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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. Smudge


    its an 06 same as mine. the changes came with the 56 reg plate Ok, so what BHP would I have? is there a way to find out without a rolling road haha (what should it be?)
  2. dosn't look bad! strangely quite like the rims to
  3. I have to say £10 and P+P is a fair offer!
  4. Smudge


    ok well my car is an 06 plate, it has xeon headlights, but no rear LED's so i'm not sure what it is lol
  5. Smudge


    ok weird question, can the 276 have 6 gears? or do they just have 5?
  6. Smudge


    that is a good question! how do you tell the difference between a 276 and 296?
  7. LOL if anyone tried to smoke in my car i'd rip their head off lol HAHA
  8. LOL it's just obvious where all becoming a namby pamby nanny state, next everything will be covered in pillows! I heard a story that a winebego driver sued the company she bought it from in the states after SHE crashed it.. the excuse this is brilliant. when driving she engaged the cruise control then got up to make a cup of tea!!!! she said that the instructions for the vehicle didn't say she had to stay behind the wheel with the cruise CONTROL on! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. LOL my FG is in a million bits at teh moment to! i had a wee accident the last time i raced it and tore jsut about everything off it! the repair bill is about £300! the car new is around £1000 just waiting on everything coming across from Germany.
  10. LOL I never feel i have to! the car has plenty of go even at low range
  11. I have a few of these and a few 2 stroke DGs you can pick up a decent one for between £150 - £200 I have a colt pro nitro, it's a really decent car with a carbon fibre/titanium frame! it goes like stink lol. a few pics of my 2 stroke
  12. I'll have to remember that! it skipped for the first time the other day! wasn't chuffed
  13. Looks decent enough right price to.
  14. or press the loud pedal... everything melts away when you press that one
  15. That is one awesome looking car! and VERY sweet photos mate!
  16. LOL I actually quite like the v.3!! but I have to say I love the black and white infinus pic! that is one hell of a kit!
  17. hmmm you take the hard shoulder! which is full of broken glass, car parts sharp objects and broken down cars.... yeah thats a great idea
  18. LOL they should have Z detectors, when you approach the grit stops till your past lol
  19. Yeah! she's really fit! cars not bad to
  20. LOL won't be driving far on £40!
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