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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. We tried doing some on a mates astra years ago,and the hardest thing to do was getting the damn securing pins in at the top,took us hours!
  2. How long did they take to fit chap,iv got a set,and was impressed by the quality,want to ket them fitted.
  3. When i get some time,il upload some of the photo's. Couldnt believe it really. We had 2 nights in Bangkok,and 8 nights in the Sheraton on Krabi beach,just amazing,best holiday ever.
  4. We were going to go there end of last year,but couldnt get the time off work,so went Thailand,sounds like we had a lucky escape! lol Awesome reviews!
  5. sorry,i didnt know if this would get off the ground,so ordered a set the other day,just had an email to say they are en-route.
  6. On some engines,you have to be careful of the valves,but in most cases,yes. The only slight downside,is that you loose a small amount of power,4-5%. Guy at work that had his done,says the car runs alot smoother on gas,as it burns cleaner.
  7. Because you get 99% of the petrol engine,for 1/2 the price of fuel. A diesel engine dont drive like a petrol engine,its what you prefer i suppose,but id chose the noise of a petrol engine over a diesel any day.
  8. A guy i work with has had his 3L Legacy Outback converted last year,at a cost of nearly 2.5k. He calculated that in 2 years it would have paid for itself. The car was averaging 21mpg on light throttle,hence why he had it done,went to Coventry to get it sorted. The only issue is the valves on Subaru's are quite soft,so potentially he will need the adjusting or new ones or something. But providing the conversion was done at a reputable garage,then id not worry too much. Just do your research on the garages.
  9. Thanks Alex,nice to know i have options. If i have to replace the clutch etc,id go for a lightened flywheel anyday. Im considering going for one of your Cosworth filters and brake ducts. Do you sell the pipes in pairs,or do you have a spare one laying around?
  10. Was on the way to the pub with the mrs drivers her swift sport,and a very clean looking Sunset was heading towards Banbury,or the back end of Brackley at around 12 noon today. Anyone from here,didnt get the plate.
  11. It pulls fine in all the gears,and is not slipping. Just the whining when reversing up hill worries me abit,as does the problem when selecting 5th+6th. I can pull away in 4th gear with some revs,and although it stinks abit,is fine with that.
  12. Im having more and more issues changing from 4th to 5th toward the upper reaches of the rev range,and also from 5th to 6th. When i do it ,it just seems like there is no gear there,and stick just hits a wall. I have a feeling that my clutch is on the way out,as when im reversing up my drive,on a slope,i get alot of whining from the gearbox. Just wondering what peoples thoughts where on this. Changing gears most of the time is fine through the gearbox,just seems to be from 4th onwards.
  13. Have you thought about getting a 5dr Astra 150 Sri Diesel? With a tuning box you can get 220hp,and 330 lb/ft,and they are pretty roomy too,you could even get an estate.
  14. I love snow foam,its awesome,really helps get the worst of the dirt etc off before washing. Iv just bought 5L of this stuff,its great. Really clings on. Manage to clean all 4 wheels and still have time to spare with the foam on. http://shop.autobritedirect.co.uk/magif ... 2725-p.asp
  15. If you have to tell people it's not cool anymore - and here's pics of my GENUINE NISMO v2 (yeah, not cool now I know! ) what wheels are they chap,they look pretty cool,are they 19"? After a set of 19",really wanted a set of Nismo's,but open to new idea,plus trying to find a set is impossible.
  16. I know this is a random question,but is possible to switch the buttons,so that the cruise control is on the left hand side,and stereo controls on the right?
  17. I ordered the 452 and after a mix up got the 912. I had no choice as it was a friday afternoon and had a long trip planned the next day on almost bald Bridgestones. I know people dont rate them,but to be honest,iv had no issues with them. I find them pretty quiet,and the grip is impressive,even in the wet,snow,and ice. The 452 maybe a better summer tyre,but in this weather im pretty happy with the 912
  18. Daryl

    ae86 track car

    Iv seen one around MK recently,gave it a lil toot as i went past the other day on the A5. Not sure if it was you or not.
  19. I have a 350,so i may just buy one to hang on my wall in the living room. That is pure sex,nothing that sits under the car has a right to look that good! Wish they made one for the 350.
  20. LOL,i had missed this! Yeah im affraid im only getting £1000 out of it,as someone has already said that iv got to pay the mrs back. I hate the tax man!
  21. lol,well after the tax man has taken his 4k,the rest is going to pay back my mrs for the kitchen and some of the money she lent me for the car. Im having 1k out of it. At the moment its a toss up between a set of Nismo wheels (plus abit more £),and a winter hack.
  22. Well they are a HUGE band,i have no idea what they exactly charged,but i heard it from someone that went to the Autosport Awards with Christian and Adrian. Its all a marketing tool,but hey im going to enjoy it while it lasts!
  23. I dont like the Ings one at all,maybe its the splitter. Got to be Nismo V2 for me.
  24. You said it! Not all clever people at Red Bull then? Why do you say that?
  25. Well i downloaded the Wiiphoto app on my iphone4,and tried to connect to the wii,and it wouldnt have it,(came up with a protocol error). Have since found out that i need to download Wii Transfer on my Mac,so iv done that,and it still wont work as it says the server is down! Has anyone got any ideas,or suggestions? Have done an internet search,but cant seem to find anything of use.
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