long.
  4. The zed in question looks way to good to be used for track days😟
  5. Hi and welcome from Bristol congrats
  6. If you weren't so far away i would come and have a pop at it myself
  7. Hi mate justed checked the distance, that would be a five hour round trip for me
  8. Hi buddy welcome from Bristol congrats on your new zed have fun
  9. Now that's not very nice
  10. Hi buddy try pressing the release button above the registration plate and try to manually lift the boot lid
  11. Hi mate replace the pop up springs
  12. Hi lee have picked up the Nismo yet?
  13. I know you have spent a lot of money on the interior, and i have seen it in the flesh, but people that are in the market for a v1 are looking for oem that's my honest opinion
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