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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. Ooops.. I couldnt figure out how to get it out,so just grabbed hold of the back, and yanked it. A little piece came off in my hand. It appears that this little rectangle at the back is supposed to come off (phew) so I put it back, and stopped pulling bits before I broke something. For a moment I thought I would be after the same part! Ill have a look in the daylight and see if I canfigure out how it comes out - I hope there is a part number on the bottom. It is the material lined box bit you are after yes?..
  2. Hang on Ill go see if I can find a part number on it...
  3. Well, my internet access is fixed, and the car is back in the garage, but it looks like Ive been beaten to the finish line!
  4. Welcome to the forums! If you want to drop me pm about any discount etc ad othe details, then I can get this stickied up in the discounts section and also perhaps a link on our front page too, that way you get maximum visibility! Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to register, come on you guests (yes I can see you all) whatare you waiting for... get registered and dive in! We don't bite.. Honest...
  5. Yes we roadster owners dont get the phone holder, or the buttons on the steering wheel to control the stereo... Must be a simple enough retro fit I would have thought, if only to control the stereo it would be nice.
  6. Sounds good! I used to go to the Donington services for meets with the VW club. Count me in too.
  7. Im sorry, my missus has the car at work today, Ill try and have a look at home later, but at the moment my internet conection at home is down (bloody BT). If by some miracle my internet conection is working when I get home, Ill post it up if I can find it, other than that I'll not be able to post it up until Monday.
  8. Id like a train horn. Like the one in the video in the media section.
  9. Certainly solves the "thats a different colour" problem for many of us!
  10. I can certainly try. Ill post back here once Ive had a chance to have a look at this.
  11. Yes there are some quirks with the "topics since last visit" link. Its to do with the forum timing your connection out, so when you come back after a period of say 30 minutes, it believes your last visit was actually only a minute or so ago, hence the list goes. I'll be working on a way of making it fixed, so perhaps a log out or longer "inacttive" perdiod is used. Say 3 hours or more. That way the only way you will suffer the same problem is if you have the page open and dont post fo three hours. (which you shouldn't do, as you'll never get your free stickers that way! ) Chalk it up on the to do list....
  12. I also looked seriously at an M3, though it would not have been as new as the Z. Perhaps a 12, 18 month M3. If its brand new that you are going for, then you'll certainly loose a hell of a lot more in depreciation on the M3. I like the relative excusivity of the Z, OK it may not have the prestige badge that some people seem to place a little too much emphasis on, but I can travel for hours sometimes without seeing another Z. Whereas some days I could loose count of the M3's I see. At least six on my way to work every day. Though as others say, if I had to swap the "sporty" car for a four seater, the M3 would be top of the pops at the moment. But not a new one - just couldn't handle the depreciation. Oh - Welcome to the forum by the way! LOL
  13. Hi Mark, welcome aboard - hope you find it useful and fun!
  14. I had a look at WW, I did notice they do a kit for the 350. I was just thinking of the kit they do for the mkiv golf. Thankfully they seem to have kept this one pretty tame compared.
  15. Hi, welcome aboard. Another Roadster owner! We are a rare breed in the UK, what with all the rain! LOL. Hope you enjoy the site, feel free to post up with any suggestions or questions. Oh and dont forget to get some pictures in your gallery when you take delivery of the new toy!
  16. Hi, As you may have noticed, the template for the forum has now changed. This is the end product of several weeks work, the majority of which has been conducted by sparkie. We hope that you like the new style, and find all the links in just the right places to make the site more user friendly. Don't worry if you don't like the new layout and design. If you really do want to switch back, then simply visit your profile settings and change the "board style" setting back to "subsilver". You'll find this at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to post any feedback in the site suggestions and feedback section. Once again, many thanks to Sparkie, forall his effort over the past few weeks. Regards, The 350z-uk.com Team.
  17. Sounds likea good idea. One of the US members may be able to help out? I dont know where else to look otherwise? It may be a long shot as Nissan dont do that colour in the UK, but perhaps a dealer can order a US touch up for less?
  18. Sounds very similar to the: "I've got 3 million dollars to get out of my country, if you help me I'll give you a cut" scam. No doubt some poor soul will get caught out by this guy. Not necessarily this scam, but I bet its not the first or last stunt that will be pulled by people.
  19. Hi, You must be the chap I was chatting to on MSN. Welcome to the community! Ive just noted the time of your post too! 5.20am!! I told you, you wouldn't be able to sleep waiting to get out in it today! We have a gallery section too where you can upload pictures of your new toy when you are ready. Regards, Chris.
  20. Agree, just watched the first episode. I did enjoy it a little, but I suppose that stems from having worked in IT support for a while, and managing a team of support people. Including in some holes like the one depicted in the show.
  21. £££££££££££££ Just what I need with 10K kitchen on the way...
  22. Ive go it recorded to watch later... I'll give it a whirl.
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