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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Daryl


    Well i say healthy,i currently owe £15k to the mrs,for the 350 and a kitchen,but that will go down to £10 in January when i get the bonus,and i dont owe anything on the credit card other than my monthly fuel,which gets paid off every month. To me thats fine,as i start paying the mrs back in Jan also,so depending how well we do next season,most of that should go then.
  2. Daryl


    Well i use the car every single day on my 60 mile round trip to work,plus going to Leman next year,but its a good suggestion,and certainly not what id thought of,thanks.
  3. Right,after Red Bull have won the constructors ,i get a nice bonus,but most of it is going to the Mrs to pay off the kitchen and some of the 350. iv been allowed £1000 to myself. My finances are pretty healthy at the mo,so shouldnt need to pay anything off,so was wondering what people thought would be best to spend £1000 on,to go the 350. I was thinking of a set of 19's,i could stretch to £1500 if needed,but was wondering what else people would do to their 350 if they had £1000 to spend. Id really like a spoiler, and Nismo V2 bumper with an 07 bonnet,but i can sort them out during the year hopefully,and get them all painted together.
  4. This weekend is certainly going to be interesting with 4 drivers (really 3) able to win the title. Also,if your in MK sunday,and want a close up of an F1 car,i suggest you go to the Living Room at the Hub. We are taking over the place apparently and having a show car out the front! I wont be able to make it,as we have people coming over,but should be good.
  5. Well to be honest,aslong as one of ours wins,we dont really care,but wev already got our bonus from the constructors,and we dont get anything for the drivers championship. Il be on the look out for a new set of wheels for the 350 come January! Im really impressed how well the pics came out. Its a brand new camera,so not too sure how to get the best out of it yet.
  6. lol,team orders do not exist in F1! I think Franz Tost maybe wise to help us out,after all,the big man pays his wages aswell as Horners,we shall see. It was nice to see the Renaults move out the way during the race. I think that alot of teams would prefer us to have won it over the likes of McLaren and Ferrari,we seemed to get alot of other team members congratulating us,no one from the 2 other teams did though......
  7. Im on TV http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... efault.stm at 1.30,im bottom left of the screen,just on the outside of the people all jumping around! What an experience to be there though,we were a little shocked that the Hulk got pole,but knew/ hoped that it was down to the weather more than the pace of the car,and we were right. Iv been told it was a pretty boring race,but i was in the viewing area,with no headphones watching on a tiny hanging monitor,fingers crossed. Here is some pics from the weekend.
  8. Well im back,and all i can say is WOW. What a feeling,its still not sunk in yet. It was an amazing experience,and im so luck to be able to say im apart of it. After we all packed up,we got taken to a club that had Fatboy Slim headlining as guest DJ,i was also chatting to him as he was RB's guest at the race. Il get pics etc up at some point,got to unpack and go have lunch with the mrs.
  9. Maybe STR will help us out with the situation.....
  10. Well last year i went to Singapore,and got given a wad of cash,and 60kg of excess baggage,and then after a 12 hour flight,went into the track,walked for 30 mins with a huge box containing a front wing,this is was in the 80% humidity,through all the crowds etc. Not alot of fun. The teams dont get much sleep,normally only 1 nights sleep during the whole 4 days they are there. It looks very glamourous etc,but the guys work bloody hard out there. Still cant wait to go though. Just finished washing the 350,and iv got my brake pads and car cover from ZMANALEX (thanks),so shes already for when i have to park her up in the compound at work.
  11. My mum told me this morning,that a Quantas plane lost its engine,she didnt say what plane though. Im a crack checker (no sniggers please),its part of the NDT i do,aswell as ultra sonics. Someone obviously missed a fecking big crack on that plane then,or they have the service schedule too far apart.
  12. Im guessing selling the 350 is not an option....
  13. Well im flying out tonight to go work at the race over the weekend,not looking forward to leaving the Zed in the compound at work,though should be getting a nice car cover from ZMANALEX,which will be nice. I hope to be bringing back the trophies,which will mean that we win the constructors! Iv been told that its a really nasty place to visit,and wev been advised to take off watches etc,and dont carry wallets,as the chance of getting mugged at gun point are pretty high,apparently. Its going to be an experience,one way or another,il be stepping off the plane after 12 hours,then going straight to the track,where im fully expecting to be until the early hours of saturday morning,so its going to be a long one.
  14. A friend of mine was renting a flat a while back,and after something like 3 years,he had the option to buy it, using the rent he had already paid as the deposit. Was a great idea,but he moved,as needed a bigger place. Not sure if these things are still going,or what they apply to,but it maybe worth checking out.
  15. Daryl

    fuel costs

    Just checked,and apparently it is an 80litre tank! oh well....lol
  16. Daryl

    fuel costs

    I must be doing something wrong as I can only fit £65 in from reserve light and getting approx 280 miles at a guess, only had it for one tank full so far and didn't work out how to reset the trip until I was at half a tank Fuel economy sucks to be honest, but come on its a 280bhp sports car not a fiat panda. You don't buy these cars because they do 45mpg haha I dont trust the low fuel light,as iv filled up once with the light on,after driving a fair few miles,and could only get 60litres in,and its a 70 litre tank,so had loads left in it. I usually get around 350miles from a tank of super unleaded. My commute to work involves alot of steady driving,but i do like to put my foot down in places,and im getting 25mpg pretty much every tank.
  17. Look at the state of the workshop behind the bumper! They have not even cleaned the thing up properly,looks like masking tape ot marks over it.
  18. Was leaving work at 3.30pm,and at the end of Bradbourne Drive,was parked an Azure with what looked like 19" chrome multispoke wheels,a K1 exhaust and i think a black/carbon central bit to the front bumper.
  19. Im experimenting with this sort of thing,but dont have the duct in the bumper,so running mine from the grille. Looks pants at the mo,but wanted to see if it worked,and it does,so in the process of making something abit better and longer term solution.
  20. lol,seemed to have spent double what i had anticipated,but hes a good guy,and done a good job at selling up!
  21. Is a bad man,hes touched me where only a woman knows how............ In my wallet! lol
  22. Bernie probably wants more money if F1 is going to be shot in HD,thats why the BBC havnt done it yet.
  23. Blimey,thats a fair amount of negative comments! Well i came home from work early last night,and after a bottle a wine and a curry,the mrs just came out and said that she will cancel the TT contract,and that it was stupid for her to sign up to it! We hadnt discussed it all evening,so fingers crossed,it will not interrupt the service!
  24. PMSL,i know they should not be allowed to buy tech things,i think my mrs was tired,and couldnt be bothered to say no. Il talk to her tonight,and convince her that we should cancel it all. Just had a look through there info pack,and there is no info on the BB speeds or anything. Which to me sounds like its going to be pony!
  25. I have no idea why the mrs signed up for it,but they have said that we can cancel if we want within 14 days,so may take them up on that! I see no reason to change,as it could all go horribly wrong,and ten cost us a fortune.
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