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The G Man

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Everything posted by The G Man

  1. Spacers! Couldn't get a Black Edition , well I could've if I was prepared to wait Not in my DNA, patience that is
  2. I'm gonna have a meet on my own
  3. I can't have the only one in the UK! Scotland mibees, but not the UK, Shirley
  4. Hope to see you at Modified Live at Knockhill in May
  5. Have a look at the Knockhill Modified live thread and keep an eye out for some local meets Got an interesting track event coming up, details in my sig There's a few of us going down
  6. It's not a black then mate, they only came in grey and black. The salesman doesn't know what he's selling, they'll tell you anything.
  7. Checking in with a picture!
  8. Cosa Nostra? Sorry title change is due, there's only one Cosa Nostra
  9. Nice addition, as you say, it's a shame Nissan never gave the 370 a sound it deserves, oh and a blind man with a sore toe won't see those bolts, can't see a prob there
  10. "Gonna make you an offer you can't refuse"
  11. Looks like I'll be The Don of Dons
  12. +1 on that, impulsive to say the least, scattercash is my Mrs name for me, not that I've got any cash. I would be on in one of them, for me you can keep the Porsche's, the GTR has a ring of rarity about it
  13. Agreed This is the first time I've found exclusivety though
  14. Nice write up Couldn't agree more with your comments on the autobox.
  15. As per the slower colours threads 1. The G Man
  16. What about us new boys, Ebisu
  17. Neil, give me a shout when you are doing a drive by, you can sort me out as well , I'm only a couple of miles away, sounds like a mini meet
  18. Must admit I didn't pay attention to that when I fitted mine and went with what looked straight You're not that far away mate You must have a good eye Again, agree with Gurjeet, top notch
  19. Me or Gurjeet Stephen? +1 on a great place, Mark knows his stuff
  20. Super Chris It'll be a nice and safe, well run event and in a good cause Looking forward to meeting all of you
  21. Can't comment on the Scoob, but I test drove the 7 speed Auto before plumping for my 6 speed manual, no contest IMO, but then it depends what you need, auto = good in traffic, Manual = Good in more situations.
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