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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Have you seen the electric ae86 drift car in this month's Banzai?
  2. Jay84

    Back 2 Bizzness

    Nice. Looking forward to seeing this in action tomorrow.
  3. Pretty easy to be fair, that's just the cleaning wipe, so a damp cloth sorted it.
  4. Simple looking box compared to maguires stuff. Kit comes with instructions, 2 cleaning wipes and a treatment wipe. You'll need a soft drying cloth too that isn't provided. The cleaning wipes are drenched but I used one per headlight due to the amount of dirt that came off. I found it easier to wash one then dry one as they went chalky with residue if they air dried. The protection cloth was also easy to use and went on without runs. They do take 4 hours to dry, and as I only applied today, I'll knew more mid summer about longevity of the job.
  5. Doesn't religion also provide a story that can't be backed up? Science adjusts its views based on whats observed so flexibility is required. No such flex in religion, In terms of proving evolution, the easiest way of this is to view dog shapes over the last 100 yrs and how selective breeding has ruined various breeds. Selective breeding is forced evolution, rather than letting the slowest/weakest die out through natural selection, we're controlling it. If we're all made in a deity's image, why do we all look so different? People that live nearer the equator have darker skin to cope with the proximity of the sun/extreme temperatures, surely that evolved over time. How is modern religion different to ancient Roman/Greek/Sumarian/Egyptian religion? Whats to stop a new God being discovered and superseding modern ones? If gods are eternal, whats the origin of them? The same questions asked about the universe/science can be put to religion. I agree that science has a lot of unknowns, and I think Mr 'Hawkins Brief History of Time' falls back to a God answer when asking what existed before the big bang.
  6. Excellent as usual. Got my new clutch hose, and because I'm a muppet and ordered bank holiday weekend, they let me pick it up instead. Fitted it along with the external slave they sent a few months ago today and everything is awesome.
  7. Just ordered the ECP ones in the link so I'll upload some pictures and descriptions of use later.
  8. https://www.eurocarparts.com/ecp/p/car-accessories/car-cleaning-accessories/exterior-cleaning/car-detailer/?OPT.HLW-1&0&cc5_761&gclid=CjwKCAjwwPfVBRBiEiwAdkM0HbHmuduCXVLpiH_Urq9OMDbpuvFeYZbzMx1mzpJ3t28GENfCLI-CZBoC6j0QAvD_BwE We've used these at work with good results. Again, not sure how long they last, but its as easy as the video link
  9. I think the basic aspects of religion can still be relevant when used as a moral compass (I mean the absolute basic). For example the 10 commandments of do not steal (all 10 are the same, but what you steal changes) are not bad notions to be brought up on, esp when you're young and can't grasp the 'what if it was me' thing, a little fear of the forever can help early development of a moral compass. But I think when it comes to understanding the universe/world it no longer becomes relevant, mankind has advanced in some ways to such an extent that some concepts aren't needed anymore. In some respects paganism or religions of Mesopotamia is more relevant to the planet as its fundamentals revolve around caring for the environment, putting in what you take out and crop rotation (you know, when you remove jumping over the fire naked bit). Plus the celebration of rebirth in spring and the goddess Eostre (word looks familiar) helping with farming practices so your cattle survive the winter as they out of infancy.
  10. Difficult to answer. In theory it's believed to be expanding, so as long as that expansion continues yes it is. But something about the laws of entropy suggest it'll eventually start to reverse as contact growth is unsustainable. However I got that from Bill Bailey and a Muse song so not the most reasoned answer.
  11. That's a great video davey and a much more logical answer than launching yourself when you can launch a camera. I love the on board view too.
  12. I've been thinking about the curved window thing, and I openly admit I don't know enough about light refraction, but surely the window curves in line with the fuselage, meaning it wouldn't make the horizon look curved. Also, when on the ground the horizon would look curved at that point too.
  13. Yeah I wondered if you'd be there in a professional capacity Stevo. The new livery looks good on his car, was looking at it on FB the other day.
  14. Any one on here going to round 1 at Rockingham this Sunday? God knows how I managed it, but I'm dragging my wife and youngest (my eldest daughter can't wait) along with me.
  15. Jay84

    350z headlights

    Pre-face life or the rocking horse poo-esque Rev up and HR?
  16. I've been on the prototype at Duxford. Like all things built to go fast, comfort was not very high on the list. I agree there was always going to be an accident, and I also think in this day and age the speed of crossing the ocean is no longer needed, passenger capacity and comfort are the winners. Industry video chats make face to face business meetings redundant.
  17. It is mate, and a shame it no longer flies.
  18. A photo has popped up on my Facebook of Concorde flying at mach 2 taken by a Tornado over tyre Irish sea. Check out that wonderful horizon. Oh and the stunning Concorde too.
  19. My daughters 9th birthday party and a house of girls. Washing and waxing the car was the responsible thing to do. Very happy with the dodo juice.
  20. In fact, I've had a bottle of red, put me down and start a stand.
  21. My wife's grandparents were both deaf, if my zed can be smuggled in it sounds good. If it can't be, I really want to see the yank tank, so I'd like to come with the wife and kids as a punter.
  22. Well they're out to make money off you so won't hide any defects. You can mot a car early. I know nothing about the cat D check, but of it's independent groom the seller it should be good.
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