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Everything posted by mbs

  1. I might have just changed my DoB in my profile earlier tonight ... put it this way I am older than a certain member who lives in Scarborough who's son used to work at Bentley with my son on the GT and GTC ... ... one for next years quiz Martin I'll keep quite, I like malt as opposed to blended. Philip is still at Bentley.
  2. Just a thought, help someone else in these times, I'm sure you don't need a pressie from your Dad http://www.oxfam.org.uk/shop/oxfam-unwr ... pped-Brand
  3. Looking at the over 60s on here I think it must be over 70 before you get any sense, happy birthday from a wrinkly Agree, still got 5 years. Happy birthday.
  4. Come and spend a day at one of our services, may help you. I'm Acting Chairman of the Board of Trustees. http://wilfward.org.uk/Con5/ Just to clarify when I say hate and am scared of, its in regard to the various illnesses not the sufferers; I want to run the London marathon in 2013 for a mental health charity and I am leaning towards alzheimer's society, one of my mum's life long friends is in the intermediate stages now, truly horrible seeing a kind woman slowly lose herself I understand, I wasn't suggesting you were scared of the sufferers but being in the company of children and adults with disability really helps. I hope you manage to run the London Marathon, I'll sponser you for a few quid if you do.
  5. Yes because you have a new set of rims every 5 minutes
  6. Come and spend a day at one of our services, may help you. I'm Acting Chairman of the Board of Trustees. http://wilfward.org.uk/Con5/
  7. At my age not so good just wondered if anyone on here had one and could recommend.
  8. I need a new turntable anyway and was hoping to be able to combine both jobs, but now sure what kind of souns quality you get with one of the turntables currently advertised with this facility.
  9. I have a large collection of vinyl collected in the 60's and 70's and want to transfer some of them to a more modern format. Anybody done it and can recommend a turntable that gives good quality. Cheers
  10. Welcome to the Stillen club, sounds even better after a few thousand miles.
  11. Plan at the moment is to spend no more than £2k to get a economical car for the commute and use the Zed at the weekends. If I get the job then I will have the car ready for the drives - and until then I'll probably only have to fill it up once a month with my current commute. As for renting vs buying - I really don't want to rent, it feels like throwing money down the drin and will just make it harder when saving to buy somewhere. Renting..... well you either pay (for example) £500 a month to rent somewhere, or £500 a month in interest to line a banks greedy palms for your mortgage. Then, with property prices falling, i know people whose houses have dropped by 25% this last year alone, so on a 150k house thats £37500 you have just thrown away over 12 months. Of course, people say that over the long term property goes up in value... and it does.. but it would have to go up by a hell of a lot to give you a better return over what you are paying in interest on the mortgage. I'm sorry but that's utter rubbish. A £500 a month mortgage is not £500 of interest. A certain % is capital unless your on interest only. Even if a property loses 25%, it's only relevant when you sell. If you sell in 10 years times, it's value 9 years before that is wholly irrelevant. House prices are not like car depreciation; they actually go both ways If someone rents for ten years, thats 120 rent payments (120 x £500 = £60,000) down the drain. A 100% waste of money. There is no return on that money. If you bought a place, yes a % is interest but you may have paid off £25,000 or so and the property may have risen £20,000, thats £45,000 of accessible equity that you have. Even if the house price was the same as when you bought it, you could sell up and get £25k back. What would you get if you were renting for ten years? Sweet FA. Agree 100% - I bought my first house when I was 22, my mortgage payments were nearly 1/3rd of my income at that time but don't forget as your salary increases with inflation and promotion your mortgage repayments become a less and less % of your income. I'd always go for buying over renting if you can afford it, far better in the long run.
  12. Being a sensible ex accountant my advice - in your circumstances it's got to be "B". Then when you've got your flat, settled in and earning more, buy a 370
  13. Definitely! Felt like a good time for a change to a new one. I've been really happy with my white Z (still think it's one of the best colours) but the panel issue on mine was going to cost to sort out and new tyres were probably on the horizon as well. I've always had a thing for the black edition, but they usually have more miles on the clock than I would like and I prefer the Quartz, so this seemed a bit too good a chance to pass up. We got what felt like a reasonable amount part exchange too. I spent quite a bit of time lusting over the new GTRs - they also great in black and in white. Welcome to the clan what number is it?
  14. Never had any problems plenty of Shell garages around the country so if, as Chris says, you are near half a tank top up when you see one.
  15. Thanks that one extra, anyone else? Cheers
  16. My grandsons scout and cub pack are trying to win a grant from the Nat West Community Fund to repair their scout hut, the more votes they get the better chance of some help. Please vote for them it only takes a couple of minutes to register and vote. https://communityforce.natwest.com/user/register/ Once registered please vote for 35th South West Cheshire Scout Group Thanks MBS
  17. Afraid not, only away for 5 days, flying BMI Baby but thanks anyway.
  18. Going next week for the wedding anniversary, anyone recommend good restaurants. Cheers
  19. mbs

    370Z prices

    This^^^ We are all crazy Pistonheads, but only up to a point. There is a point where we all have to yield. We would all love to drive 300bhp+ motors but in the last three years a fill up has gone from £70 to £110. So, £280 a month is now £440, combined with people losing jobs/taking paycuts plus increased tax, mean that only the dedicated remain. I still hanker over my Gallardo until I think that the old £90 fill ups would now be £135 for 180 miles........ I read the PH thread on the 370z and someone made a very poignant comment along the lines of "The 370z is a great car, just in the wrong decade", which is so true. When I had my zeds people readily paid big money just to upgrade to a facelift car or limited edition, petrol was cheap, tax low and jobs safe. Now, with everything so restricted, the jump from an £8k 350z to a £25k 370z is almost unbridgeable, hence the slow sales figures, imo. Totally agree. Im am currently looking at a 370 GT Edition, but tbh, I am really struggling to justify it. I mean, i can get a 350 for £8k, and spent the other £20k on a bloody house (or TT kit and build! ) Think is, Im just not quite ready to give up on the Petrolhead dream yet. So I'll pay for a 370, and pay the monthly costs, and curse the goverment to hell and back. Agree, most of the guys you see driving 370's and it's not very many are of similar age to me, who no longer need to worry about mortgages and job security or running costs.
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