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Everything posted by Jak

  1. I think it probably depends on how it was said rather than what was actually said,if it was said wih some sort of smarmy attitude I still shouldn't let it bother you - If he feels he has to make comments like that to "big himself up" just let him get on with it, sad-act! Jak
  2. Nah i'm not really feeling the candy apple either to be honest - i like the purple but I really like Interlagos Fire/ Brick Yard which may help with future sale plans being a Nissan colour...... maybe even a Midnight Purple from a GTR...... That or I still like Zele Orange..... Jak
  3. Ha ha, Oh dear - How hard did he push it in in the first place!!!
  4. what a chump - Looks like you could quite easily get a bit of string or whatever round where the keyring would normally go to pull it back out?? Jak
  5. Probably was me they were talking about - It's one of the two pubs i bother with in Winslow, that and the Bell! So more than likly know them too.... who was it? Yeah more than welcome to come and have a look - Mines a full GT Pack too so you can have a good look at the extra's etc... Drop me a PM or something Jak
  6. Hi Mate, Sorry just noticed this thread - Small world but i live in Winslow too - you may have seen my Z around: Jak
  7. Not bad considering how much of the exhaust you get and that its a true dual.....
  8. I quite like that - Dosn't seem to give a price though.....
  9. Here's my pics, sorry they arn't too good - It was too hot to try!! The shade that the new tents provided was very welcome indeed! Nice to meet people again too And a few from the rest of the show.....
  10. R33/ 34 GTT or such like? http://pistonheads.com/sales/1576001.htm Big-ish and i should imagine fairly comfortable, don't actually know how expensive they would be to run though......... Jak
  11. Happens to mine too - I could understand if it was just when i applied the brakes, but its a bit wierd that it happens when not braking!
  12. Looks nice, we had a black one in not so long ago, had black wheels too and looked very mean! Sounded good too as it had the Wortec exhaust on it (set to loud)! As you say theres a bit of body roll but i still thought it handled very well - and was a lot easier to drive then i thought it would be! Jak
  13. These are one of my favourite wheels - would love a set on mine too!
  14. I do love these wheels - Wish i had money!!!!!!! GLWTS
  15. Bugger - I have to admit i've also dropped the ball on this - though it is partly due to only knowing i'll be free for it today! If there are any unconfirmed spaces going i'll fill one if someone can let me know about it. Failing that I dont mind paying for my ticket if i can still get on the stand...... Jak
  16. EXPENSIVE!!! I have just had to replace mine and it cost about £140.00!!!!! The worst bit is that you won't get a used one either as they buckle on removal Jak
  17. Cheers Bronzee, yeah i like it too, though i am meaning to go back and try and get a few better ones - might look cool in lower light too.... Jak
  18. I see what your saying - but that extra £229 is coming out of the Re-map & Plenum Spacer pot
  19. Wernt they £459 or somethin? Still a bit steep for me if that's how much they are
  20. thanks for the link - looks Still havnt made my decision - other than i know i cant really afford coilovers so its gonna have to be springs! Do people think mine looks standard ride height or should i get under there to have a closer look?! Jak
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