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Everything posted by Cragus

  1. Repost for about the 100th time! Always good for a laugh though!
  2. Notice I took the bit about football out though!
  3. It might be your joints that are squeaking. Old age catching up on you - stop blaming i on the zed!
  4. 15 mins in snow! Dont really do strathy these days! A few od us go to organised meets though EK cruise and that! If I can help, let me know!
  5. Happened to me too - just reach under and and clip it back in!
  6. Called you were West of Scotland from the troops comment before opening the thread! I am from bellshill area mate so 15 minutes from you! Good luck with the search so good luck with the search or feel free to give us a pm if you want help or a look at a car!
  7. Ass pirates....everyone of them! Not feeling the cube either i am afraid.
  8. Happy birthday Zedrush......now geez yer wheels!
  9. In the garage wrapped up in an old duvet actually. My garage has never seen a car in it...everything but!
  10. Started driving in a nissan micra at 17 (building up some no claims), then went to corsa crew, then to a clio. Never mind scanning pictures, i dont think i bothered taking any of these! Moved to my MR2 1.8 vvti roadster Then the zed...
  11. What way does the water swirl when flushing the toilet?
  12. Have to agree - I believe alot of them are pyramid type schemes.
  13. 1x1 twill for me on your list! I seem to be down for both.
  14. Thats one hell of a chat up line!!!!! And she hasnt posted any pics yet!! Sorry steph, couldnt resist! Welcome to the forum A pic has been posted bud!
  15. Someones in trouble Wait till the mods see Coops All in jest coops - any closer on getting me a price on that engine dress kit i asked you about to draw the attention off me?
  16. I never really dabbled in tuning the MR2 as I always had my eye on the zed! I loved the car but I thought the back end was always a little bit too willing to step out - either that or I was a little too spirited in it.
  17. Well you are in the right place to find out more about them. You might need to team up with the other girls to keep us boys in check though..... Haha I used to be an active member of the mk1 mr2 club when I had one of those and I think I was the only woman who had one I had mr2 before the zed also. Think quite a few people have came from similar position...i didnt mention it for the first while incase I was hit with the hairdresser remarks. Depends which one you had Yup - the roadster! woot woo! I was a student at the time in my defence! Not a bad wee car though!
  18. Thats strange Sarnie....i picked up on the message differently. Hooking is the way forward!
  19. Eating out - Barbecue base chicken feast (Pizza Hut) Eating in - American hot (Asda pizza counter) -Cragus does not take responsibility for those who eat these pizzas on his recommendation and subsequently have a spicy bumhole.
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