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Everything posted by G1en

  1. Looking v.nice From one black zed owner to another
  2. Welcome steve. How many other 350’s did you spot on your 485m drive back?
  3. Welcome, good luck with the hunt.
  4. Welcome Dan. Does your intro read 14k miles from new? If so excellent find. Welcome to the forum.
  5. Right mods, please remove the 687 threads containing @Ekona and mpss in them, we seem to have our new forum tyre of choice.
  6. Loving all the mods. Wheels look great, so does that exhaust, what part of system does it replace?
  7. Welcome to the forum. Zmanelex is your man above for a oem airbox im sure
  8. Welcome Dave. Sorry to hear about the issues. I would definitely travel a bit further and use a trader on here to do the work who have done the gaskets and clutches many times and know what they are doing if you are replacing the clutch, make sure you choose a new one that it right for you and what you want from the car.
  9. Yep. The 3 different coatings I sell all state car must remain dry for 12 hours to fully cure. You will prob have to polish area and re apply as ilogikal says. but speak to relevant supplier for advice.
  10. Looking stunning Olly. Second best wheels in my opinion But seriously, its come together beautifully. Wonder how many sets of those wheels are actually in the uk?
  11. Welcome David, your pic confirms that no matter if its a 350 or 370, black is the best colour. I am bias
  12. Forgot to post up after Japanese performance show at Coventry in August. Great day with the club. Lots of amazing cars like last year and great talking to everyone on our club stand. and also saw my next car (wishful thinking) might not be ro everyones taste but love the retro vibe. Also started my own business venture you may have seen from another thread. Waxandshine.co.uk you too could have a car as shiny as Shezza!
  13. Nice Zed. Welcome Stubzee. Make sure you wear a surgical mask when you go near it or you may contract the incurable zeditis.
  14. Welcome along Andy. You have the prestige of being my first welcome of many now i am a trader. We need a pic though
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