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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. SNOW FOAM BABY! Sorry to hear about all the trouble your having with the bodyshop. I dont know if there are any out there that have the attention to detail and care that owners like us deserve. I had someone hit the side of my Astra at the start of the year. The insurance company use a body shop that was managed by my partners brother inlaw. He left shortly after my car was in there (6 weeks in total) ,but i had patches of over spray on random areas,and all sorts of defects all over the car. I paid them to respray the front bumper and bonnet and rear bumper,and they didnt even take them off to spray them! Took it back there twice,and in the end gave up and sorted them myself. Sorry to hijack your thread. Your car looks great,and glad you got to see the snow foam,it gets people looking at your car thats for sure!
  2. I had a Toad on my old Astra,and couldnt fault it. It had useful features,and was 100% reliable.(was fitted by an approved installer,and got the certificate to reduce the insurance) I was told to stay away from clifford,and my mate got one fitted,had no end of trouble with it,going off in the middle of the night etc. He used to just turn it off in the end,as it was so unreliable. He had proximity sensors,and they were a right pain the arse.
  3. We were in a similar situation when we moved in last year. I ended up getting a Humax HD Freesat box,as we had a sky dish on the house already,and didnt know if we would use Sky+. Im now thinking of upgrading the Hard Drive version,which is not cheap,but compared to Sky+ it is. Im looking at getting at this. http://www.whathifi.com/Review/Humax-HDR-FOX-T2/ We dont watch much TV,and we are happy with the channels we get with the box now,its just the recording feature that we need.
  4. I have these on the back of my Zed after the tyre placed cocked up,and it was late on a friday,and was going on a long trip the next day,and the stones were past the wear markers. Iv had no issues with them,in the wet or dry,and iv driven through some pretty crap weather. If i had had a choice,i would have waited for the 452's,but didnt and had to go with these,had no big moments with them on. I dont drive at 10/10ths though,as i know that im not skilled yet.
  5. Sorry about the delay This is what im talking about at the ends
  6. Yeah? That's pretty savage, I bought mine 2 and a half years ago for £4.5k, which was a good price at the time, now it's got 69k on the clock, pretty much FSH and 1 year MOT. Only bad point is the scuffed alloys. No idea what I'll get for it now though, what colour, year, engine and mileage is yours? Mine is the 1.8. Its an 02 plate,done 80k,and got full service history up to me 3 years ago. Serviced all myself after that with best parts etc. Mine is also Europa Blue,and its an awesome colour,love it. I paid 6k for mine in September 07.
  7. Ouch,thats abit steep! Thats around £240 per mat!
  8. My Zed had this done when i got it,and it looks pap if im honest. Its come away from the bumper at the ends,where there is a change in shape(where it meets the rest of the bumper). If i get it wrapped,it would be gloss black,not carbon,as i think it looks better. Il get a pic tomorrow and post it up so you can see what i mean. Dont know if anyone else has this problem,or if its just me.
  9. It is indeed an astra Bertone SE2 coupe, I am putting it up for sale very soon, I don't want to get rid of her though, I loved that car! Iv currently got mine up for sale,its not quite immaculate,but barring a small scuff on the front bumper and a scrape on the wing,(i have a spare wing) it is perfect. Cant seem to get 2k for it though.
  10. Nice SE2 Astra Coupe in front of the Zed by the way,or is it a hatch with the SE2 rims? Zed looks awesome,nice and shiny!
  11. We use something very similar on our Brembro brakes,and when i worked at Prodrive,we made caliper coolers for AP racing,same sort of thing. Donky Dick is the way forward though.
  12. Well what an awesome race today,this season is great,so many accidents and banzai overtakes,its really good for the sport. Kobayashi was sensational,another really great drive from him,and was nice to see Shuey atleast gaining some pace,and not ramming people off the road,even if im not a fan of his. As for the result,im glad the cars held together,and showed how fast and reliable the RB6 really is. Stunning,and still leaves both championships wide open,though the gap to McLaren has opened abit,which is nice. Worth getting up twice for, at stupid am.
  13. drag the bottom right hand corner out,thats how you make it bigger,or click on the green sphere at the top left.
  14. Have you tried going into the Apple store? You will probably get better customer service,help etc from there,than PC world. Why not try one out in store? At the Apple shop in MK,you can go upstairs and surf the net,check your emails etc for free,and you get to use their latest stuff,and they will help you out with anything. That way you get to play around with the computer for free and check you emails etc while your out! lol
  15. Anyone got any more thoughts on how much this is worth now iv provided year etc.
  16. Sat in traffic on the way into Buckingham yesterday,and saw a black beast heading to MK,looked LHD,didnt know if that person is registered on here. Also saw a Azure roadster,and a Blade coupe on the way.
  17. Both me and my partner have Mac Books,and we both think they are great. They are always reliable,and as a design package they cant be beat. No they are not cheap,but you get what you pay for. The add on bits for them are not cheap,but i think thats all part of buying a premium product. Its takes abit of getting used to,but when you do,you will realise how much better they are. I certainly never regret buying it,and i use Windows all day at work,just wish Windows was as good.
  18. Daryl


    I work in Tilbrook,surprised iv not seen you on my travels. Great place for a photo shoot,and photos look amazing,good effort.
  19. I read Evo and CAR magazine,Evo more in depth as i think its an awesome magazine. I dont bother with any others other than Autosport,but thats not a motoring mag.
  20. Thanks. we are having 2 days in Bangkok,then 8 days on Krabbi (sp) beach in a holiday resort. Should be awesome,2 great trips in a short space of time,but both very different from each other.
  21. Im still interested in this,keep us posted.
  22. Well i should explain that it has been a pretty pants year. My partners dad died on Jan 26th,and trying to deal with that was notr fun,and we have also had abit of a rough time as a couple recently,and this was her way of thanking me for sticking by her though everything,and is using some of the money she inherited to treat us both. She spent 6 months out there teaching,and has always wanted to go back,so after Cuba didnt work out,this was the obvious choice.
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