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The daftest cruise, just for the hell of it ???


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Whats the daftest cruise you have done, just for the hell of it ?


I'll start the ball rolling, so you get the idea.

I once did John O'Groats and back in 21 hours, thats 1100 miles averaging nearly 55 miles per hour including stops and getting legged up in Edinburgh traffic. I drove up the east coast, all the way along the northern tip of the country and back down the west coast. This was in a Rover V8 SD1 Vitesse for no other reason than I just wanted to go for a cruise !

I have happy memories of the dawn breaking while I was tooling along a wide open stretch of single track road - thats an A road in the Highlands :D

I had the windows down and I was listening to the V8 burbling along at 80mph. Happy days.


So come on guys and gals, lets have your cruise "just for the hell of it" stories...

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I often go up to Balmoral and stuff just for the hell of it. It's not far but takes in some amazing roads and views.


Did an ace cruise in Houston, there was a Canadian, two Scots and an Iranian in the car. We got really lost ended up either near the Mexican Border or the state Border but on an airbase in some yee hah hick town. We thought we were going to go to Guantanamo for trying to give the Iranians secretsd! It was a laugh, again not that far but seemed like about 2000 miles!

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Xabia (Spain) to my home... left at about 6am in the morning got home about 8am the following day( 26 hours with no sleep , except what I grabbed on the ferry and waiting about for it to dock :headhurt: )...thats was inc ferry journey Calais -Dover..it took me about 3 days to get over it :blush: seem to think it was about 1500 miles in total

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..it took me about 3 days to get over it :blush:


PMSL, I know exactly what you mean. I'm dying to do a Highland cruise the next time I pick up a suitable motor but I don't think I can stay awake long enough these days :blush:

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Yellowstone park in Wyoming up through Montana to Seattle where we got lost and ended up in Tacoma when we should of been in north Seattle. Totaled about 1000 miles in about 12hrs.


Would do it again tomorrow if I was there.

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I quite often visit tunnels even when im not planning on going anywhere near them :blush:


And not enough good ones around. I used to leave for work at 4am driving from the lake district to London. Then I got the Z. Now leave the previous lunchtime and cruise up through the lovely windy lanes to Scotch Corner and then drift ( not literally) down the East coast. Journeys arent long enough nowadays although I have @*!# loads of Nectar points! :thumbs:

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I was watching a program last night called Coast. They go round the coast of the UK I think. Last night they went from Berwick upon Tweed to my fair city of Aberdeen and I must say it inspired me for going for a big drive.


I wouldn't mind seeing the rest of the series as it was pretty good, I learned a fair bit about the coast I live on and the Engineering feats along the way.



Anyway, It made me want to go for a drive. And I can't. :(

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I quite often visit tunnels even when im not planning on going anywhere near them :blush:


You haven't got far to go with the Malpas tunnels a few miles down the road from you. Mind you the traffic is often at a stand still when you get there.


I mostly use the Butetown tunnels its easier to turn around and they are much quieter :teeth:


Its much better now that the camera at the end of the tunnel has gone aswell :yahoo:

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I was watching a program last night called Coast. They go round the coast of the UK I think. Last night they went from Berwick upon Tweed to my fair city of Aberdeen and I must say it inspired me for going for a big drive.


I wouldn't mind seeing the rest of the series as it was pretty good, I learned a fair bit about the coast I live on and the Engineering feats along the way.



Anyway, It made me want to go for a drive. And I can't. :(


Yeah thats a brilliant series, I've seen a few episodes of that.

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I just ordered all three seasons from play for 43.97 delivered. I'm happy with that so expect some crazy cruise stories soon!


I must be getting old. Power tools for christmas and buying bloody geographical documentries for pleasure....... I'm only 24!

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