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Everything posted by benjy88

  1. It gets worse. I've just gone out to my car to have another look - to find that some FCUKING W@NKER has scratched my passenger-side door.... What the hell is wrong with people. So upset.
  2. How.... HOW!!!!! I could barely get the bloody Drivers' side one out from under the strut! You, Sir, are an evil genius.
  3. I like your thinking Smurf... Ballistic - Unfortunately, I have a plenum spacer on, so it's a WEE bit tight...
  4. So.... over recent months I've started to accumulate a lot of aftermarket bits and pieces for my car, including samco hoses, HFCs, and lots more... Unfortunately I am pretty busy (workwise) and generally don't have much time to fit them. So I'm now at work thinking, it's a bit quiet today, I might pop the new Carbon Fibre engine bay cover on the old orange Datsun. But NO I forgot the damn strut brace is in the way... And now I'm annoyed, and it goes back on the pile of bits waiting to be fitted. I'm not asking for any advice. I'm just pi$$ed off lol. Does anyone else have this trouble (big pile of parts, no time to fit them) ?
  5. Saw this at about 4:30 yesterday afternoon on Terminus Road, Chichester... Anyone on here?
  6. Keyser, is it possibIe to swap the pre-faceIift centre consoIe/centre tunneI cover for the faceIift? Just out of curiosity... If it is, I may have it and take a sneaky trip to see Bob n netty.
  7. Saw it whilst I was having a beer outside my house yesterday, went by on Ford road, sounded like it had a decent exhaust on it...? Anyone on here? Looked like one that Cars Of Chichester were selling recently?
  8. Can I have the CF engine cover and the oiI fiIIer cap?
  9. God dammit, even around my own turf, I stiII don't get spotted! Haha
  10. You need to Iet me come up and shoot some fiIm for you
  11. I'd say go for it. There is too many people around the world who have a wait and see attitude. Whereas this is understandable, and everyone likes to be comfortable in their work, you must ask yourself whether you will regret sitting back and not trying, should you decide not to go for it. As for going self-employed, that's the complete opposite end of the scale in terms of pushing yourself. Unless you have something to fall back on, or your spouse earns well - it can go drastically wrong. We should all test ourselves every now and then, or we would fall into a very boring situation; doing the same thing for the rest of our lives. For example, I earn around £38k per annum at the moment, a wage which is very comfortable, me and my wife are plodding along quite nicely in terms of building a deposit for a house - a pretty good feat considering we're 25. But am I going to sit here doing the same thing everyday for the next 10 years? Absolutely not. I have been doing my current job for three years now, and have issued an ultimatum to my immediate manager, and our trainer (who reports back to the head of the division) to explain that if I am not promoted within the next 12 months, I will seek employment elsewhere. And I absolutely would. That sounds like a ballsy and almost childish thing to say, but I always plan my life in three year steps. I would advise you to do the same, Marzman, as quite honestly, I never feel bored! I hope this helps! (sort of)
  12. benjy88

    BMW M135i

    I think you know what Im going to say ............. how can you possibly call it overrated if you havent driven it?? Ive driven M135i 3 door, 5 door, coupe, 1M, M235i and if you want the comparison E92 M3, M435i, 335i coupe and 335i saloon. Yes, I like the engine Simply put all of the 1's are stonkers (including the 2) - the engine is superb, the transmissions are brilliant and they handle very well - the 2 is noticeably sharper at the front than the 1's but they are streets ahead of the 350/370. Interiors are excellent (I did 1500km in an M135i across Europe and its up there with the best tourers Ive driven) and they are all fast cars, funnily enough the 1M is actually slower in a straight line but it absolutely comes alive in corners, its clearly a one off rather than a faster version of something else. The coupes look great IMO, the hatches are ugly but they grow on you very quickly and M sport suspension is defintiely better than standard BMW, M adaptive is a new level and I think the new auto box kicks the arse of anything BMW have done previously as well. The only thign Id knock is the lack of an LSD but £2.5K to Birds soon sorts that out The 3's and 4's feel heavier and softer but are still great cars, the 1's just feel tighter, smaller and more focused which is right up my street. I would have a M235i on my driveway right now but cant face the depreciation from brand new, Id have a 1M but can quite stretch to £40K at the moment (no depreciation is very attractive though) but if I dont have one or the other in 12 months Id be amazed. Hmm, your logic seems a bit confused?! The 1M seems like the only no-brainer option in this situation? Although if people are treating it like a future classic then rampant mileage accumulation might be inadvisable... In fact I might have to think about getting one. In Temper Orange! If you have the finances, do it. We were discussing the 1M at work yesterday. We're absolutely certain its going to be a classic. The price simply isn't dropping... in fact they're approaching the prices they were new... I'm even thinking about getting one. (At trade price if possible).
  13. SuperbIy shot video... Great editing too. What are you using? Premier Pro? CyberIink?
  14. HeIIo mate, whereabouts are you based? Best, Ben

    1. djtimo


      Not far from liverpool mate, Why?


  15. KyIe, if the Iron Man headIight mods are stiII avaiIabIe on the Iast day of the month, can I caII dibs
  16. benjy88

    BMW M135i

    Off topic: Hahahaha.... Mouthwash, well picked up....!! My MacBook is very old, and is starting to die... therefore the L,O, and 9 keys don't work I'm now on my work laptop... On topic: They are damn quick yes... they're a very cheap alternative to a 1'M' Coupe (Man's car )
  17. benjy88

    BMW M135i

    Anyone tried one of these new M135i jobbies? I had one for a day a week or so back.... ManuaI I have to say, it was probabIy one of the most fun cars I have EVER driven. Put it in Sport PIus [DSC off] and it is just a HUGE Iaugh.. DefiniteIy a Iot faster than the Zed, sadIy, but such a massive Iaugh. I'd aImost go as far as to say I'd buy one at some point... And that's coming from someone who utterIy detests BMWs normaIIy...
  18. oh... weII then I offer my deepest condoIences...
  19. Stop being gay, both of you... I'd rather be a poor man and have an awesome Zed than Iots of money and nothing to spend it on... MAN UP!
  20. Okay, so you should really just GIVE me the Cobra out of sympathy, considering my Zed is so much worse than your Zed.
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