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Potential new owner, a few questions...

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Hello everyone,


I am thinking of purchasing an 350Z (Alongside some other cars) so thought it would be a good idea to join a forum dedicated to the car to do some research first. I am currently driving a Civic Type-R FN2 and I joined the Civinfo forums and found them to be a great help and a fantastic knowledge base for the car. I have hopes this will be the same here.


I am not really sure what exact year or colour I am looking for yet but I expect I will have up to about 9k to play with after I sell my Civic. I have a couple of questions that maybe someone would be willing to help me with:


1) I am 6'3", this has been a problem for me before making me unable to drive cars such as the MX-5 and S2000. How would I fair in a 350Z? Anyone here that height, how is the ride?


2) Is there a doubledin conversion kit available for the 350Z? I have a doubledin unit that I just bought for my Civic that I would really like to take with me to the new car if possible.


3) I haven't actually been in one yet, simply admired from the outside :) I don't suppose there is anyone in the North/East London area that would let me come for a ride would they? Obviously I will test drive anything I buy but until then it might be nice to see what it is like. I would happily repay you with a drive in my highly modded civic (If such a thing was of interest to you).


Anyway thanks for the great info I have learned already from the forum and I look forward to learning more!

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I can help you with the height issue - I'm 6'6" and just fit in the Zed so you will be fine :thumbs:

I know your pain - one of my most disappointing moments so far in life was sitting in a mate's 993 Carrera 2S (then my realistic dream car) and crying into my lap because my knees were rubbing up around my ears :lol:

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Welcome Along :wave:


I can help you with the height issue - I'm 6'6" and just fit in the Zed so you will be fine :thumbs:

I know your pain - one of my most disappointing moments so far in life was sitting in a mate's 993 Carrera 2S (then my realistic dream car) and crying into my lap because my knees were rubbing up around my ears :lol:


Only 6'6" .... I am sure Will will be along in a minute to trump you :lol::lol:

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Welcome to the forum. :thumbs:


I am not really sure what exact year or colour I am looking for yet but I expect I will have up to about 9k to play with after I sell my Civic.


3) I haven't actually been in one yet, simply admired from the outside :) I don't suppose there is anyone in the North/East London area that would let me come for a ride would they? Obviously I will test drive anything I buy but until then it might be nice to see what it is like. I would happily repay you with a drive in my highly modded civic (If such a thing was of interest to you).

I'd worry about colour as a secondary thing, more important to find one that is structurally and mechanically sound. All the colours look great, so you're spoiled for choice.


If you look on my350z.com (useful site, but not as nice as here) :D there is a big thread about very tall people fitting just fine into a 350.


Stock ride varies depends on which year, as the suspension and other components altered after the original model. Also many are riding on aftermarket suspension and bushes and many other bits.


Have a good nose through the forum, as nearly every question you can think of has been asked before. :thumbs:

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Outstanding replies, thank you so much everyone for helping out.


Good to know that my size won't be an issue. First step is to sell my old car and then look into 350Zs near me, you can bet I will be back once I am closer with the purchase.


I might have to have a look into coming along to one of your meets that are near me to get a better look around some cars and meet some of the people in the scene.

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A bit obvious, but id suggest trying a few out at a few garages and see what you think before you begin your search. They may not be your cup of tea. A lot of people are initially disappointed with the performance until they get used to it. Im not sure what some people expect, but for me, mine was as quick on the road as a lot of more expensive cars and certainly great fun to drive.


£9k isnt a bad budget, id familiarise myself with the different models and power as there is quite a bit of difference between them. The last ones they did, the HR model has the most power and Nissan spent a lot of time and effort making a lot of improvements over the earlier models. Ive a spec list somewhere detailing all the changes they made and its a lot! Besides the engine which was 80% new, there were various handling improvements, such as mounting the engine lower to improve centre of gravity and suspension changes. They bought the HR out in mid 2007, and looking at current pricing, it may just be slightly over your budget, as they seem to be around £10k at the minimum, although you do see the odd one slightly cheaper. The GT4 one is also a highly sought after model.

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Outstanding replies, thank you so much everyone for helping out.


Good to know that my size won't be an issue. First step is to sell my old car and then look into 350Zs near me, you can bet I will be back once I am closer with the purchase.


I might have to have a look into coming along to one of your meets that are near me to get a better look around some cars and meet some of the people in the scene.

A bit of a shameless plug but my 350Z is going up for sale this week due to the impending arrival of our firstborn, I'll try to get the ad up in the 'for sale' section on here tomorrow....

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1) I am 6'3", this has been a problem for me before making me unable to drive cars such as the MX-5 and S2000. How would I fair in a 350Z? Anyone here that height, how is the ride?


Im 6ft 3, and i dont have any problems in the car, after a week of driving you know your setting but takes a while to get. Only thing i cant do is spike my hair up in a mohican, so aslong as u dont have emo looking spikey hair, you wont need to worry about the do. As for leg room, never had a problem. I cant stretch leg fully while sitting, but. Doubt theres many cars out There we could

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