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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. Cool. It'll be like a mini-meet during the day
  2. Well, it was great, but pretty sparse on Z's - just 3 as far as I could see; mine, and two ones appearing as part of the D1GP series.
  3. Blackjax used to invalidate your Cat 1 certification - not sure if that's still the case?
  4. Sure, no probs with that... lots of car club people are coming, and thankfully the parking closest to the venue (North Road) is a multi-storey with full security and very gentle ramps and curves - I park the Z there. Hotel wise, what's your budget? Thanks for info Stephen , Re hotel budget not too bothered so long as it doesnt creep over £100 / night mark OK then... suggest for the 'full Brighton experience' that you look at Hotel Seattle - it's a very cool modern hotel built on Brighton Marina that looks out over the sea. See what rates you can find online, if they aren't too hot, I can see what I can find too.
  5. Sure, no probs with that... lots of car club people are coming, and thankfully the parking closest to the venue (North Road) is a multi-storey with full security and very gentle ramps and curves - I park the Z there. Hotel wise, what's your budget?
  6. Hi gang OK, this is like a life and career defining moment for me... but on May 21st, the last Sunday in the Brighton Festival, I'm taking my one man comedy show to the Theatre Royal. That's right - it's just me for a whole hour in an 850 seat venue. Ulp! The money for the gig is going to BBC Children in Need and if I ever needed you to come along for a show for me, it's this one. It's being filmed by a 5 camera crew and I'm having people come from overseas to see me for it. There's a fair number of people coming already but it would be really good to get hold a whole load of 350z-uk people coming. And definitely bring your friends - this is going to be a lot of fun. For those of you who have seen me perform before, please let the uninitiated know that it should be worth seeing. Thanks!!!!! Tickets : http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/12003C63FC82FBB5?artistid=947899&majorcatid=10002&minorcatid=51 Stephen
  7. Well, I'm of a similar opinion to David Baker, I'm here, I'm there, and I'm afraid the inability for either side to integrate is based on 'treehouse' syndrome. I've spent the last 4 years running a car club that is much bigger than either of these sites and the key words to harmony are 'finding a happy medium', and that'll hopefully come in time. Adjacent plots at JAE - that'll help.
  8. Hi Matt. These guys know loads more than me so I'll stick to the questions on celica-club
  9. errrm, not true. They work fine with my aftermarket head unit. They just have a weird impedance but any ICE shop worth their salt can sort that.
  10. yes. I have a double din screen/head unit. It's not entirely flush (due to the curved nature of the console) but it goes in no probs.
  11. Pics look good. Much better weather than the shocking non-stop rain down here in the 'sunny' south! And that's a shocking dyno there Val, I'd save up for forced induction if I were you Anyway - have you still not got the front lip on?!? Are you ordering a new one? If so, let me know, as I have a friend who is after some speed-racing goodies
  12. And I have a BOSE head unit that had been used for only 3 months on my brand new UK Z, make me an offer
  13. f*ck me how far does the air have to go? Charger on the right, intake on the left... shumthing not quite right shurely.. It'll be nicely heated along that route (Unless I can't see a tap-off to the charger, help me out here Dorian!)
  14. Drifting UP the multi-storey car park - yes, I know it's mainly CGI, but how cool...
  15. I think they prepare stuff and they get so intimidated in there they go to pieces. The beauty of it is that they have to stick the knife in to save themselves but they also have to live with these people - beautiful
  16. I drive... A Skoda Fabia and a supercharged Nissan 350Z. That's my hobby. If I have time to myself... I do a crossword or watch TV You wouldn't know it but I'm good at... Fixing computers You may not know it but I'm bad at... Dancing Movie heaven... The Godfather All my spare money goes on... My Nissan (see above) My favourite work of art... Edward Hopper's Movie Theatre My favourite building... Burj Al Arab The shop I can't walk past... T K Maxx When I was a child I wanted to be... An actor My biggest regret... Not making use of the chances I got early in my career It's not fashionable but I like... James Blunt If I wasn't me I would like to be... Me but 14 years younger Comfort eating... Subway sandwiches The soundtrack to my life... Destiny, Zero 7 I wish I'd never worn... Climbing trousers on a date A book that changed me... Stark The best invention ever... The internet, by a country mile
  17. This was in the Independent - cut and paste it, and put your answers in. I drive... If I have time to myself... You wouldn't know it but I'm good at... You may not know it but I'm bad at... Movie heaven... All my spare money goes on... My favourite work of art... My favourite building... The shop I can't walk past... When I was a child I wanted to be... My biggest regret... It's not fashionable but I like... If I wasn't me I would like to be... Comfort eating... The soundtrack to my life... I wish I'd never worn... A book that changed me... The best invention ever...
  18. Yes, and the results are good, but not as good as I hoped. I'm wondering where the limitations are - in the box, the tuning, or the whole kit overall. Torque is up and the curve is better, but it levels off too much in the *very* high rev range (6Krpm+ ) which is a shame because it's not really as dyno-boasty as it was but the overall 0-60 and quarter mile is a lot better.
  19. Totally cool - you rock! Well done David!
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