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Everything posted by Wookiee22

  1. Done. Bloody hell that was emotional though! Needed the grinder to get the bolts off eventually and after that it was pretty much plain sailing, until it got to removing the O2 sensors from the cats. One came out no dramas at all (got the proper 22mm split wrench) but the 2nd, Didn't want to torch it due to the sensor - it eventually took a good hour of brute force and ignorance to get it off, a series of rounding off the bolt and filing edges back on. Had to cut the heat shield off the oem cat in the end to get a decent clearance for a 22mm crescent spanner. Will get photos when it's daylight again. Have just taken it for a spin to get some heat into it and cure the gasket stuff. Noise is
  2. I wouldn't purchase a Kinetix coffee mug if they made one Taken on board! May well look at some A arms in the near future then Adam. Just excited for the first parcel to arrive at the moment though!
  3. +1 amazing stuff! Wookie... sounds like you need some firepower now!! get the acetylene torch on it! If the grinder fails, that may be the next option.
  4. I will certainly try that next time - I think I've seen my Dad using it, should have been a clue perhaps! I feel it may be a little late this time around - what's remaining hardly resembles a nut any more!
  5. I think it might be - particularly coming back from Germany - they are very liberal with the grit over there. Got to say I approve though.
  6. With customised headlights, perhaps. Not my cup of tea though to be honest.
  7. Tried blowtorch and WD40. The latter worked for the HFC bolts but not these! Problem now is that the out edge of the bolt has rounded from my elbow grease with ring spanners!
  8. Finally I've got around to fitting my HKS Y-pipe and Kinetix HFCs, supplied by Alex Hit a slight stumbling block however - the bolts attaching the mid section to the Y are well and truly seized. Had this issue when fitting my K2 catback and we had to resort to a chisel! That was on a ramp though, this time I'm on stands and there isn't really a lot of malleting room under there. Nut cracker has failed, mole grips have failed, not had a great deal of luck. So I've got myself an angle grinder to get those b###ers off. Just hope the snow lets up tomorrow so I can use it without electrocuting myself! Will get pictures up of everything (in particular the HKS shininess) tomorrow, with any luck.
  9. I guess if you're dropping a bucketload of cash on a tt conversion, why the hell not?
  10. Could be an amazing bargain! I'd want to have a very close look at it first though...
  11. Have you tried the emergency release under the strut bar?
  12. Ah yes, I seem to recall the 'crash' thread. What do you run now?
  13. Excuse for a carbon one perhaps?
  14. I agree, it does seem strange. Perhaps the tolerances on oem suspension parts are pretty liberal!
  15. Requiring adjustable front A arms yes? Correct Learning slowly! I guess it's one of those where I won't really know if I need them until I fit the coilovers. Hmm. I had looked at the Cusco ones recently. Or perhaps these: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=32818&hilit=arms Not heard of hardrace before. Anyone had any experience?
  16. Thanks mate. Looks like a morning in the snow may be in order!
  17. Thanks for the rapid response Ian! What sort of drop?
  18. Have a bit of a dilemma! Currently sitting in my garage is a spanking new set of Bilstein PSS10 coilovers, just begging to be fitted to my car, on which I am currently running 18" Rays with 20mm spacers. I am aware that due to the drop (about 20mm min all round) I may put the camber out of whack at the rear. In order to combat this I have on order, from Adam over in the US, a set of rear camber arms. Unfortunately, there has been a delay in getting these over here - they're part of a larger shipment and there have been one or two dramas with suppliers and the like. I know the sensible thing to do would be to wait (becoming a painful process!) however I'd just like to know, for arguments sake , would I be asking for trouble by running without adjustment for a few weeks? I'd get the alignment sorted as best I can after fitting, within the limitations of the oem parts. Thoughts?
  19. I think those look great!
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