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Everything posted by WoREoD

  1. Have you got space for a(nother) UY GT4 on Sunday? Can only make the one day, but I'm getting very tempted..... Cheers!
  2. Looking at the map I notice there's a "GT4 OC". Anyone know who this is (couldn't be, could it)?? Ta.
  3. Meguiars Tar & Bug remover works for me. You have to re-apply polish after though!
  4. Take a test drive! I've got 20,000 miles under my belt in 10 months and best fun since my rally car. Dont know about the interior. Never seen it - too busy looking out the front, the rear, and quite often the sides! Some dealers dont appear to be very good, but I know one who is if your in the West Country...
  5. That didn't look very readable. Try this...
  6. While you're waiting for all the details, here's the command summary page from my Owners Guide:
  7. It hasn't got any headlamp washers so I wont be buying it. He also forget all the dead flies and smears of their blood on the front. Nice car though!
  8. WTF is the "Track Model"? Ta.
  9. Well there's another Chilli around here somewhere ......
  10. Almost daily. I'm hoping to move soon (closer to my customers) so that should slow it down - but I'll miss a daily 50 miles of nice roads and glorious english countryside. I realy struggle between "shall I drive it" and "shall I leave it parked and avoid stone chips". There has been only one car in my life thats been as much fun to own and its a close thing - still cant decide. Perhaps we should have new topic: Whats the "best" car you've ever owned or driven regularly? Cheers all! p.s. Mr Prescience - was that you at Oxford Brookes this week?
  11. My mpg is showing 25 and has been locked into that for some months. And there are occasions on almost every trip when my right foot is heavy (I like the noise!), plus aircon is always on. Now 20,000 on the clock (in ten months)....
  12. Dont worry about it Liam. She hasn't spotted you although we did spend a weekend in Merseyside earlier this year!
  13. Parked in the driveway at my ladyfriend's house and, lo and behold, her mother arrives and reverse into my front bumper! (I wont bore you with the conversation that followed - diplomacy is my middle name!). Apart from a mark on the bumper which I have polished out there is a slight deformation in its overall shape so that round the headlight/front wheel arch area its moved around 3mm. This all happened on Wednesday, and I pushed on various places to see how much movement there was, and now it appears the mis-alignment has decreased. So my question is... Will these bumpers re-form to their original shape over time, or is there some process that might help (e.g. the hairdryer trick), or am I stuck with a mis-alignment that probably only me will notice (or all of you now!)? TIA
  14. My lady friend reported two on her way to work on Thursday morning in the Headington area. A Sunset (she says she has seen this a few times) heading towards Cowley. A Chilli in the Brookes University car park (seen twice this week). (I did explain Chilli is quite rare - anyone know numbers in the UK?) John K
  15. A few months ago, when I was asking my local touch-up artist for a quote, he pointed out that the front and rear bumpers has a slight shade difference to the adjacent metal panels. I'm now noticing this difference is becoming more noticeable. It seems that as the paint is ageing, it is being affected differently on metal and non-metal panels. Its noticeable on the bumpers, not so much on the sills (unless you are in the habit of lying on the ground a lot), and particularly on the fuel filler cap. Before I start berating my stealer, it would be useful to know if anyone else has noticed this in their Z, and, if so, what colours are affected. (Mine is UY). Over to you guys...
  16. Whadya mean "stop moaning"? Be no fun in the group if we all did that!
  17. I Say Chaps - you've given the pin colour for Ultra Yellow to one of those less exclusive colours. One doesn't know what to do now....
  18. I'm in two businesses... My own business is PC support for small businesses in the Thames Valley area (been in computers a while - started programming in 1964!). This one pays for the Z. I'm also a partner in an internet bookshop specialising in transport subjects. Went on-line in 1999. My part does all the work!!
  19. A word of caution.... some time ago I had my two nearside wheels (GT4s) refinished, and a splendid job they did too. But.... On Monday I had two new rear tyres fitted and when the fitter had finished he admitted they'd had problems with paintwork on one of the wheels. After a lot of discussion we seem to be at the conclusion that the refinished wheel is vulnerable to paint damage, possibly because the paint hasn't been baked. The symptom seems to be a reaction between the solvent they use for tyre bead sealing and the re-finished areas where the paint just vanishes! Solution seems to be to make sure your tyre fitter doesn't get any bead sealant on the wheel but confines it to the tyre (these guys tend to use a 4" paintbrush when applying this stuff!!)! JohnK p.s. You dont need ot tell me my tyre fitter should have done a better job. I'm just sharing this for those of you with re-finished wheels.
  20. (I dont know, 400 miles in Kent over two days and still not spotted - must turn off that cloaking device!). On Friday, around 2pm, a Blade Roadster, parked on seafront at Sandgate. In Friday, around 8pm, Ashford McArthur (Sp?) shopping centre, a Kuro Coupe, but too far away to see if it was a GT4. On Saturday, travelling south on A21, an Azure Coupe. Hello all!
  21. Looks good in Kuro. Care to join the GT4 Register (it's free!). Details at: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... hlight=gt4 Cheers!
  22. There seem to be a few more GT4 owners amongst us, so just a little reminder that if you'd like to add your details to the GT4 Register then please e-mail me: johnk@pceffect.co.uk. Details of the Register and what information is collected is at the top of this topic! Cheers!
  23. I kerbed mine at 36 miles! so be gentle with her. I'm still grinning after nine months (and 18,000 miles) Enjoy!
  24. Great taste you have! Welcome!
  25. Thanks for the reply. All is clear now. johnK
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