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Can I get MacBook Air 13" quality but for less?


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I spoke about this with Apple whilst browsing a while ago. External CD/DVD drove is like £70 or something. Plug and play.


Or a normal (non apple) CD/ DVD drive is £30 plug and play ;)


Or if you have a desktop you share that for £0 plug & play ;)

Edited by spursmaddave
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I spoke about this with Apple whilst browsing a while ago. External CD/DVD drove is like £70 or something. Plug and play.


Or a normal (non apple) CD/ DVD drive is £30 plug and play ;)


Or if you have a desktop you share that for £0 plug & play ;)


Starting to love apple even before I've bought one.

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Another thing to add since your budget has escalated :p I personally wouldn't got he MB Air route, simple because there is no CD/DVD drive. The rest of the Air is awesome and I love how slim and light it is, but the lack of a built in drive is annoying.


But how often do you use a drive these days, I have had my mac mini over a year and never connected it to a CD/DVD drive, I have a 32GB memory stick for moving files :shrug:


I agree, I was going to add that in but was lazy :lol:


For me it's one if those things I want, even if I don't use it often. Mine hasn't been used much since I got it when I fed all my music CDs into it.


Kind of like electronic damper adjustment for Tein coil overs, I'd use it once to get it set up and probably never again, still want it though :p

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Can you install Linux on a mac book air/pro? I love the hardware but couldn't live without running Linux.


Yep, Ubuntu, etc :)


You can run Mac OS X 10.9, Windows 8 and Ubuntu on the same Mac, either booting through EFI or in virtual machines: Parallels, VMWare


virtualbox runs ubuntu for me perfectly on my air and is free :)


Ugh, virtualization? Why bother on a desktop unless you're actually planning on using the underlying OS as well, or if you have to run a crappy OS (Windows) and would prefer it to run on top aof a good OS. Via EFI means native though right? Will have to read up on that. :)

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Can you install Linux on a mac book air/pro? I love the hardware but couldn't live without running Linux.


Yep, Ubuntu, etc :)


You can run Mac OS X 10.9, Windows 8 and Ubuntu on the same Mac, either booting through EFI or in virtual machines: Parallels, VMWare


virtualbox runs ubuntu for me perfectly on my air and is free :)


Ugh, virtualization? Why bother on a desktop unless you're actually planning on using the underlying OS as well, or if you have to run a crappy OS (Windows) and would prefer it to run on top aof a good OS. Via EFI means native though right? Will have to read up on that. :)


when you support osx, win and nix environments its a must :)


day to day my os of use and choice is osx

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From what you said you need the laptop for, why buy a mac? You can buy a non apple computer for around 60% of the price of the mac with the same specification. You can even get them made from billet alu like the mac. Unless you need to look cool, want to do lots of heavy video editing or are too noob with computers to know what you are doing then I would save your money and get a decent spec non Apple laptop.


The most important thing is the decent spec though, the £400 - £500 laptops you see in Tesco and the like are not good spec, they are mediocre for today and hence why they are useless in a few years. Buy high end now, and it will still be in the high mid range in 3 years time.

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From what you said you need the laptop for, why buy a mac? You can buy a non apple computer for around 60% of the price of the mac with the same specification. You can even get them made from billet alu like the mac. Unless you need to look cool, want to do lots of heavy video editing or are too noob with computers to know what you are doing then I would save your money and get a decent spec non Apple laptop.


The most important thing is the decent spec though, the £400 - £500 laptops you see in Tesco and the like are not good spec, they are mediocre for today and hence why they are useless in a few years. Buy high end now, and it will still be in the high mid range in 3 years time.


It'll be well broke in 3 years, probably taking 5-10 minutes to boot up :lol:





Anyway Ian, ignore all the bootcamp gibberish, unless you need certain programs which are only available for windows, there is no reason to use it. I haven't used/set up bootcamp since I made the leap to iOS.

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Using BootCamp is fine, but you need to keep the ALT/Option button pressed when booting, if you want Windows :) and you can't use Linux with BootCamp :p


I did not know that, ta. Got my Pubuntu machine in VMWare. Knowledge.

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From what you said you need the laptop for, why buy a mac? You can buy a non apple computer for around 60% of the price of the mac with the same specification. You can even get them made from billet alu like the mac. Unless you need to look cool, want to do lots of heavy video editing or are too noob with computers to know what you are doing then I would save your money and get a decent spec non Apple laptop.


The most important thing is the decent spec though, the £400 - £500 laptops you see in Tesco and the like are not good spec, they are mediocre for today and hence why they are useless in a few years. Buy high end now, and it will still be in the high mid range in 3 years time.


It'll be well broke in 3 years, probably taking 5-10 minutes to boot up :lol:





Anyway Ian, ignore all the bootcamp gibberish, unless you need certain programs which are only available for windows, there is no reason to use it. I haven't used/set up bootcamp since I made the leap to iOS.

I only use Windows now because I have to, my accounts package isn't made for Mac so I run Windows 7 via Parallels, works a treat.
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Using BootCamp is fine, but you need to keep the ALT/Option button pressed when booting, if you want Windows :) and you can't use Linux with BootCamp :p


I did not know that, ta. Got my Pubuntu machine in VMWare. Knowledge.


When working at home I have VMWare setup, works better on my mac than my normal windows environment on my laptop

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