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Everything posted by Gilly199

  1. car show room is my desk. Salesmen who dont understand what my extension is and i cant hear the other phones!!! I will answer if i knew. Folk who argue my job becuase they never brought the correct ID and i cant hire to them. (you never said on phone, um yes i did) Worst one EVER. Not bringing the paper counterpart of the licence then saying "but the little pink card is my licence" IT IS NOT!!!! AND NOT ACCEPTABLE TO HIRE A CAR I had a policeman argue this one, couldn't believe it
  2. If we are talking about Dominos Texan meatball pizza i could be persuaded Its got to be hot though. Dont sell just yet!!!! I work for Domino's, il make you a massive pizza complete with anything you like on it
  3. can anyone else spot the massive problem with this system??? If this is for small residential areas then its really only gonna affect 8 out of 10 people. the ones who cut through using these as rat runs. Everyone else is in these areas for a reason, like to go home. take hours to hit the second camera
  4. Or anyother car for that matter. Had em on a 1.2 clio. Nightmare of a tyre, like driving on a plastic wheel from a kids go kart. Its all good man, if shes a bab then she will probably love tyres to play in and never be non the wiser
  5. Yea i called em after not being able to find them online. Is the company in the uk because the voice wasn't. Did manage to find them for £126 on ctyres, better than £150 for stones at work. although there is pzero's for £130 there too. http://www.ctyres.co.uk/partsa.php?size=225/45/18&query=price%20asc now thats a tyre i have heard off.
  6. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Its gone, one bloody day and its over. NOooooooooo!!!
  7. Yea well its due a service, just the 45 thou mini one but im still trying to bargain with the service department at work for a better price lol. Il get the guys to have a look at it then. Funny enough, after the the battery started playing up my mind went blank and all i could think of was getting it started thus i never looked at the voltage. Silly i know but likei said the blinkers were up lol
  8. as a long term member of the if its legal il buy it. ditch magnet style. I know hardly nothing about tyres. Can you tell me i these are any good??? Ive head of Toyo proxi's before but still cant say if im better gettin these instead of the standard bridgestones???
  9. No i really didn't know this. Only mentioned it because thats what happened. Really thought once it starts it would be fine.
  10. Went out to my car tonight looking forward to a small but still fun drive to training. Jumped in, "started" but in a rush i put my lights on before the car settled and in stalled. Ok i thought, its just the cold, sitting a few days and the sudden power surge from the lights being turned on. Soooo . . . i just tried again and it just turned over and over and over and over. Just to make matters worse. . . the battery then gave up came back from traning and theb battery got a little but of charge. again more turning over but LIFE at last and a big cloud of smoke. so whats the thoughts, overfueling??? cold weather??? or sitting for only 4 days???
  11. Gilly199

    New numberplate

    Nope have what you like in the middle, just as long as the tiny bs mark is there somewhere. This was going to be an MOT thing shortly/now was it not??? Ive had my private plate since i was 18 (22 now) and its passed every MOT on about 4/5 cars. No bs mark and Gilly in the middle.
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=26644 And here it is (i found it in my prev posts ). All thats missing is the pics of the cars to go with. Has S777EEF got cold feet now??? The pic has been eaten by photobucket.
  13. AHH but that adds to the effect of them being stupid see. I was being clever in the text. Thats my story and im sticking to it
  14. Ahhh so you have finally made you'r way to a computer then Jay. Glad you'd having a good time buddy. Gilly
  15. Gilly199

    new exhaust?

    The GReddy SE would be ideal. A backbox replacement only, that offers a bit deeper/more pronounced sound, full stainless construction img]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/celimangts03/P2170106.jpg[/img] appologies for the hijack but . . Adam I dont suppose you have a ball park figure for this piece of art delivered to my door or scotland atleast lol.
  16. i take it spin being the operative word here
  17. Once seen a BMW try to get up the smallest of hills in the snow and well em. . . FAIL Im not attempting it in the Z. Thats what my "kinda" trusty polo is for £200 workhorse/snow dodgem Its soo suited to this weather just 2 hours ago i got the seal of approval from my local traffic cops following an interesting mechanical inspection.
  18. Im sorry but i must dissagree with all the complaints about there being more a social element to a car element. The 350z is a rare (ish) car so there isn't always alot of car elements to cover. IN general a car forum has three car reletated elemets I HAVE A NEW Z, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY Z OR I WANT TO MOD MY Z. outside these three elements there are a few off shoots to go down. In reference to this car being rare, my last car was a Golf and their forum had new stuff by the second and a much larger owner list becuase every tom dick and harry has a golf. Im sorry but if the Off topic section is restriced then the general use of this site will drop alot because there is not as much members with the three elements stated above. But having less members means there is more chance of getting to know your fellow owners more which in my opinion makes a better club. If you dont like the social element then stay out the off topic section simple dimple. It makes perfect sense really.
  19. awesome. the other guy will be loving it. "Have you been involved in an accident at work that wasn't you'r fault
  20. Yea the community is class buy by god if you put anykind of "aftermarket bodykit" on your DUB then start writing your will. You shall be shot at dawn. When i had the mk4 golf i had hold my tounge everytime someone got new wheels because 70% of the time they were OEM wheels off other golfs and look crap
  21. NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! this means night night Z Hello autotastic polo. . . . all the time
  22. Oh god im so glad someone else did this, i dont know how long i could have resited the temptation to press the button
  23. its a simple wooden device that has magical powers. Just one tap can knock the Goofy Dippy wannabe hat off the poor victims head restoring then to full musical health.
  24. so. . . em . . . whats the chances of a DIY write up then
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