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Everything posted by Tricky-Ricky

  1. I have already advertised these on the 350GT section of the Skyline owner's club, but i thought i would also put them up here, as i am reliably informed that the sub-frames will also fit the 350Z as the drivers side has that odd mounting hight stagger, perhaps someone else can confirm this 100%? I have decided finally, to sell these, they look great in the 350GT but the wife doesn't like them as she has a bad back, and so have i! but i don't mind them, but anyway there going, they are in very good condition with only very slight signs of wear, the only slight let down is the carbon effect backs have some scratches, i was going to repaint them to match the car colour so it didn't bother me, but haven't go around to it. They will come with custom built sub-frames tailored made for the 350GT, and also have slider adjustment, they also sit nice and low, its very difficult to get any sub-frames that allow aftermarket seats to sit as low or even lower then the std ones, and these are just right. I am looking for £550 including the dedicated 350GT sub-frames, collection preferred,(East Sussex) or you make shipping arrangement's, i really don't want to split them, i also wont take offers, as these seats where over £900 each without sub-frames new, i may take a PX on a std VGC black leather front 350Z seats. Anyway the first pic is to satisfy the ad rules,its my Photobucket account pic of the seats fitted and is the best i can do until i get them out, and the rest of the pics are of them fitted to my car about 7 month's ago.
  2. that was the car before when it had the split second ignition controller and the Vortech fuel pressure bump using a extra fuel pump. I see! just goes to show how hit and miss the Vortec fuel control is, looks decidedly dodgy around the peak torque area, goes weak
  3. The bold AFR trace looks pretty much as i would expect for a supercharged engine, pretty linear, just like the way the boost builds, don't know about the faint trace though, looks a little lumpy If it was turbocharged i would expect the trace to look rather different.
  4. Nice car, but about 10K overpriced in todays market I'm afraid, everybody's is struggling to sell nice cars, i think a PX is probably your best bet, thats lower end R34 GTR money, and even the mega modded V specs, are selling for 25K at the moment, good luck with it though.
  5. Thanks for taking the trouble, but unfortunately yours are the type that require longer studs, rather than captive studs, which i would much rather have, saves a lot of messing about changing studs in the hub etc.
  6. I wonder just how much of the engine actually still bares any resemblance to the original to support that much power, it must even have new block castings, nice blast from the screamer pipes at the end of the run, 36psi
  7. Something you may want to check first is that the peddle limiter bolt has not been previously adjusted to take out some of the free play, what happens is that if it has, the peddle never returns to the fully released position, and so can never be bled properly, because they have taken up the slack but not compensated by adjusting the actual peddle to master cylinder link.
  8. Bump! (actually i may be interested in swapping all four!)
  9. Beg your pardon, i had my favorite's up and didn't see the whole pic, (well thats my excuse anyway ) now I've had a proper look, it fires into the plenum. I can go and check my 350GT Skyline, as I'm in now, if the dimension's are the same?
  10. Nitrous Only real suggestion unless hes running a rfs on a built n/a motor. i will check the distance on mine tonight for you if no one has done it for you by then I would agree if i could see any signs of nitrous injectors or secondary fuel injection, but there isn't, also pointless running more fuel pressure on a mildly tuned N/A especially with that Kinetix plenum, as hes just lost himself 10-15BHP LOL!
  11. Sorry no help, but why does that N/A car have a fuel pressure regulator?
  12. Since everybody is having a gripe and telling stories i thought i would add mine, now i live in an area that has a lot of people and horses that use the lanes, and one of my pet hates is people driving around these lanes at stupid speeds, well i say stupid but given that they have lot of blind bends, i drive at around 25mph and consider this to be reasonable, Anyway one summer day i am driving to some friends with the wife and as the windows are down i can here the sound of a hot hatch being raged around, so I'm already on alert, sure enough Saxo packed with youthes comes screeching around the bend ahead, the funny part was the look on their collective faces as they realised on mass that A, they where either going to crash into me, i had already come to a halt and was bracing myself, or B, go into the ditch on my right, as there was no way i was going into the ditch on my left, well they chose the ditch I'm glad to say. So my reward was to pull gently along side smile and say moron's! and just drive off to leave them to walk home or get a tow, and hope it was a lesson learned
  13. Just a slight correction, female cats seldom spray, so it will be a tom! cars are quite a common target for a spray job, although you probably won't notice, Oil of citronella should do the trick, although our Siamese seldom take much notice of it. Its the Seagulls that crap on mine i object to, i also had one try and build a nest on top of one of my cars LOL!
  14. No significant real world gains for any intake, its for sound really, IMO any of the tube type intakes make for good sound effects. If you have any illusions, have a read of this,http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=45975
  15. Shock top mounts will make a lot of noise if badly worn.
  16. I have a pair of 20mm Ichiba Nissan hubcentric spacers, in very good condition, and i am getting some arch contact, so i would like to swap for some equally good quality 15mm hubcentric spacers?
  17. Well after finding a fan+motor on ebay at a breakers, and ordering it this morning, i decided to pull my fans off the car for a look and clean up before the replacement arrives, so i remove the fan motors, and because i am the curious type and nothing mechanical phase's me much, i look at the motor and think that will come apart with the right technique, so i take it apart, and find apart from it being covered in carbon dust, it also has two seized brushes, and the commutator is in a right state so i carefully clean everything up and repair the commutator, and carefully put it back together, and its all working fine! So i have basically wasted the money i paid for the replacement I checked the remaining fan and that wasn't working too well so i am just in the process of sorting that too.
  18. Won't be needing one now i have managed to find one, but i have also dismantled my original fan motor and fixed it, may even offer an exchange service, now i have a spare, for anyone with fan motor problems, considering the prices of a Nissan replacement .
  19. Anyone have a good working one for sale?
  20. After an overheat during MOT today while testing emission's, holding the RPM at around 3K the cooling system boiled over, due to only one cooling fan working just hoping that there is no HG damage, Basically after a bit of testing, i have found that one fan motor is fooked, so i need to find another, apparently looking at the manuals the 350Z fans are the same as the Skyline 350GT, so has anyone got one they would sell? or can anyone direct me to where i can get one or a pattern one as i suspect the genuine Nissan item will be scary priced?
  21. Me too Jez, and nice job on the spacer we have been having the same discussion over on the Skyline forum, and have come to the conclusion that the heating of the throttle body via the coolant system is probably down to a perceived emission suppression, and aids sales in countries where emissions are of the greatest importance, despite the fact that it has no use as a cold start aid as some people seem to think, nor as Mark said, any use to avoid icing of the throttle body.
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