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That was Lucky....(Sort of)


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So, get woken up this morning, to tell me there was a police officer in the house last night at 2am with my mum giving a statement.


Apparently about 10 or so cars in our street were subjected to a break in last night. A neighbor tipped off the police after seeing a suspicious young lad in a hoody hanging around cars.


My mum's passenger door was spotted open, however nothing was taken (Crappy in built stereo)


Funny thing is, they didn't even touch the Z, considering it had aftermarket HU etc, more appropriate target, but maybe the Z is harder to break into and puts criminals off.




Funny thing is me and the Dog were soundo throughout the whole of this...She usually goes mental at any sound throughout the night :lol:

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You got lucky grundy or maybe he just thought breaking into the Zed was too much of a risk as an awesome race car like that must have the dogs boll**ks of an alarm. B):D

It does, so super sensitive! With a window down a smigen, the slightest fly's sneeze, and the alarm goes off :lol:
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