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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Such bad luck. I have had my spare one up for grabs on here. GT58ZGT
  2. As JP606 says. Upgrade the panel filters in the stock air intake boxes gives the best gains. Don't waste money buying bits you do not need just for the sake of it. If your not after the best gains and have money to burn on bling then go to the yanks.,
  3. Sorry I absolutely disagree with this deliberate temptation!!! And I am tempted to have some goods:)
  4. Can you get £150 in the tank? Not that I would ever want to!
  5. The advert says Nissan ARC Radiator 03-06 350Z:DISCONTINUED So that would rule out the HR. However I have looked at every 350 Zed and nothing has the inlet on the right side. Nearest is a Infinity G35 but then the bottom hose is wrong. Only engine I have not looked at is the 4.5L. I do love a mystery. Such a shame as its a lovely piece of kit.
  6. Mine is £750 paying instalments thats with the supercharger etc. AXA as standard is £300
  7. I had exactly the same with a forum trader insurance who uses Marketstudy or markerstudy. I said no and got over £200 knocked off. Its ok the big boys doing this, but a forum trader to a forum customer I think is just plain wrong IMHO !!
  8. Has your fluid started to go black? If it has your slave is knackered as when it starts to go the fluid starts to turn black. or it did on mine.
  9. My top hose is also on the left. The radiator outlet is on the right. Or am I blind
  10. If you do see him you will be the only one who does!! Since he got a GF he hardly comes out to play any more Kinda true. But it's mainly work that gets in the way. Very true
  11. Welcome. I am on A24 by George Pub Morden.
  12. If you do see him you will be the only one who does!! Since he got a GF he hardly comes out to play any more
  13. No known issues with the figment of Bounty Bar's on his HR last weekend
  14. No way as heat sets the pigment off and it solidifies.
  15. It is supposedly going to be hotter than Ibiza this weekend. I do not advise that anyone attemps to work on leather that has not been cooled 1st. The colder the better. If it feels anything other than luke warm to the touch then stick the aircon on for about 25mins. I have cancelled all my outside mobile repairs for the coming few weeks until the weather cools a bit. Emergencies can always be done in out workshop in Swanley Kent 2 mins junct 3 M25
  16. Hi Zhomo, I used a pad on the bolster dabbing where neccessary only and a toothpick on the seams, cracks and airholes on the main seat. I then diluted the dye and blended to avoid any colour mismatch. If I am critical, I can still just see a slight variation in colour on the seat back bolster and next time may colour the whole top side bolster lightly as the seam would hide any colour difference. Maybe 4RE Leather could advise on this. I am being really picky on this though as you really have to look closely to see the variation, my wife thinks I am being OCD! The biggest challenge now is to get her to sit on the base of the seat and twist in rather than sliding down the bolster...what chance!!! I would leave it. the variation is the fact that the untreated part still has some human contaminants in it like body sweat transfer (leathers greatest enemy) Plus the sun will cause its own colour difference. The only way to eliminate is to do the whole seat in one go. Once you put some light conditioner on in about 4-6 weeks it will all blend in and look great. Not that it doesn't already
  17. He read my DIY on seat refurbishment.
  18. Excellent work Rob I could not have done better myself I hope that this will encourage more of you to attempt your own seats.
  19. Well put it this way, if I had an accident with a car that had illegal tints I would be taking lots of pictures and regardless of fault I would be admitting none and claiming that the other car had reduced visibility, pretty sure I would win My rears are all tinted legally so I'm definitely not against it if it is done right Sent from the golf club... If I had a crash with you it would automatically be your fault. Get back to the Strawberry and funny hand shake brigade. No answer though is there?
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