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Everything posted by PPod

  1. How much usage out a bottle would you say you can get from this ?
  2. Yeah congrats. Should maybe burn them incase you sell them on to some poor soul
  3. Should go for an upgrade on rear bumper loads to choose from unless you really like stock.
  4. PPod

    24 year old

    That's just for the z for yours ? since strudal has 4 cars on multi it's possible sometimes to get it cheaper if he puts everyone on each car no harm and usually gets the price down. (admiral advised me last year). It's worth trying to hopefully save something
  5. PPod

    24 year old

    Mine was about £200 ish taken off adding parents on to 3 cars with me as main driver on each. They have 30+ years driving each.
  6. PPod

    24 year old

    Put your parents on each car and should go down a few hundred
  7. That's a great achievement think you should keep going for as long as possible just to see how much the engine can take.
  8. PPod

    24 year old

    Tell me about it 25 next year, time fly's when you have a Z.
  9. Seen you siting in traffic near Charing X car looked super clean for being white haha
  10. Has she thought about working abroad ? My sister just started working in Dubai as she was stressing out too much over being a high school teacher in Scotland same as your partner finding the after school stuff tough. So she got a job out there as a primary teacher and couldn't be happier its two year contract and her boyfriend goes out and visits often which suits him haha. She was telling me being a teaching out there is just a big holiday no after school markings or planning due to everyone helping each other not like u.k were nobody helps you really. There in high demand for UK teachers just now due to new schools opening up.
  11. Just seen the movie absolutely loved it shame I had to see it in 3d though. Might go see it again in 2d I enjoyed it that much.
  12. A well cars completely died on me haha won't be using it tonight
  13. Ah crap looks like it will be a full bumper off then
  14. Ok i noticed that one of my bulbs on the rear licence plate went out about a month ago but never bothered as I wasn't doing any night driving. But as I'm needing to use it tonight both bulbs are out now but they kept flickering on and off even the one that was dead before is this the fuses ? hoping it is as I cant get into the bulbs cause the aftermarket bumper holes are cut way to small will need to take the rear completely off if so Anyone know the location of the fuse for this ?
  15. The exhaust on the z brings everyone out from hiding haha. I love it
  16. Will do, just asking mates and garages how much they would take to install this for me so hopefully can get it for a good price then will hopefully order up on 3rd of Jan.
  17. I would happily pay 10K for extras on the 350z it really is a beautiful car that ages well. With endless modding possibility's engine and looks wise and pure presence on the road too.
  18. Good on you. Hope to do the same soon but prob don't have the balls too.
  19. Is it not all stuff I'll end up "needing" anyway by the time I'm finished? I wouldn't bother with a stage 3 as well just save up for the charger and supporting mods so its done in a oner. Personally would stick with de as you have it and will def get you over 400+ more than enough for road use
  20. How much extra would it be for the custom de supercharger package to make it polished ?
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