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Everything posted by SunGodRA

  1. Yep - I run them now - its not the diameter that causes issues, more the offsets etc
  2. I bought some Rays off ebay last night, but seller hasn't replied to my message about collection - then it dawned on me they might be away for the weekend, maybe Wales? - anyone here? David
  3. Hi James - I recently fell out with the only performance mechanic I knew (in Maidstone) but for mundane stuff life changing disks/pads and basic mechanics (in fact did my clutch as well) I can recommend someone in Lenham that only charges £30/hour cash in hand - drop me a pm if you want his details Dave
  4. I have only just caught up with this thread - excellent work and write-ups Alex! - keep up the good work
  5. SunGodRA

    My 350Z (5 pics)

    Eibach Pro 20mm all round - cost about £210 from traders on here - some second hand ones for £150 etc - pm CS for best prices nb - dont use 25mm on rear if you are going to lower!
  6. SunGodRA

    My 350Z (5 pics)

    I thought I would get in there before Sarnie....needs spacers!
  7. Just spoke to him - unfortunately he can no longer get these anymore But I am sure they are still around and a trader will be along soon!
  8. click here to see his profile: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1593 then click the pm button
  9. This is something I have thought about - but after researching not only is it a pig to fit (or expensive to get someone to do it for you) but no matter how safe the kits claim to be, you will eventually knacker your engine. I seem to remember someone on here fitting a wet kit a couple of years ago - cant remember who or the end results, but would be interesting to hear from them!
  10. I've got one (still) - might fit! The original VS3 are not longer manufactured - but there are copies out there - drop CS an email, I believe he can get hold of them
  11. I speak a little Japanese and can translate what it says: Apparently its an old Japanese proverb: "Man who walk about with hand in pocket feel cocky all day" I'm getting my coat and leaving.....
  12. I fitted mine without removing bumper - just remove wheel and inner cover (although drivers side was fiddlier as I had to undo water bottle - but I'm sure its easier than taking bumper off )
  13. Dell Studio probably best value for money at the moment, for what you get in terms of perfomance. I can however get some good deals on HP ;-) Personally I would wait a couple of months until the i5 and i7 processors become more main-stream and come down in price. I have just bought a new desktop PC (HP 8100 Elite) which has i5 processor and it rocks!!! (3.36GHz quad core)
  14. i have posted twice and not showing either....strange What I said was - I am not happy with mine - they are too 'blue'. I like yours Chris - do I get a free set cos I helped with prototype
  15. Quick Update.... Did ECU reset - didn't change anything. So I called the AA. 15 mins later patrol van arrives, I explained what happened etc etc and the first thing he did was run a meter across the battery while engine running. 21 VOLTS!!!! We agreed nothing could be done on the roadside, so recovery was required. I was expecting for him to call for a low loader...but he checked him laptop and said 'no, I can tow this'... Look at clearance - I measured - 3 inches I was crapping myself and I could see he was nervous to but in all fairness he got us to a local company (Southern Auto Electricals specialise in this sort of thing) without scraping the bumper! SEA diagnosed knackered alternator and I managed to get one next day from ZMANALEX at a great price - many thanks Alex Fitted today and all seems okay, apart from the fact the alternator had literally 'fried' the battery - so need to get a new one tomorrow.
  16. Have had to come back home now as I had to have a business conference call etc - I will get back to the car later this morning and try ECU reset - if that doesn't work I will call the AA. What are the chances the AA will be able to resolve on the roadside? Will they take the easy option and tow it away? hmmmm.... Thanks for help so far guys, will update with progress when it happens David
  17. That would be great - thanks
  18. The battery is only a couple of months old but I suppose it could be faulty. I have AA but would like a diagnosis before I call them so I know where to get it towed to
  19. Hi guys, typing this from iphone so difficult to search. Was in traffic a couple of minutes ago and the VDC off light came on, together with slip, ABS, battery and ((!)) lights - engine still running but no power when I press throttle. Volt metre also reading max (above 16 volts) Have tried restarting a couple of times, but same problem. Have just moved car to safe place but don't know what to do now. Any ideas?
  20. Tyres are correct sizes, pressures are all 35psi - I do have inner wall wear in rear off-side tyre, but I would have thought this would affect things
  21. I actually have a customer (IT) that has the money to do this - I am forwarding the link to him - I wouldn't be surprised if he bought it, he has more money than GOD! I wish I had the money, but If I did I wouldnt....
  22. If I sold my property, stocks and shares and borrowed a few grand I could - what's the dare worth?????
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