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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by choptop

  1. Just seen this thread. All you people who are not voting need to remember that you relinquish the right to have a point of view regarding the General Election, or anything else that goes on in this country. If it was me I would make it law that you must vote. OK. I am off my soap box now
  2. Each ticket allows 4 people in (Driver, 3 passengers) Might be worth putting in Wanted section that you're looking to be a passenger really?! Thought it was one ticket per person! Awesome If you have a spare ticket I can give it a home I don't, sorry dude. I'd told my passenger they needed to buy their own on the gate Thanks anyway
  3. Update. ShortPaul and myself are coming along in his Zed. Now need a ticket and a stand pass. Can anyone help?
  4. Each ticket allows 4 people in (Driver, 3 passengers) Might be worth putting in Wanted section that you're looking to be a passenger really?! Thought it was one ticket per person! Awesome If you have a spare ticket I can give it a home
  5. Just wondered if anyone had a spare ticket or ride to Japfest this year? I was going to North Wales but cannot go now, which I am gutted about, but it does mean I can go to Japfest. If anyone has a spare seat (I live relatively close to Castle Combe but the Zed is off the road) that would be great. Looking forward to hearing from someone. choptop
  6. Unable to go the North Wales this year which I am gutted about. This does mean that I can attend Japfest. If anyone has a spare seat going (Zed is off the road) and a ticket if possible please PM me.
  7. All the best with the sale. It has a good battery in it, I can vouch for that!
  8. Unfortunately not going to be able to make it this year after all. Gutted to say the least. Think this is the first year I have missed it bar one year. Have a good time everyone
  9. As long as you are both ok that's the main thing. Sorry to hear this.
  10. Nice one Ian. One happy man!
  11. Zmanalex will sort you out a second hand one of it's needed
  12. Welcome Don't be in a hurry to make a decision. Take a few for a test drive before you make your final decision. You will then get to know when you have found a good one. It's a bit like getting a boyfriend/husband. You wouldn't marry the first one you met would you?
  13. Looks like you are having a good time. enjoy and stay safe
  14. Having owned both an early and late 350z, I have to say go for a later one. The extra in tax falls into insignificance over a year. If you are worrying about the extra in car tax by going for the a later model, this isn't really the type of car you should be looking at. All the best with your search
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