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Everything posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Female ? Why? Do they make worse stalkers? lol
  2. I'm going to be eyeing up every car suspiciously from now on......
  3. Let me get this right, you unlock the door and open the door and get that noise.....before you put the key in ignition or press anything? That must rule out most things! Can you hear it before you open the door?
  4. 'Dave Smith' is considered offensive language in Thailand
  5. I think you should keep your warning point....makes you look like a bad ass lol Does it affect your forum premium? Edit: Your points don't seem to be visible on your profile anyway! Surprised I have none yet lol Although do appear to have a stalker......1730 profile views, wtf! Is that a record????
  6. You're not going to start charging us now, are you? Or is this for the Mods special Christmas party fund
  7. How to fake a breathalyser test by the sounds of it! true. That reminded me of a mate when he got breathalyzed. He got stopped driving out of a pub car park (easy target really) after having 3 pints. He came up "amber" (or whatever it shows when it knows you have had a drink but your under the legal limit), and so for ages afterwards he took that as meaning he can have 3 pints and be fine. Rabbitstew, I'm starting to see you in a whole new light these days What with your crazy drink driving stories and your exhaust flame kit....always thought you seemed a bit of a Eeyore's dark and gloomy place kind of person but I think you've got a hidden wild & adventurous side lol
  8. Wow, am really surprised by the wide age range on here! The zed appeals to everyone Don't like Fosters or Whiskey so my age stays secret lol
  9. OH had a black Volvo estate pull in front of him yesterday and give him a warning flash of his rear blues and then drive off......he does drive his Scooby like a **** sometimes lol
  10. Not very nice people at all by all accounts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34875197 I'm wondering how many men will be using that as an excuse now! Sorry love, gotta leave, I'm actually an undercover cop....sorry about the 10 kids I fathered while on duty lol
  11. A Lamborghini as a police car!!!!!! Seriously? That Mercedes was pretty nifty
  12. Anyone seen '40 year old virgin'? where Leslie Mann has a breathalyser fitted to start her car (by court order)......could be a possibility on all cars in a few years???
  13. From my experience they can pull you over for any "reason" they think of. I remember getting pulled over at 2am once after being out on the town on a Saturday night and the reason they gave was "you were driving very cautiously sir". Of course I was f**king driving cautiously, id spotted the police car following me for the last half a mile, I was hardly likely to start driving like an idiot! They couldnt wait to breathalyze me but i hadnt been drinking at all so I was fine. They looked very dissapointed. It varies drastically depending upon the person I think. I remember one night (long time ago now!) I was up until about 3 or 4am drinking tons of vodka with an ex girlfriend. I got about 3 hours sleep, woke up with the hangover from hell. I felt so sick I couldnt stomach eating any breakfast and was struggling not to chuck up. I cant remember why now, and its not something id ever do now, but I then decided to drive over a mates. On the way over to my mates, sods law, someone crashed into me (100% their fault as they were doing 60 in a 30), but the first thing the police do is breathalyze everyone. It was only then that the situation really hit me, until then I hadnt even considered I might be over the limit. However I suddenly realised that having been drinking from about 6pm until 4am, having hardly any sleep, no breakfast to "soak it up" etc, I must be well over the limit. All sorts of things flash through your head at that moment such as how are you going to cope with a driving ban, how will you get to work, will have to sell the car etc. Anyhow. I blew into the breathalyzer, struggling not to throw up over the officer, and it came up totally clean. It certainly taught me a lesson. How to fake a breathalyser test by the sounds of it!
  14. Well, yes but I am suspecting that he gave them some reason to pull him in the first place and to be honest if he got an instant ban he must have had a good quantity of alcohol in his blood and wouldn't have been in full control of his car.
  15. But why did they pull him over and breathalyse him? Must have had some reason, they don't just pick on random cars and they don't breathalyse everyone they stop.....
  16. I just wanted to be the +1 lol We can save that for the other special night Flex
  17. .....possibly needing a new wing mirror soon if it stays parked where it is
  18. Whoo hoo....just had a text.....Lamborghini evening re-booked for 25th Nov Anyone want to be my +1
  19. I think the car was designed for the more slender built driver........everything's just in the right place for me
  20. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/78262-unique-350370z-cufflinks-for-sale-stock-arrived-20/
  21. Not driven a HR.....let me test drive it for you 370AD got the setup on mine pretty spot on, tried not to meddle too much with it...the balance 'n torque on mine mean that I can take cars on the bends that are straight line faster than me. That's what I love The Scooby is probably quicker off the mark, but the the zed can pull out something special and leave the Scooby lacking further down the line. Get used to yours first, as it is!
  22. That is exactly it And if you have that after a couple of days then wait until you really get used to handling your zed....your first drift, will happen soon mate....wet ground Lol I still have Scooby blow my face off raw power pleasure, courtesy of OH's car but the zed always gives me pure satisfaction. Wait until you're fully modded, the handling from the zed gives you miles more pleasure without the feeling of having to rag it all the time Enjoy, my friend! Edit: just the-read that, I sound like a bloke.....what have you lot done to me lol
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