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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. pmsl pimped driving gloves,reckon i could get one with a zed emblem on them? they look like there made from wicker!!id be banned from every Z meet
  2. thats what i was thinking there on bridgestones and i never fancied them in the dry!!!!wht you reckon for winter tyres then?Falkens?
  3. im scared now no im not that sweaty at all!!its weird havent done loads of miles and normally smoth as normal but since got colder its got sticky on the top section of steering wheel
  4. ive got Rota GTRs but also a set of oem 17s as well would mine be ok??or is it worth changing them over? and when is everyone doing theres?
  5. Just wondered if it was just me but my steering wheel is like sticky rubber, and dependant on weather bits will apply them self to my hand at the end of a drive anyone else had this?? any spare steering wheels going round??
  6. yeah wasnt to bad but think had everyone worried again for moment pretty sad end to the season but great tributes to him shame the UK media isnt as bothered as the rest of the world is
  7. depends on where you live i guess im in london and ended up taking off my greddy gracer front lip as too many high speed bumps and gradients in car parks was a nightmare aswell leaving steep driveways but if it generally flat and low speed bumps then your ok id say an aftermarket bumper would give more clearance as my N1 bumper sits slightly higher than the lip.but all depends what bumper and lip your looking at really
  8. well maybe silly to you but can still cause an accident or incident whatever you want to call it...insurance may not be relevant but i thought they were quite key people in deciding whether something is in fact an accident or a deliberate crash??and if someone is at fault all the time like people say, then there the ones that usually piece it together i just think things like rain on the roads or high winds blowing stuff into your path and causing you to crash could be seen as an act of god as techinically no ones at fault
  9. what about a meteorite landing on your zed would that go down as a fault claim??
  10. I soooo want one of these was it hard to build??
  11. to get a bit more and a wider stance look maybe just the rear then??i dont know ive never put spacers on any of my cars before
  12. HAHA the giant ****!!legendary, theres a bit of a downhill approach to the bird wouldnt like to lock up into that
  13. yes sparky bit closer what you looking for it?
  14. http://www.brieftales.com/store/item.as ... ENT_ID=156 problem solved and cheap Back to the bonnets, Ive got 2 standard bonnets aswell none with a bulge though theres a carbon fibre one for £420 on ebay me thinks
  15. im in surrey mate are you in somerset??
  16. ive been looking for one since i bought my zed!! i then hit a cyclist so need a new bonnet now anyone know a ball park figure??
  17. what if you got keys to a car park and can lock yourself in??so not even the rozzers can get in!!!and its empty
  18. sorry to hear about your gf mate i guess you will save a bit of weight and fuel now at least is a way to look at it maybe something in the 1.4 area??reason i say that is i went to birmingham from south london and back for £30 i could prob get away with going to the shops and back with that in the zed Maybe something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2000-VOLKSWAG ... 1c206fa3e2
  19. i will do no prob the front right is coming off next week so il take a look and get some pics, what size spacers do you reccomend i get??
  20. I for sure believe the width of the OEM 18's is not enough and you can get a fair amount of wheelspin quite easily. Width is for sure needed when I upgrade. (Got my eye on these bad boys - only 25 will be made direct from manufacture in this colour - the Black Chrome me is thinking ) ooo i like the chrome ones .on oem my slip light was on constant with me,i kind of meant if he were opting against Rota 18s for the same reason
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