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Everything posted by kObi

  1. Reminds me of.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMdSaC5flOk
  2. i know exactly how you all feel. im dying to wash/drive mine too. on the plus side, the snows melting very fast today so hopefully i'll get out sometime this week!
  3. haha, welcome and enjoy the stay. nice looking scooby!
  4. Welcome! cars looking good! amazing the differnece just having the skirts on.
  5. it'll be an online only game i think so i'd expect it to be cheap anyway. maybe even a direct download from PSN.
  6. lol i knew this was a female before i even clicked on this thread. Anyway and
  7. i take it you missed the beta? was quite a fun game, but yeah for having that many people in 1 server the graphics have to take a hit so it runs smoother. graphics reminded me of warhawk. not sure if i'd buy it, but it was fun.
  8. Bah! Embeddings now been disabled. Yeah, i bet it'll be a very easy movie to watch and highly entertaining.
  9. that really does look amazing! But as sarnie said, you mad! im sitting here with a nice warm cuppa tea just shaking my head. That panda will drive through anything!
  11. thats an awesome shaggin wagon!!!
  12. Owwwww congratz!!!! and he has more hair than me!
  13. aye i see what ya mean. its bad here, but i can guess its worse up there. my Z's been parked up since new years day. have to turn it every other day, mainly coz i miss it haha. Was driving back from dundee on night before the new year and i was coming outta guardbridge going st andrews way. i was coming up the hill, going the same speed the whole way, got to the top, still going the same speed and the car just goes sideways and slides across the other side of the road. lucky nothing was coming the other way but the cars behind me must of shat it! only joy i have is in the work van pulling the handbreak in carparks.
  14. its fine in leven!!! alot worse this end. i've been workin in coaltown of balgonie the past few days, as soon as were past upper largo we can relax coz the roads are fine. but i wouldnt dare take the Z out on those roads. your car looks as dirty as mine!
  15. that just remind me of this guy http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/8414712.stm ..but i do think a crate of bud is taking the ****
  16. ...Just incase some of you are unaware that you have this condition... http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1249339/anatidaephobia_the_fear_that_you_are.html?cat=70
  17. As it says in the link: '2009 D1 GRAND PRIX PROFESSIONAL SERIES TOKYO DRIFT EXHIBITION IN ODAIBA' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA8FquXKqlI No subtitles sadly.
  18. VERY NICE!!!! does look very awesome in white!
  19. Owwww congrats!!! Get all the sleep you can, your not gonna get much of it the next couple of years!
  20. Welcome Shipmate! ...and yes palm trees in scotland, i have two in my garden!
  21. Well done to the subaru owners though. Thats a real nice thing to do! feel all warm and fuzzy inside now.
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