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Everything posted by scubapics

  1. At the very least make sure it has the rays alloys. The standard ones are absolutely ugly! The only problem with the BOSE is the skipping CD. There is a guide on here that shows you how to wire in a aux jack for mps or ipod or iphone. Do that and never use the CD player is the best option.
  2. Use a plastic spatula rather than a screwdriver with tape or rag. The extra width of blade and thinness makes it much easier and much less likely to mar the plastic coverings.
  3. Chaps, For your future reference, Admiral, Elephant and Bell are the same company working out of the same office in Cardiff (Grey Friars Towers if I remember correctly). I used to play them off against each other for years until they cottoned on and stopped you getting quotes from their sister sites if you were already insured with one of them. Multicar with Admiral seemed to offer good quotes. I yet to see whether I shall get screwed over on renewal day though. Jim
  4. Sign up for the fair fuel uk petition.... http://www.fairfueluk.com/ https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fairfueluk.com%2F&t=FairFuelUK
  5. I hope you are not suggesting your mates would lie for you? What if those chaps didn't actually do it? Play the game and keep your honour intact.
  6. I don't want to add too much more rain to your day but just to balance your expectations all you have so far is circumstantial evidence. 1. Trainer and print just proves that the chap owns a pair of trainers that are of the same type that were used to damage your car. Unless there is any specific wear patterns to direct link the damage to his trainers then it won't get past a judge. It's highly likely that someone else might have a pair just like those used unless they are a very rare brand. 2. The swab of the spit only proves that the chap, or someone else, spat on your car. it doesn't prove that said person kicked the door in. 3. You need an eye witness or CCTV footage. Does the pub have any? Is there CCTV in the street? Best of luck though. I hope you do get a result. Jim
  7. There's a very simple solution to this. Have a second bank account and put 1/12th of the MOT, service, tax and insurance into it each month. The result is: 1. You have the cash ready in twelve months time. 2. You could earn some interest. 3. You learn some financial lessons! 4. If your insurance goes down in 12 months time you get to take your better half out for a meal and amaze them with your financial prowess Do this for all your annual expenditures and you won't get caught short... Simples :-)
  8. Was that an advisory on the MOT? If you had a service at the same time most places would phone you up and tell you of the problems that need fixing. Putting it as an advisory seems wrong - aren't advisories there to warn you that the car is currently MOT clean but potentially could be an MOT failure in the near future. Failed fans is hardly an MOT failure - surely?
  9. I'd like just the cubby and buttons as I already have everything else.
  10. Hi all, I had my alloys refurbished by a franchised branch of a well known alloy wheel refurbisher. One of the wheels didn't quite work out right in that the paint finish wrinkled when it should be smooth. They attempted to redo the work twice but neither them or me were happy with the finish. The work was originally done in February with subsequent reattempts in March. I couldn't go back again at that time as my wife was heavily pregnant and about to give birth (e/o March). We mutually agreed that I would book the car in later in the year when it was more appropriate for the family. The work had a 12 month warranty anyway so was a problem for them or me. Now that the dust of the birth has settled and I have some time off coming up in August, I wanted to get the car booked in only to find that the branch has closed. Other branches are still open so the whole franchise is not kaput. However, as this is a franchised network, and each branch is owned individually (I guess), does anyone know if the franchiser is legally bound to honour the guarantee and authorise the work to be done at one of the other franchise branches. It's worth adding that the service received by the closed branch was superb at all times and there was never any doubt that they would sort the wheel out. Jim
  11. I agree. I wouldn't use it either. That cloth is going to be full of grit and abrasives.
  12. You make me laugh I was looking at a new black 370z in the showroom at Nissan Aldershot. The swirl marks on it were horrendous!
  13. Throttle position sensor in the throttle body could be clogged up. Strip it and clean it with carb cleaner. also check that the wiring to the sensor hasn't developed a fault, i.e. chaffed or even broken off at the PCB on the sensor as that could cause a temporary fault. Best to get the fault code first if there is one and go from there.
  14. Bet you could make something to repair that fairly easily. Nice home DIY job. Get some copper or brass metal rod from B&Q. Bend it to shape - maybe use two pieces that are joined together - one long piece to fit through to two end holes and a little straight piece to fit through the center hole joined to the long piece. Join them by soldering. Bish bash boff. Time for a beer!
  15. scubapics


    I thought the bonnet was aluminium. So not rust but certainly corrosion. Just get it stripped back to metal, filled etc. Not a big deal I wouldn't have thought. Just get some quotes from body shops. You can probably get it done around the £300 mark.
  16. It could just as easily be the drop links on the anti-roll bar rather than bushes. Common fault. Fairly cheap repair. Can be done DIY easily. There's probably a guide on here somewhere.
  17. Brilliant! Are you willing to split it up or want to hang on until someone never buys the whole thing?
  18. I guess at a push I could take the screen and the cabling. What screen is it?
  19. I'd be interested in the cubby and buttons but they have to be mint condition.
  20. I don't really know why the media keep insisting that it's phone hacking when it's not. It's voice-mail account hacking. Two very different things. Having said that, I hope everyone involved with this despicable act get sent to prison!
  21. Isn't that another form of discrimination? I find it rather odd that there isn't an employment law on this just as there is a law on age discrimination. After a little digging around I have found that rejecting someone because they don't hold a degree yet have significant number of years of experience in the field of the job role can be considered as age discrimination. Of course it is up to the job applicant to take to prospective employer to a tribunal and the employer has to prove that it is not being discriminatory. Something to remember for future applications I think to put forward, in a nice way, should I ever encounter this in the future.
  22. Isn't that another form of discrimination? I find it rather odd that there isn't an employment law on this just as there is a law on age discrimination.
  23. Not so. Many employers would reject a cv from someone without a degree but with 15 years experience in the specific expertise but happily interview someone with a degree and 2 years experience. It's a bit of a nightmare unfortunately. I honestly cannot see that happening unless there were a situation that you would have expected them to be more senior. E.g I'm at a certain level in IT sales and if someone wanted to join our team but had 10 years more experience I would question why their career hasn't moved forward more. I speak from experience unfortunately. I have 15 years experience in my field and my career has progressed no less, in fact better, than others with a degree and same length of experience. I was actually asked to apply for a job by a colleague who was in charge of a department only to find that the HR department could not consider my application because I had no degree. My colleague was furious as he knew me and my capabilities and experience and yet the HR department would not budge. I'm an engineer of both software, hardware and mobile phone protocols. I have designed systems, lead multi-disciplined teams of engineers, regular full project life-cycle experience, telecoms architect. Just about what you'd expect for that many years in the field. But this company, even on the recommendation of a member of their management team who had been with them for 8 years or so, would not even telephone interview me. I find this more so with larger corporate businesses and much less so with smaller firms.
  24. Not so. Many employers would reject a cv from someone without a degree but with 15 years experience in the specific expertise but happily interview someone with a degree and 2 years experience. It's a bit of a nightmare unfortunately.
  25. Don't buy that one. It doesn't fit particularly well and also doesn't work, i.e. reception is pants!
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