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Everything posted by jollyranchers

  1. I know some of you have installed tablets into the cubby, however has anyone replaced the OEM stereo completely ? examples - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_pmHc_1fOQ&feature=youtu.be http://www.ttforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=774393&hilit=tablet Would be interested to see pics and find out what wiring is involved for anyone who has done this to their Z B)
  2. Have heard they aren't brilliant for sound quality and not sure they have an ipod connection ? I was also looking at this but got put off it , I wanted to leave an old Iphone hidden in the car with all my tunes on , I have read you have to 'connect' to the radio by using the Iphone before you can get your tunes on ? Also read there is loads of annoying warning messages ? can anyone else who has one confirm ?
  3. 10000000000% better than it was
  4. i dont see what their problem is , surely it would take them the best part of 3 hours to trial fit some to a z ?? :lol:
  5. Good luck with the hunt ! , i would also go auto on the 370z my mate had one and the box was good you know blue is the first choice of colour tho right ?
  6. a lot of car for the money ! GLWS !!!
  7. its normal , which makes driving off at the lights difficult / jerky ! I wonder how many Z owners have been in for knee ops to rebuild their left Knee..... destroyed by the z leg press clutch :lol: ......
  8. I prefer the chuckability and interior of the RX compared to the Z , however the Z feels a lot more powerful due to the torque Happy zedding
  9. you will need 0000 wire wool on that , auto sol and britemax twins
  10. I love the sprayed accents , prefer over standard https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=orange+370z&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Svb0U6etEJDo7Abq7oA4&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1348&bih=649#q=montreal+blue+nismo+370z&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=bV5jJJaGJeO8HM%3A%3B6klRsbUfjB6D-M%3BbV5jJJaGJeO8HM%3A&imgrc=bV5jJJaGJeO8HM%253A%3B3d_6Kj-eISs4QM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi.ytimg.com%252Fvi%252FLJOdRdlJS5c%252F0.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Farticle.wn.com%252Fview%252F2013%252F10%252F30%252FA_solid_gold_Lamborghini_and_6_other_supercars%252F%3B480%3B360
  11. man that ARK looks sweet , we need more pictures tho ! and a sound vid Its your duty to the forum
  12. bummer , I would get a black vue camera which turns on and records on motion detect , when parked up you would have seen the culprit when you played back the footage
  13. meh ! I change mine at 3mm and consider them bald then !
  14. I'll be controversial , I prefer the front with the proper surround However they look a lot better than they were
  15. i think the blue or white ones are the best colour ;)
  16. Loving the double din , any links to stereo and fitting kit ?
  17. So I need to change my spark plugs , do these come pre- gapped ? http://spark-plugs.c...h/simple/161936 These are coming in at £56 posted
  18. Nice install ! , without sounding retarded , do you have any signal issues with it hiding in the cubby v stuck to windscreen ?
  19. Ok After some serious playing with the plugs on both drivers side and passenger side and trying this procedure It has finally reset thank god :yahoo: :yahoo: Using a stopwatch is not necessary. I used the method below - Flashing Blinking Airbag Warning Light Reset Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Turn the key from off to on. 2. Watch the airbag light closely. It will stay on for a few secs. and then as soon as it blinks off (the start of the flashing), turn the key off instantly. 3. Count to 5 (1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi . . . .) 4. Repeat steps 1-3 two more times until you have done the cycle three times. 5. Now turn the key on and watch the light. It will start blinking in a different, slower manner. This is diagnostic mode. You can watch this for a little while, no hurry. 6. Now turn the key off again, Count to 5 , and turn back on. If the procedure worked, the airbag light will not be flashing.
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