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Everything posted by dragon

  1. You can try online ultimate finnish thev'e got some good stuff
  2. Hi mate bodyshop prices vary if you can ask around where you live to find a decent one or maybe a member who lives near you can tell you of one good luck
  3. yeah mate get the seals checked even a tiny amount of leakage over time will do that !!
  4. dragon

    new wheels

    Plenty of options mate take your time
  5. Tops mate, another midnight bro
  6. dragon

    Alfa 4C

    Looks a bit tasty but 40 grand !!
  7. Surprised you ventured up to the lakes, after snow overnight? never mind manp those snow socks look a handy piece of kit.
  8. Iv'e got 07 gt was thinking of this setup myself sounds wicked! whats the sound like in the cabin, as i drive it a lot i dont want it too loud inside, cheers mate
  9. If its a jap import it should defo have the number.
  10. He did seem rather cool about it all
  11. Just has to be very very naughty
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