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Everything posted by Gilly199

  1. Hey there was a damsel in distress (with one shoe). I had no choice but to give chase Good job the rest of my room is blured and i had the good side of my wardrobe was open, all the pinks and purple t-shirts are i the other
  2. Yup try telling people you fell and it wasn't a left hook. Its a bloody nightmare. (and the truth!!!!!!! )
  3. here we go. not as bad as it was but still bad enough. enjoy
  4. I was waiting on this TBH. I told myself if i make it to 10 replies without the above il put up pics. and seen as we at about 20 i suppose i will. But later when i get back from work. (more bloody questions)
  5. I shouldn't know what that is..... Jayne is another woman with taste hon - so of course you do i dont know what it is lol
  6. thats my message tone lol. coppied and cut the audio myself before those jamster idiots started selling it.
  7. As per title, anybody have some ideas how to get rid of a shiner??? I would love to say you should have seen the other guy but . . . . . . the other guy was my mate who i was chasing around the street trying to get a girls shoe back that he stole. All good drunken fun (still in student mode, wed night edinburgh is class) until i slipped on the cobbles and hit the deck like a sack of spuds. I now have a massive black eye and quite a bad cut under my eyebrow. FAIL!!! To make it worse as i lay on the ground covered in blood at this point, the police pull up and stopped their van infront of me. Only to look at me for a minute and then drive off So all in all, not impressed.
  8. Up until i was put straight last week, i thought she was welsh Dam yes i would thougth. Btw who is kimberly??? (dont watch x factor) SOLD!!! i wanna change my vote lol
  9. Up until i was put straight last week, i thought she was welsh Dam yes i would thougth. Btw who is kimberly??? (dont watch x factor)
  10. Now theres an idea....the entire run can be choreographed to their album would be interesting to see how you can ilustrate a train wreck through a 350 meet.
  11. oo how i can see this one going down hill very quickly indeed.
  12. i meant in the video lmao, oh the sweet irony I stuck to my earlier suggestion and used mute. Cant stand listening to the bumf.
  13. yea the quote reference line at the bottom seens very tiny, hang on, i fix. Fixed
  14. Exactly, 20 mins is far too quick to find that list ive been lookin for boxers like that for weeks
  15. Nixy, that is one hell of a list of underware to find in such a short time Bookmarks???
  16. wouldn't know, mute is an amazing button. All the enjoyment and none of the agro.
  17. It's Dappy I'm with Danny on this one, I quite like N-Dubz as well and not just 'cos I'd bang the snot out of the girl and I'm nigh-on 30 too. If you take the music for what it is, which is just a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously then it's actually pretty good. I saw them live at V this year and they were absolutely superb: Full of energy and with some quality backing musicians, so to write them off as chuff really isn't very fair. I preffer Dippy, suits better But dam you are soooooooo right about the girl.
  18. Yea but didn't he get the s**t riped out of him on that show. I thought it was kinda funny.
  19. Only that idiot Dippy can write a song that can add facebook.
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