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Everything posted by benjy88

  1. Exactly Will, Or is there oil in the engine what tyres does it have and with how much tread do you have clicky axles how are the window motors how are the boot struts whats the clutch like has the car been crashed how much life do the brakes have in them have you lost the locking wheel nut key has the car got a stubby fitted have you ragged the nuts out of the car Any one of those would be more important than "What's the door pull like" First thing I done when I looked at 350's all those years ago was to open the door, if I saw scratches.. I walked. Obviously if they can't open a door properly they can't maintain any other feature of the 350z. All it takes is a ring to scratch it a couple of times I think he was being sarcastic lol...
  2. Well... firstly, welcome to the forum... Secondly... I think Nels0n might have some tips on buying second hand... lol. Thirdly, I changed my car 8 times in 5 years, and yet I have now settled on my Zed, it's as above - a 54 plate GT in sunset. All I can say is that it's bullet proof. I've really had no major issues at all in 2 and a half years of ownership now!! I still love the reaction it gets, and it's about the perfect sort of power really. I tend to feel sometimes that it's a little underpowered, but it is very usable. It has also got a brilliant chassis. The only thing you'd need to watch out for is the RWD, if you're not used to it. Catches FWD owners out sometimes!
  3. Oh god... you're gonna need the big boys for this stuff! Welcome aboard anyway! Get a project thread up ASAP too, I'm sure we'd all be subscribing!!
  4. Welcome aboard! You'll get used it it in the wet... and then you'll be bored when it's not wet...
  5. You don't need to be persuaded with a drive... I took one out recently and I almost wet myself it was so good. Take that as gospel. Haha
  6. HFC's, jesus they are hard! 3ft of extension bars to reach the top bolts I literally cried on my driveway after spending hours trying to fit them only managing to install one and I couldn't do the last bolt. Hahaha, man, if I'd known you then I would've let you use the workshop...! lol
  7. Ah they're no worries, that's what hydraulic ramps are for! BOAST.
  8. Thanks guys... It's okay, the smaller bits will probably get fitted next Sunday when I've got some time, and I can use the workshop at work. I think the other bits, I'll get fitted by a tech that knows what they're doing lol... Well. More than I do that is...
  9. Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever changed the interior Iighting behind aII the diaIs and gauges to a different coIour? Might not even be possibIe, just curious! WouId Iike to see it aII in bIue possibIy
  10. WeII, my current Iist of unfitted parts is as foIIows: Aftermarket HeadIights Samco hose kit Carbon Fibre engine Bay cover Reversing Camera BERK HFCs New wheeI nuts Bonnet struts Boot struts Carbon Fibre mirror caps... My issue now is that I want to do the whoIe Iot at the same time haha. Just to change the car compIeteIy in a day Maybe the first Sunday of Dec I'II do it in the workshop... WeIcome to join in the fun Mouthy.
  11. Good God... just found my oId thread!!! There's so many different mods now Iying in my spare room that there shouId be a decent update on this in January. Does anyone eIse have this probIem? Buying a shed Ioad of parts and having no time to fit them IoI??
  12. I'm always curious about wheel weights personally... The RAYS for example are VERY light, I always wonder whether if you replace them with an aftermarket wheel, will they not just make the un-sprung weight a lot more, thus hindering the handling?
  13. Your face is a massive ball ache....
  14. Steve, that car gave me the horn....
  15. Hahahaha... I'd say that's a great effort!!!
  16. I've seen this when I've driven through there as well... Never got a wave though... you're obviously far more privileged
  17. What's wrong with your current one dude
  18. The harness sorts the problem to be fair... even if he has to hang there until someone comes to help (evidently not Grundy ), then there's no risk of injury. That's assuming that the tree branch he's harnessed himself to is strong enough to withstand the weight! (And one should never assume haha)
  19. Literally had a conversation about this with my old man last night (Health and Safety Consultant). It's all about over-reaching. If there is a chance of over-reaching, the ladder will tip with the momentum of its user, thereby making the company liable if they haven't trained the staff not to over-reach! Seems like common sense doesn't it, and yet he has heard of over 100 incidents of over-reaching this year lol... I would also point out that both the foot of the ladder, AND the top of ladder are both resting on WET surfaces lol...
  20. Speak to Matt (Aliveboy) and Bizz Few more on here as well... I'm about to start getting more into it myself, so I'll follow you're progress
  21. Mine's a young'un... 69k (wehay) Just looked at what amount of oil I should be using, sposed to be around a litre every 3k lol, so actually I'm about right? It's due a service shortly, so I'll get my tech to fill it bang on, and then we're gonna monitor it. Just dreading possible piston ring changes etc
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