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Everything posted by Z370Z

  1. Steve I have to tell you I don't like dogs at all but Dexter is so cool! Kat wants to baby sit whenever possible lol! She can babysit whenever she likes lol My boxer travels happily in the boot she's learnt to lay down before I close it The down side is having to lift her in and out to avoid scratching the zed, not the lightest breed of dogs Lies down in the boot, is that even possible Well the scratches is a risk im willing to take though if he does he is going straight onto the BBQ! Boxers may be crazy and very stupid, but they soon learn its a privilege to travel in the zed
  2. Steve I have to tell you I don't like dogs at all but Dexter is so cool! Kat wants to baby sit whenever possible lol! She can babysit whenever she likes lol My boxer travels happily in the boot she's learnt to lay down before I close it The down side is having to lift her in and out to avoid scratching the zed, not the lightest breed of dogs
  3. Haha I love rumours í ½í¸‚ I've just read he punched a male producer, The row is said to have happened last week, but the alleged incident was only reported yesterday - when the broadcasting company decided to suspend the Top Gear host as it investigated the allegations.
  4. They can never replace Clarkson, he makes Top Gear brilliant to watch, his wit and sense of humour is great
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